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Thinking about moving to Cyprus from Malta - Healthcare conc

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Re: Thinking about moving to Cyprus from Malta - Healthcare

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:21 pm

So obviously, Germany was justified in exterminating 6 million Hews, mostly elderly, women and children as the fit men were used as Labour until the exhausted their usefulness!


I am not the one who has just posted that he is in favour of the extermination of pensioners because they are non-productive, useless old people that are costing tax money to give them health care, so best dispensed with and save the cost. You obviously admire Hitler and his final solution?
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Re: Thinking about moving to Cyprus from Malta - Healthcare

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:24 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
“Up to this point Jews virtually ran Germany"

That is recorded historical fact. Did I say that I supported Hitler?????


Is that a response? :?:
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Re: Thinking about moving to Cyprus from Malta - Healthcare

Postby 36510 » Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:11 am

I don´t know what the situation is like for Brits. For me as a German pensioner with German complusory health insurace I was given the choice of either giving up my German health insurance and becoming a member of the Cypriot public healthcare system or not doing that, going to whichever doctor/ hospital and submitting their bill to my German health insurance which would refund as much as the treatment had cost the insurance in Germany.
So far, I´ve used Cypriot healthcare only once, when I had a lumbago. I went to a public hospital, was seen by a doctor within 90 min (had no appointment) and given a script for physiotherapy, massages and heat applications. I didn´t go to a public hospital to have those prescriptions filled though as the location wasn´t close to where I live. So I was given an (reasonable - € 25 per 45 - 60 min session) invoice which I still have to submit. I guess I´ll get it all refunded as I doubt it would have been cheaper in Germany. Most of all though it worked well. So my limited experience with public healthcare in Cyprus has been okay.
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