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Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby Cap » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:15 pm

Kikapu wrote:Erdogan wants every female to get married from age 13 and to have as many children as possible, just so to increase Turkey's population to match the likes of China and India, thinking this gives the Turks a lot of power. Never mind the fact that it will be an increase of uneducated and unskilled population, which would be no different than the majority of Turks today in Turkey. The more uneducated and religious Islamist the new generation becomes, the more they will hold the Erdogan family at the highest esteem, which will turn the Erdogan family something equaling to Royals, and to rule Turkey in that fashion. Yes, Erdogan is trying to find jobs for his family for the long term as Royalty. In the meantime, females getting pregnant 8-10 times during their "service years", are to breed like cows, who won't be even allowed to go out into the public when pregnant, because Turkish men don't want to see "fat" women on the street, just only those young and pretty 13+ year old virgins. :roll:

There's probably alot of truth in this. hehe
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:27 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: It is a fact that women who reject motherhood are generally psychos, and those who can't have children either because the husband or them are not fertile, feel incomplete.

Utter nonsense imo.

I am not certain about the first part, mainly because some women I know who have decide against familyhood are otherwise quite sane, while even some women who have children are for the last part, I must beg to differ...knowing several people who have had difficulties having children, those who cannot have children can feel incomplete. They may spend thousands on eg IVF to acheive their aim....and can up bitter, twisted and jealous of those with Children when it does not work
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby erolz66 » Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:35 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: It is a fact that women who reject motherhood are generally psychos, and those who can't have children either because the husband or them are not fertile, feel incomplete.

Utter nonsense imo.

I am not certain about the first part, mainly because some women I know who have decide against familyhood are otherwise quite sane, while even some women who have children are for the last part, I must beg to differ...knowing several people who have had difficulties having children, those who cannot have children can feel incomplete. They may spend thousands on eg IVF to acheive their aim....and can up bitter, twisted and jealous of those with Children when it does not work

To want to have your 'own' children and be unable to do so would of course be challenging. However the idea that you are 'incomplete' as a woman, or man for that matter, if you do not have children of your own, either by choice or by fluke of nature, is what I disagree with.
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:30 pm

Let the women speak up you homos! What the fuck do we know about how they feel on these issues? :?
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:34 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:He is partially right. It is a fact that women who reject motherhood are generally psychos, and those who can't have children either because the husband or them are not fertile, feel incomplete.

Maybe that's because there are troglodytes like Erdogan who make such stupid uneducated statements to try and make women feel inadequate as human beings. I suppose you support his idea that women shouldn't laugh in public either or that they should cover up their hair in case they make a man - a wise, all knowing man - go *psycho* with desire! :roll:

What a lousy way to think!

Do you disagree with the above statement GIG? If yes you are living in an imaginary world
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:21 am

erolz66 wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: It is a fact that women who reject motherhood are generally psychos, and those who can't have children either because the husband or them are not fertile, feel incomplete.

Utter nonsense imo.

Do you really beleive that or you think it should be so??
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:04 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:He is partially right. It is a fact that women who reject motherhood are generally psychos, and those who can't have children either because the husband or them are not fertile, feel incomplete.

Maybe that's because there are troglodytes like Erdogan who make such stupid uneducated statements to try and make women feel inadequate as human beings. I suppose you support his idea that women shouldn't laugh in public either or that they should cover up their hair in case they make a man - a wise, all knowing man - go *psycho* with desire! :roll:

What a lousy way to think!

Do you disagree with the above statement GIG? If yes you are living in an imaginary world

Yes, I do believe imposing such negative views on "fitness to reproduce" and creating images that people are "more worthwhile if they have more kids" has a lot to do with making people feel inadequate if they don't follow the path.

If we passed on the more enlightened view that there are too many people in the world and we should limit our population growth, people would be freed from the shackles of our primitive past and this would also add to a solution for global resource limitations.
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby erolz66 » Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:58 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: It is a fact that women who reject motherhood are generally psychos, and those who can't have children either because the husband or them are not fertile, feel incomplete.

Utter nonsense imo.

Do you really beleive that or you think it should be so??

Well as Supporttheunderdog correctly pointed out you make two different assertions. One that women who reject motherhood (by choice) are generally psychos. Secondly that people who want their own children feel incomplete.

This second claim in the form you wrote is not utter nonsense imo and I should have been clearer about that. Clearly for people who want their own child and are unable to achieve that, they may well feel 'incomplete'. In the same way someone who has a burning desire to be, to pluck an example out of thin air, a police person but is unable to qualify for such a role for some reason, may well feel 'incomplete'.

If you cast the second claim in the form that women (or men) who are unable to have children of their own are incomplete, rather than some of them (those that want their own children) feel incomplete, then I do think that claim would be utter nonsense imo.

I am just shy of 50 years old. I have since a very young age been of the opinion that choosing to make new children whilst the world is already full of existing children in dire need of loving parents and a stable home and given that the world is already struggling under the burden of population, is a selfish, narcissistic ego driven pursuit. These are some of the reason why I have by choice chosen to not have my own children. I have always said from a very young age, if I wanted to experience the nurturing of a child, I would adopt and foster before having my own children. My partner of 30 years also chooses to not have children of her own. I do not think either of us are 'psychos' or incomplete because of this life choice of ours. I really do not understand why so many people have a desire to have children that have to be made of a random mix of their own and one other specific persons genes. For me the desire to want to nurture and raise a child is understandable but to only want to do so if it has 'your genes' and not if it does not is a mystery. Population growth is the unspoken 'elephant in the room' that no one talks about or tackles, yet is at the core of finding sustainable ways for us to live on this planet. My 'carbon footprint' is large by any world average, but by choosing to bring a new life or multiple lives into the world I expand the carbon footprint I am responsible for exponentially and into the future long after I may cease to exist. I think it is obscene the resource that is expended trying to help first world couple who are unable to have have their own children when they are unable to, when there are hundreds of millions elsewhere in the world who die, or go blind, or suffer other debilities for want of the most basic medical care . If people are driven to nurture, then nurture the already existing unwanted children. Don't spend vast amounts of money and resource creating more children because you only want to nurture children that share 50% ish of your own genes.

Then there is the whole politics of the claim (which I admit may not be a claim you are making) that a woman that has not experienced childbirth is somehow 'incomplete', as a human being, because they have not experienced childbirth. To me this is the politics of previous centuries, of the oppression of women. It undermines all the real progress and gains of female emancipation that have been fought for so hard and won by so many around the world. Defining women, their role in society or their 'completeness' as human beings and such like in terms of their bearing of children or not, is to me the politics of the previous centuries of pre emancipation of women.
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby Sotos » Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:30 pm

Erolz, have you considered suicide? Just imagine how much more carbon you will create by merely existing for another 30-40 years! You have no children to take care off, your views are already recorded and merely repeating them consumes valuable energy, and lets face it, if we take your logic to its extreme there is no point in you existing and you do it for selfish reasons, even though you have the ability to partially correct the mistake that your parents made in creating you ;) :P
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Re: Erdogan : Childless women are deficient and incomplete

Postby erolz66 » Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:57 pm

Sotos wrote:Erolz, have you considered suicide? Just imagine how much more carbon you will create by merely existing for another 30-40 years! You have no children to take care off, your views are already recorded and merely repeating them consumes valuable energy, and lets face it, if we take your logic to its extreme there is no point in you existing and you do it for selfish reasons, even though you have the ability to partially correct the mistake that your parents made in creating you ;) :P

I will take that in the light hearted, jocular sense I am guessing (?) you wrote it in and just respond with a :) If however there is any 'seriousness' you feel need addressing in that response do just let me know and I will respond as and when I get the chance.
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