For many years he was able to fool them by making promises which he never intended to keep and, at EVERY incidence where his promises were found lacking, ALWAYS managed to regain the confidence of his subjects by making lame excuses and blaming other agencies for the lack of their fulfillment.
It was not until he discovered that his favourite pastime was costing him a great deal of money that he sought the counsel of one of his close associates (who had advised him of his financial predicament) that he decided to delegate the responsibility of his antics to THIS associate.
The 'RULER' created the 'High Office' position of 'Chief Piss-taker' and charged him with the task of maintaining order without deviating from his usual mode of rule.
The 'Chief Piss-taker' considered his position carefully and decided that the CRITICAL problem was a financial one and that his priority must be to relieve the 'RULER' of the burden he had imposed upon himself.
His solution was outstandingly brilliant, he actually invented the principles of 'DEMOCRACY' and, henceforth, those that were the victims of the 'RULER'S' directives, would be made fully reponsible for the payment of them !............ the new system worked well and since then, the 'SUBJECTS' of 'Democratically Controlled Nations', actually believe that THEY are in control of their own destinies whilst the 'RULERS' can sit back and enjoy the joke.