You all assume that
'free movement' is literally what it says ..... but it isn't! It simply means you are no longer free to enter the EU to work or avail yourself of common services, like benefits. There was no problem going on holiday to or with travelling through Spain, Italy, Cyprus etc. before we were all in the UK, so there will be no difference. We were not a member of Schengen .... neither is Cyprus so we needed a passport/ID card to travel. We live in Cyprus as EU citizens but we still need a residents permit .... so no change there either. You will not require visas but you may require a work permit, contributions to the social fund of the UK will no longer be assumed to be the same as contributions in the country you now reside in and visa-versa.
In Cyprus as far as I know pensioners will still be entitled to use the State Medical services but maybe we will no longer be able to use those of other EU countries unless the UK has the same arrangement with them as it has with Cyprus.
This idea that the doors will be shut and bolted and anyone with a UK passport will be locked out, is the sort of scare story that IMO cost the '
remain' camp the vote. It does not make sense ..... it is not the end of the World or even the UK.