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Re: this is a must

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:45 pm

CBBB wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:and here we go
Y-chromosomal analysis of Greek Cypriots reveals a primarily common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry with Turkish Cypriots

Brave man!!

I didn't want the flack

Not brave, just stupid.

while TCy also share around 3% of haplotypes with mainland Turks, and to a lesser extent with North Africans.

TCy show a slight shift towards Turkish populations, due to the presence of Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups.

The results say one thing, yet ....

Overall, GCy also have a similar Y-haplogroup distribution to non-Turkic Anatolian and Southwest Caucasian populations, as well as Cretan Greeks.

And what evrybody else has been saying all along:

... data puts Cypriot in the middle of a genetic continuum stretching from the Levant to Southeast Europe

Nothing new and because of the 'political correctness' important for getting published, we have zero science here!
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Re: this is a must

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:57 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
CBBB wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:and here we go
Y-chromosomal analysis of Greek Cypriots reveals a primarily common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry with Turkish Cypriots

Brave man!!

I didn't want the flack

Not brave, just stupid.

while TCy also share around 3% of haplotypes with mainland Turks, and to a lesser extent with North Africans.

TCy show a slight shift towards Turkish populations, due to the presence of Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups.

The results say one thing, yet ....

This is all covered by the report, and does not undermine the premise that the primary ancestry of Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriots is from a common pre Ottoman origin, and where you are using divisness by selectively quoting about the minor differences that have come in, probably in the Ottoman period, to discriminate between Greek speaking and Turkish speaking Cypriots.

Interestingly it points to the affinity of Cypriots and Cretans due to probably similar ancient migration patterns....
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Re: this is a must

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:05 pm

Overall, the combined YHRD sample from Greece appeared much closer to Cypriots than the combined YHRD sample from Turkey.

Turks, feck off from Cyprus! It's Greek!!!!! :D
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Re: this is a must

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:22 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Overall, the combined YHRD sample from Greece appeared much closer to Cypriots than the combined YHRD sample from Turkey.

Turks, feck off from Cyprus! It's Greek!!!!! :D

Yes the recent Anatolian post 74 settlers can go, and where you are talking about Turks
Turks showed larger genetic differentiation from both GCy (Rst = 0.0316) and TCy (Rst = 0.0229). The P-values between Cypriots (both GCy and TCy) and Greeks and between Cypriots (both GCy and TCy) and Turks demonstrated statistically significant differences, indicating population structuring (i.e., evidence of two independent “fixed” populations).

However if you are trying to present Turkish Cypriots as Turks then, as it said earlier:
In this analysis, GCy and TCy show a very small genetic differentiation (Rst = 0.0008). Other than this observation, for both GCy and TCy, the lowest Rst values were with the Lebanese (Rst = 0.0080 and 0.0063, respectively) and Greeks (Rst = 0.0113, 0.0098, respectively). Comparisons between GCy and TCy produced non-significant p-values (>0.05) through permutation, indicating a single panmictic gene pool.

They are Cypriots:

As for Cypriots being Greek:
A major feature differentiating Cypriots from Greeks, is the much lower frequency of haplogroups I (2.9% GCy, 7.3% TCy, ~10–21% mainland Greeks) and R1a (2.9% GCy, 3.2% TCy, ~10–22% mainland Greeks) among the former. All differences in haplogroup frequencies between populations were statistically significant (Fisher’s Exact test, p<0.001).

We have been otherwise been through this before before in this topic where I will again refer you to the following paper:
Y-chromosome phylogeographic analysis of the Greek-Cypriot population reveals elements consistent with Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements
which states
Comparing the entire set of Y-chromosome haplogroups with those from regional populations surrounding Cyprus revealed a high Anatolian influence (mY = 66 %), followed by the Levant (mY = 24 %) then the Balkan regions (mY = 13 %, Table 2).
("Balkans merges Danube with Greece)

That is to say the majority ancestry is likely from what is now Modern day Turkey and the Lebanon.... "

And this small Greek element is likely present almost as much in the Turkish Speaking Cypriot Population as in the Greek Speaking Cypriot Population, but not quite so much after taking into account the even smaller Post Ottoman Invasion additions.
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Re: this is a must

Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:32 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Overall, the combined YHRD sample from Greece appeared much closer to Cypriots than the combined YHRD sample from Turkey.

Turks, feck off from Cyprus! It's Greek!!!!! :D

Rub his nose in it, he needs to be forum trained. 8)
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Re: this is a must

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 22, 2017 5:51 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Overall, the combined YHRD sample from Greece appeared much closer to Cypriots than the combined YHRD sample from Turkey.

Turks, feck off from Cyprus! It's Greek!!!!! :D

Rub his nose in it, he needs to be forum trained. 8)

Read my answer to "g"IGgle girl which shows that once again she is selectively misquoting and misrepresenting the report. Same old same old, That or is she so fecking stupid she does not have a fecking clue what she is reading . Otherwise if you cannot address the science yourself, feck off.

One otger point , the bit gig quotes supports the pre Ottoman origin of Turkish speaking Cypriots,.... :D :) :D
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Re: this is a must

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:30 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote: ... supports the pre Ottoman origin of Turkish speaking Cypriots,....

Did they present any DNA data for "Ottomans" ? NO. Utter nonsense of a statement.

Any mention of Ottomans is in reference to TCs having Ottoman origins.

TCy show a slight shift towards Turkish populations, due to the presence of Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups.
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Re: this is a must

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:36 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Overall, the combined YHRD sample from Greece appeared much closer to Cypriots than the combined YHRD sample from Turkey.

Turks, feck off from Cyprus! It's Greek!!!!! :D

Rub his nose in it, he needs to be forum trained. 8)

Go easy. He's suffering from rabies. :P
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Re: this is a must

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:00 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote: ... supports the pre Ottoman origin of Turkish speaking Cypriots,....

Did they present any DNA data for "Ottomans" ? NO. Utter nonsense of a statement.

Any mention of Ottomans is in reference to TCs having Ottoman origins.

TCy show a slight shift towards Turkish populations, due to the presence of Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups.

this is the tittle of the report
Y-chromosomal analysis of Greek Cypriots reveals a primarily common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry with Turkish Cypriots

it states
TCy show a slight shift towards Turkish populations, due to the presence of Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups. Overall, the Y-chromosome analysis performed, using both Y-STR haplotype and binary Yhaplogroup data puts Cypriot in the middle of a genetic continuum stretching from the Levant to Southeast Europe and reveals that despite some differences in haplotype sharing and haplogroup structure, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots share primarily a common pre-Ottoman paternal ancestry

That is the bit you have failed to deal with.

then they deal with Eastern Eurasian (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) Y-haplogroups
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed on haplogroup frequencies using XLSTAT (Addinsoft, New York, NY 10001), and the first two principal components were plotted in a PCA plot. The PCA was repeated after simulating the pre-Ottoman Y-haplogroup composition of the Cypriot population. Since, based on previous publications[12,14], a small proportion of Cypriots appear to carry Eastern Eurasian haplotypes, the pre-Ottoman haplogroup composition of Cypriots was estimated, under the assumption of an Ottoman origin of some of the Eastern Eurasian haplogroups found in Cyprus (see Introduction for justification). The reason for focusing on the Eastern Eurasian haplogroups in our analysis is that Western Eurasian haplogroups, such as those mentioned above, were already present in Cyprus prior to the arrival of the Ottomans. Therefore only the presence of Eastern Eurasian haplogroups can clearly indicate, in both qualitative and quantitative terms, the influx of Ottoman Turks in the island.

your comment
Did they present any DNA data for "Ottomans" ? NO. Utter nonsense of a statement.
is incorrect as yes they did:

One additional difference between GCy and TCy was the presence of moderate numbers of East Eurasian (primarily Central Asian) Y-haplogroups and small numbers of North African Y-haplogroups among TCy but not among GCy. The frequency of East Eurasian [(some of which of possible Ottoman origin)]haplogroups among TCy was C-M130 (0.5%), H-L901 (0.3%), N-M231 (2.4%), O-M175 (0.8%) and QM242 (1.3%), reaching a total of 5.6%, but only totalling 0.6% among GCy

That is the slight shift which you quote above: it is less than the 13% of the Balkan component (Balkans include Greece) but clearly shows that where they have looked at
Eastern Eurasian[/u] (some of which of possible Ottoman origin) [u]Y-haplogroups
it is your statement that is
Utter nonsense of a statement
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Re: this is a must

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:21 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:your comment
Did they present any DNA data for "Ottomans" ? NO. Utter nonsense of a statement.
is incorrect as yes they did:

One additional difference between GCy and TCy was the presence of moderate numbers of East Eurasian (primarily Central Asian) Y-haplogroups and small numbers of North African Y-haplogroups among TCy but not among GCy. The frequency of East Eurasian [(some of which of possible Ottoman origin)]haplogroups among TCy was C-M130 (0.5%), H-L901 (0.3%), N-M231 (2.4%), O-M175 (0.8%) and QM242 (1.3%), reaching a total of 5.6%, but only totalling 0.6% among GCy

Gotcha! Where is the ottoman DNA? Only in TCs according to the above. :lol:
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