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Help! I want to come home!

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Help! I want to come home!

Postby troll » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:04 am

A happy new year to you all! I grew up in Cyprus between 1964 and 1984. I currently work as a professional archaeologist in the distinctly soggy UK. I hope to return to live on the island again as soon as possible.Not only that, I hope to apply for Cypriot citizenship one day. As someone who earns less than an average toilet cleaner here in the UK, I am not able to buy property.I would have to rent cheap accommodation and find work in Cyprus pretty quickly.I`m not proud-I am more than willing to do any job and I have no desire to accumulate wealth either! I just want to come home.Any advice or indeed offers would be greatly appreciated. With love and best wishes to all for 2006 and hopes for a peaceful solution for all.
Simon :D
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Postby Maria28 » Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:49 pm

Hello troll,

Archaeologists receive such a low salaries in the UK?

Maybe you exaggerate a bit?

Good luck to you!
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Postby troll » Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:09 pm

Greetings Maria, happy new year! Honestly, in relative terms-professional UK field archaeologists are paid about the same as car- park attendants. A recent survey carried out by a major national newspaper shows archaeology to be the lowest paid job a British graduate can enter.I`m afraid that although Britain is rather fond of waving flags about, the UK government places little value upon the nations heritage. :oops:

For confirmation of current pay scales-please visit
this site also has a vibrant forum/messageboard where many are attempting to push for radical change. :D
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Postby djtrax98 » Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:27 am

Hi Troll,
I like you am a professional archaeologist graduated from Leicester Uni in 2003, and found that archaeology doesnt pay in the uk UNLESS you go on to do another course in a specialism like i am about to do a course in forensic archaeology to join the police.
I have returned back to Cyprus, and i think you might wanna look into working for the department of antiquities here, they are crying out for professional archaeologists to join their team, as i think they do have people retiring soon and many more positions are now being opened through the EU accession. Obvious benefits to this would be a good job with a steadily rising wage, and as its a gov't job, you would receive all the benefits too! I looked into it myself however have decided to do the course before i make up my mind in anything.
If you would like further assistance or info i mave many family contacts high up in the department who i could say without hesitation would have no problem speaking to you about getting a job here.
Email me at:
[email protected]

archaeology in uk is boring anyways!
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Postby Greek goddess » Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:10 am

Hi Troll

Your desire to return is so intense
that I just have to wish you
All the luck in the world achieving it.
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Postby troll » Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:46 am

Greetings everyone! I hope you are well. Thank you very much for your really positive responses. I have had a few thoughts recently and have thought about studying for a masters. Unfortunately, the University of Cyprus would be out of my reach financially so I resolve to undertake further studies here but in the meantime- I aim to better my record of visiting Cyprus at least three times a year! Love every chance I get.One of these days, I will stay!!!! Many thanks for all your help and wishes.
Kind regards and hopes for peace for all. :D :D :D
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Postby Piratis » Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:07 am

Unfortunately, the University of Cyprus would be out of my reach financially

How expensive is it for non Cypriots EU citizens? I am just curious.
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Postby troll » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:48 pm

djtrax-many thanks once again-have e-mailed you this evening. Piratis/Goddess/Maria-many thanks for you kindness and words of encouragement. I suppose that I am in one of those crossroads in my career- I now have the qualifications and plenty of experience but I have no intention of continuing to work here in the U.K. A course at the Uni of Cyprus would be ideal but unfortunately, professional archs here earn so little that paying for a new degree would be almost impossible. One way for me to go would be to find enough work on the Island (barwork/security/toilet cleaning) to enable me to perhaps put some money away for a course in the future.I seem to be tied to the U.K with no real way out. I have been offered some driving work there but it seemed to be short-term. When I do move back to Cyprus-I want it to be permanent so that I can apply for citizenship as soon as possible.I`m tempted to ask if I could serve National Service with the Army as a way back home! What do you think? I hope to spend two weeks on the Island in June/July this year and will scour employment agencies and leave my c.v everywhere! Not giving in!!! Again, many thanks to you all and I wish you all health and happiness. xxxxxxxxxxxxx :D
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Postby tcklim » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:42 pm

All you have to do to apply for citizenship is stay here for a year.... since you already gathered enough years previously, the only thing is you have to have lived on the island continuously for a year immediately before the date of your application. The process is extremely long though, once you apply averaging 2 years just to get a decision.
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