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Poll ended at Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:12 pm

Total votes : 16


Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:08 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I've just voted "No"! :D Making a landslide three to two, now.

Erolz deserves this ironic justice. After arguing for months on the value of his interpretation of the written word it is only right that he should be hoisted by his own petard of pseudo-pedantry!

He is either inexcusably illiterate and does not deserve the money or he was drunk when he made the bet so again he should not be paid. :P

Did you read that Milti? Now *that* is what REASONING is all about! :wink:

Having the nous to arrive at logical conclusions.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:11 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I've just voted "No"! :D Making a landslide three to two, now.

Erolz deserves this ironic justice. After arguing for months on the value of his interpretation of the written word it is only right that he should be hoisted by his own petard of pseudo-pedantry!

He is either inexcusably illiterate and does not deserve the money or he was drunk when he made the bet so again he should not be paid. :P

Well my dear, nothing more was expected of you, don't you agree?
If GR accepted the bet then GR, having clearly ....lust should pay up :lol: :lol:
I offered him a bet which he has yet to accept!! He wins this poll and I.. pey him/it 100 euros, however if he ...looses he ...peys me!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:12 pm

Now if you’ll excuse me people (peasants and Lords) I reluctantly have a wedding to attend in 40 degree heat... :(
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Postby Maximus » Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:20 pm

Lets say the bet is that remain have to win by more than 60% for you to win. 60% or less, or they loose, and I win. Lets also say evens shall we , I think that is pretty fair of me given that you said "I predict that what we're going to see is not only a “win” for Britain to remain in the EU but by a massive LANDSLIDE" and later added "Guaranteed!" ?

If these are the conditions of the bet and if GR accepted then GR should pay. This is the gentlemanly thing to do.

I would not have accepted these terms because they are not fair. However, if GR accepted the bet backing the "remain" he should pay because the UK voted to leave the EU anyway and he was on the wrong side of the bet.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:57 pm

I voted 'no', partly because I am not very interested anyway, and I am sure it must have been a joke (whatever bet that was).
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Postby miltiades » Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:18 pm

Tim, with due respect mate you do not know GR ! I know that being the recipient of an accolade may have influenced your " no" vote, however this poll highlighted the fact that this crude and disgusting individual ( you too would consider him as such) if he called your mother a prostitute as well as your sister, both of which in my case are dead.

Yes I use colourful language but NEVER insult anyone's family let alone the dead.
He is a disgusting piece of shit, just to say it Tim.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:28 pm

...with bad intentions, there is no Contract that sustains expected results; win or lose.

GR did not win this bet, and the "remain" side did not either.

...if you ask me, he is showing his "Turkishness" (fussing the details his way), a quality of "Greeks" by the way, who are no different.

Certainly, so little Grace for such a small sum, a bet, a bit of good-natured fun, is not the Cypriot way.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:23 am

miltiades wrote:Tim, with due respect mate you do not know GR ! I know that being the recipient of an accolade may have influenced your " no" vote, however this poll highlighted the fact that this crude and disgusting individual ( you too would consider him as such) if he called your mother a prostitute as well as your sister, both of which in my case are dead.

Yes I use colourful language but NEVER insult anyone's family let alone the dead.
He is a disgusting piece of shit, just to say it Tim.

Miltiades, with respect to you, and I know you to be a decent person, I just have other things on my mind at the moment. I have lived outside the country where I was born and grew up for most of my adult life. I thought I had settled here in Cyprus for the rest of my life (although that may have to change now). Even so, as you will understand, however long you stay away from your native country, it will always have a special place in your heart. To most people here it is a foreign country, and their ex-colonial ruler to boot, so they will view things differently from me, but what I have just witnessed has left me truly gutted. I have seen the far right in the UK force a referendum in the suicidal endeavour to break links with the continent with which as a fact of geography we are part of and need to be engaged with and take us out of the trading bloc that is the country's lifeline. Then I have witnessed the votes of the least intelligent, least educated and racist segment of the population being mobilised by the toxic right wing tabloids which this kind of person blindly obeys because they have never used their minds in their lives to support this ruinous motion and it has been passed by a narrow majority. You are well versed in economics and run a business in the UK so you are in a good position to judge, so tell me if I'm wrong. As I see it, the whole developed world is in the doldrums but, relatively speaking, the UK economy was in better shape than many of its peers. Debt was at manageable levels. When the upturn came, as it surely would, and still will (except it will now bypass the UK), the UK looked set to benefit and enjoy a period of reasonable economic growth - early signs of recovery were already there. Now, we are faced with this disaster. The UK is breaking its links to the bloc that is our lifeline and is now, as a small insignificant island, going to have to try to negotiate trade deals on a individual basis with countries, which will take years, and in the intervening time we are going to witness meltdown. All because of ridiculous chauvenistic, jingoistic, racist nonsense whose sell-by date came in a past century that the toxic right-wing tabloids brainwash the ignorant masses with! Even the far right that won this ruinous vote is lost for words and has no idea what we are going to do to get out of this mess and now the leaders of the movement to destroy the UK are turning round and telling us that all their promises were lies - something anybody with a brain knew anyway. Who is going to take us forward? Clowns like Johnson or Farage? Give me a break. So now I see my country left in ruins - and about to break up, since, as so many people who are capable of joined-up thinking were warning time and time again, this vote will lead to the breakup of the UK and the first moves in that direction have already been taken with the next Scottish independence referendum being tabled. And it not just theoretical, either. I have four nephews and nieces living in the UK who are embarking on their adult lives. To say that their lives have been ruined may be going too far, only hindsight will tell us how bad it will get, but it is certain that their futures are now going to be far less rosy as the UK collapses and disintegrates than it would have been with economic recovery and stability just around the corner. One of my nieces got married a couple of years ago and they have a daughter who recently celebrated her second birthday. I thought about that kid yesterday and tears came to my eyes at the thought that her future had been robbed from her. Don't blame her parents, who are both university educated, know how to use their minds and were firm remain supporters. In fact, it is said that 75% of the 18-22 year-old group voter remain. The younger generation was overwhelmingly capable of seeing that our future was in a uniting Europe which has sufficient clout to exercise true sovereignty on the world stage and with which by the simple geographic fact of us being in the same continent we are going to do the bulk of our trade. What right did a predominantly aged, low-educated, racist, jingiostic, union-jack waving (little do the morons yet understand that by their actions they have destroyed that union) bunch of little Englander retards have to destroy that generation's future? But they did. That's democracy and if the majority are stupid they may well take suicidal decisions - especially if others are leading them up the garden path for their own ulterior motives. So, you will have to understand that I am somewhat distraught at the moment and have little interest at the issue in this poll. Sorry.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:01 am

An exemplary post to say the least Tim, comprehensively presented with substance and common sense. I agree with your analysis unreservedly .

Like your self I live and work in a country that I was not born in but I consider the UK not only as my adopted country but a country that I have extremely close ties, family, children and much much more. I care for the country, I want the country to be not only a great country but a country I can be proud of and a country that leads the world in almost all fields.

Alas the little Englanders had other ideas when casting their votes. They were told that Brussels ruled, Brussels imposed laws enacted by un elected European beaurocrats , fed with cheap slogans that the geriatric mostly brigade swallowed , Lets get our country back, they were told, Lets be in charge of our own laws. The naïve, working older classes fell for it.

I employ 3 Eastern Europeans , all Bulgarians, combined length of service more than sixty years. Hard working honest and trustworthy employees.

The vast majority who voted to Leave have not the slightest idea of anything other than incessant repetition of cheap slogans. How on earth can anyone take Farage or the clown seriously.

I have seen the affects induced by the fall of stg against the euro the day after the referendum Some one posted that some time back the rate was much lower, indeed it was but then companies were quoting based on the rate at the time. Quotes given just days before the vote were of course based on the ratye as it was then, Do we now go back to clients and increase our quoted price ?

My own opinion is that this result has heralded the break up of the UK.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:35 am

miltiades wrote:An exemplary post to say the least Tim, comprehensively presented with substance and common sense. I agree with your analysis unreservedly .

Like your self I live and work in a country that I was not born in but I consider the UK not only as my adopted country but a country that I have extremely close ties, family, children and much much more. I care for the country, I want the country to be not only a great country but a country I can be proud of and a country that leads the world in almost all fields.

Alas the little Englanders had other ideas when casting their votes. They were told that Brussels ruled, Brussels imposed laws enacted by un elected European beaurocrats , fed with cheap slogans that the geriatric mostly brigade swallowed , Lets get our country back, they were told, Lets be in charge of our own laws. The naïve, working older classes fell for it.

I employ 3 Eastern Europeans , all Bulgarians, combined length of service more than sixty years. Hard working honest and trustworthy employees.

The vast majority who voted to Leave have not the slightest idea of anything other than incessant repetition of cheap slogans. How on earth can anyone take Farage or the clown seriously.

I have seen the affects induced by the fall of stg against the euro the day after the referendum Some one posted that some time back the rate was much lower, indeed it was but then companies were quoting based on the rate at the time. Quotes given just days before the vote were of course based on the ratye as it was then, Do we now go back to clients and increase our quoted price ?

My own opinion is that this result has heralded the break up of the UK.

Thanks. I knew you would understand and I need to get these things off my chest.
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