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Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Jul 02, 2016 12:11 pm

Lordo wrote:it turns out the eu will not negotiate the terms of the new deal between the eu and the uk till after uk has exited. it may then take another 10 years to negotiate the deal. did any member of government not know this fact? why was this not mentioned, after all cameron was there negotiating before the referendum. do you sopose it never occured to him to ask.

When the clock starts you have 730 days to do a deal - there are 12 laws on sugar alone to sort out with the 574 Full time trade negotiators who have been doing it for 60 years against ZERO uk ones ...after that all imports BY LAW of UK and EU default to WTO base line - the import duty on milk and cheese is 36%
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Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Jul 02, 2016 12:16 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Tim, Lordo,

I think it is incorrect to say the The EU will not negotiate until after the UK has exited. Notice under article 50 does not end EU membership at that point but provides a two year period in which time Britain will still be a part of the EU and within which negotiations are meant to take place.

Gove suggest an article 50 Notice may not be served until next year....

IMO: They seem to be making up the rules as they go along. Logic says 1) Inform of intent to leave and loose certain privileges. 2) Use time to set up new arrangements with EU member States. 3) When arrangements have been made, Issue Article 50, implement new arrangements as a smooth transition over the two years.

If the UK is out of the EU by EU Commission decree I can't see how any of the rules could apply? You're OUT ..... full stop. But then I am not a lawyer! :roll:

But I did say ..... there is no way the EU Commissioners could allow a smooth transition and have the UK survive in tact or even better off. That was obvious from Day !.

The commision is just the civil service of the EU - it would be like whitehall clerks saying goodbye to a PM ..
No one who knows anything thinks this is anything but economic suicide - no one in germany cares about car exports to UK they can be ofset but the cutting off of UK exports to EEA . The germans will want the only thing in the UK worth havng - the city of london
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Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Jul 02, 2016 12:20 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:Paul, I see you live in Switzerland, where people can demand referendums which are then binding on the government. How does it work there? Can a vote by a slim simple majority on such a crucial issue be binding on the government, or is a higher qualified majority call for, at least where the consequences are very grave? Is the population overall better educated than in the UK and capable of understanding complex issues? (Kikapu also knows Switzerland very well so his views would be welcome, too.)

I live in Bermuda - my office is in Zurich .
saying the UK who has no written constitution and the CH is like saying your have a orange and i have a potato .
in all swiss votes there has to be a MIN amount of people vote and a MIN amount on the winnng side .
In this case, any change to the law requires both a majority of the valid votes cast and the majority of the cantons (double majority).
also a REF is called when 50,000 people ask for it ..

Tim, although I live in Switzerland and not a citizen, I follow elections and it's laws from a distance. What I do know is that Switzerland has a "Direct Democracy", specially on referendums where people can decide on the issues being proposed by whomever as long as they meet the required threshold. You can get more information on the link below.

http://direct-democracy.geschichte-schw ... ndums.html

if people get 50,000 signatures there are canon votes or federal votes - most are not binding and are used to know the will of the people .
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Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:37 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Tim, Lordo,

I think it is incorrect to say the The EU will not negotiate until after the UK has exited. Notice under article 50 does not end EU membership at that point but provides a two year period in which time Britain will still be a part of the EU and within which negotiations are meant to take place.

Gove suggest an article 50 Notice may not be served until next year....

IMO: They seem to be making up the rules as they go along. Logic says 1) Inform of intent to leave and loose certain privileges. 2) Use time to set up new arrangements with EU member States. 3) When arrangements have been made, Issue Article 50, implement new arrangements as a smooth transition over the two years.

If the UK is out of the EU by EU Commission decree I can't see how any of the rules could apply? You're OUT ..... full stop. But then I am not a lawyer! :roll:

But I did say ..... there is no way the EU Commissioners could allow a smooth transition and have the UK survive in tact or even better off. That was obvious from Day !.

The commision is just the civil service of the EU - it would be like whitehall clerks saying goodbye to a PM ..
No one who knows anything thinks this is anything but economic suicide - no one in germany cares about car exports to UK they can be ofset but the cutting off of UK exports to EEA . The germans will want the only thing in the UK worth havng - the city of london

They are welcome to the Casino banks! If you had even the slightest clue how the system worked ..... you would realise why! :roll:
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Postby Londonrake » Sat Jul 02, 2016 4:07 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:The germans will want the only thing in the UK worth havng - the city of london

Of course! Whilst the banks will rush at a head-spinning rate from London in order to pay Germany's 30% Corporation tax (33% in France), vice the UK's 20%.

That's not to mention the implementation of a Financial Transactions (Tobin) tax in the EU. Or things beyond consideration, like income tax and the advantages of London's location for both doing global business and living. I can see your point.

As far as German cars go. Have you looked at the trade figures? You'd have to be pretty hacked to cut the UK nose off in order to spite your German face. They're not like that .................. are they? They certainly weren't when I lived there. Anyway, that Lexus looks really nice.

How much will the EU lose in UK funding? £18 billion pa. Minus what we get back in discount of course (and that has been relentlessly whittled away over the years or given up by Blair in his fatuous attempt to become EU President. £7 billion a year? ). Then of course we have whatever Brussels magnanimously agrees to "spend" in the UK (our own money). I think something like £10 billion a year is the final total, give or take a billion. Almost serious money! :lol:

Given the CAP rate (40% of the EU's budget) I should think there are quite a few French farmers who are currently losing sleep. Unless of course Germany deigns to increase its support. That will go down extremely well with the electorate.
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Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:49 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:The germans will want the only thing in the UK worth havng - the city of london

Of course! Whilst the banks will rush at a head-spinning rate from London in order to pay Germany's 30% Corporation tax (33% in France), vice the UK's 20%.

That's not to mention the implementation of a Financial Transactions (Tobin) tax in the EU. Or things beyond consideration, like income tax and the advantages of London's location for both doing global business and living. I can see your point.

As far as German cars go. Have you looked at the trade figures? You'd have to be pretty hacked to cut the UK nose off in order to spite your German face. They're not like that .................. are they? They certainly weren't when I lived there. Anyway, that Lexus looks really nice.

How much will the EU lose in UK funding? £18 billion pa. Minus what we get back in discount of course (and that has been relentlessly whittled away over the years or given up by Blair in his fatuous attempt to become EU President. £7 billion a year? ). Then of course we have whatever Brussels magnanimously agrees to "spend" in the UK (our own money). I think something like £10 billion a year is the final total, give or take a billion. Almost serious money! :lol:

Given the CAP rate (40% of the EU's budget) I should think there are quite a few French farmers who are currently losing sleep. Unless of course Germany deigns to increase its support. That will go down extremely well with the electorate.

WOW i would be worried if i was a multi national bizness without google - took me 1 min to find that in DUBLIN is 15% lower then the UK ....
you can move you HQ there and do most of your trades i FF .with you ´passport´
getting the US BANKS in the eurozone will mean they can give free tractors to every french farmer - its worth billons ..

And you dont know Germans - im married to one and when they make there minds up of the way to go ,she says ´then we get on our panzer (shell) and we cannot be stopped´ so if you think they will back down and offer the single market you have no chance .

Also GOLD in metric tonnes
´EU´ 8,767
germany 3,381
IMF 2,814
france 2,451
italy 2,431
ECB 504
UK 310
leabnon 286
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