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I hold the Flag of Cyprus

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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby erolz66 » Sat May 28, 2016 9:20 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Your interpretation that for me to hate the racists that have destroyed Cyprus and practice racist apartheid is 'racist' is frankly laughable.

That you have stated that all that TC are are thieves, to give just one recent example from the hundreds that could be given, shows your hatred is expressed towards the community that is TC and all those within it. You may well blame all TC for the state Cyprus is in today, and seek to absolve all Greeks and GC from it, but that in itself is just an example of the racist ideology than underpins the vast majority of your posts. It may well be understandable that that you choose to hate all TC or all Turks, for the actions of some TC and some Turks, but that it is understandable does not make it any less of a racist world view.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:- However, your support of the racist apartheid governed by Turkey, and enjoyment of a TC culture set up on stolen property and ethnic cleansing is something that needs to be recognised as criminal and morally evil.

Your interpretation that I support the current status quo in Cyprus, is divorced from actual reality and is frankly laughable, when compared with what I have actually posted here.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat May 28, 2016 9:51 pm

...who will fly the Flag of Cyprus higher?, Lordos, you Paphitis, you GIG, and you too erolz?

let me put it this way, three choices: "Greek", "Turkish", Cypriot.

...i understand what that Flag represents to you erolz (and Lordo), i find it surprising that GIG doesn't get its value, Paphitis can you answer a simple question; what are we trying to change?

...(who are we trying to change, if not ourselves.)
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby erolz66 » Sat May 28, 2016 10:06 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:let me put it this way, three choices: "Greek", "Turkish", Cypriot.

That Cypriots should choose to place their commonality as Cypriots above and ahead of their differences as Cypriots, is a position that I have advocated here on this forum, consistently over years. What is more I do not just advocate it as something that all Cypriots should seek to do, I practice it personally on an ongoing basis and have done since choosing to live in Cyprus as a Cypriot. That for me the current RoC flag is not a clear unambiguous symbol that represents this idea and ideal is pretty much irrelevant. By my words and my action I place being Cypriot ahead of being a TC or being a GC, or Turkish or Greek and I always have done.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat May 28, 2016 10:19 pm GIG? you Paphitis, you Lordo, you GR say it again even clearer?
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 28, 2016 10:23 pm

To me, there is something almost more honest in Turks who have come here to kill and steal and colonise Cyprus than in the TCs who pretend they are hard done by and are making do .... suffering .....despite having so much land that does not belong to them. :roll:

But, at the bottom of the pile of human scumbags I would place those TCs (and I knew a few, years ago in London) who had no desire to return to Cyprus but did so because they were suddenly alerted to all the free property they could acquire that "once belonged" to Greek Cypriots. They came to Cyprus declaring themselves "true Cypriots" and somehow better than the Anatolian settlers (with whom they do not want to share Cyprus with just as these TCs did not want to share Cyprus with Greek Cypriots).

If I can delve lower, we find those half-breed TCs who under normal circumstances would have had nothing more to do with Cyprus than an odd holiday visit but who suddenly have acquired a new identity - as lords over an apartheid land that makes them superior, special, so much more than they would have had in London where TCs are part of the lowest achieving academic ranks ... and they come to "Cyprus" (occupied Cyprus) and lord it over everybody.

These are the hypocrites - the ones who are racist, live in a newly-created racist culture and yet have to demonize those who object to the apartheid they enjoy ........ daily!

I make no secret of the fact that I would put erolz in the lower echelons and that is why he hounds me! He hates the truth!
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 28, 2016 10:26 pm

erolz66 wrote: .... choosing to live in Cyprus ....

... post 1974, since Turkey conveniently invaded and set up an apartheid racist culture for you to enjoy!

- What a shame those 200,000 native Greek Cypriots can no longer do the same, in their own homes, idiot!
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 28, 2016 10:37 pm

erolz66 wrote: .... when compared with what I have actually posted here.

What you do, and what you say are two different things! I am not blinded by your crafty words.

You are dishonest to the core.

You have to be - because you enjoy the racist Apartheid Turkey has created for you but you want to somehow be seen as better than the invaders (you are a racist, no?) - you want to be seen as a "true Cypriot" as though it is something Turkey can give you (no, not till Cyprus is free!) is NOT something you can acquire in a Turkish occupied territory - it's NOT!
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby erolz66 » Sat May 28, 2016 10:57 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:To me, there is something almost more honest in Turks who have come here to kill and steal and colonise Cyprus than in the TCs who pretend they are hard done by and are making do .... suffering .....despite having so much land that does not belong to them.

I have more respect for the likes of kurpertos who makes no bones that they subscribe to a Greek supremacist neo nazi ideology and does so without having to constantly project his racism on to others. They are what they are and do not pretend to be anything other than what they are. That behaviour at least commands some respect even if their ideologies do not.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:They came to Cyprus declaring themselves "true Cypriots" and somehow better than the Anatolian settlers (with whom they do not want to share Cyprus with just as these TCs did not want to share Cyprus with Greek Cypriots).

As posted by me in 2004 (in a discussion with another TC here)

erolz wrote:I think that many many TC and quite possibly a majority of TC 'look down' on Turkish settlers. I see the same sort of views towards settlers that I saw towards my father and our family in the UK who were 'immigrants' there. I see it even within my own family in Cyrpus and it makes me ashamed. Not all TC have such views about the settlers but these negative views are widespread. Just as they are to immigrants the world over. I say that we (Cypriots) who have suffered because of ethnic based hatred and oppression should know better than to extend this hatred onto 'non Cypriots'. We should DO better. I have no desire to see GC and TC extremist nationalist views replaced by extermist Cypriot nationalist views, where anyone who is not a 'true Cypriot' is fair game to be looked down on, to be exploited, to be blamed for all of Cyrpus' problems. If that is the price of unity in Cyprus it is not one I am prepared to pay.

Just one more example of how your (inferred) characterisation of me is totally divorced from the actual reality of what I have said here in the past. Same old same old. Your entire diatribe about 'human scumbags' can be shown to be divorced from the reality of what I have said here. As ever however for you reality, evidence, proof are all irrelevant. There is just the word of GiG and that is supreme above all else.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:I make no secret of the fact that I would put erolz in the lower echelons and that is why he hounds me! He hates the truth!

You can seek to try and present excuses to try and justify your behaviour here in general and towards me in particular all you like but your behaviour remains your behaviour and actual evidence remains actual evidence. In my view no one is more consistently contemptuous of truth than you.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby erolz66 » Sat May 28, 2016 11:18 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:What you do, and what you say are two different things! I am not blinded by your crafty words.

You are dishonest to the core.

Just one more assertion by you divorced from any actual reality and presented without any need for any evidence to support it, because you have said it and therefore by the warped definitions of your own arrogance, just the very act of you saying it makes it true. The reality is that I do not just talk here about putting being Cypriot ahead of our differences and despite them, I have a long record of acting on such beliefs. On working together with other Cypriots regadless of and despite what differences we may have, in the hope and spirit of creating a better Cyprus.

GreekIslandGirl wrote:You have to be - because you enjoy the racist Apartheid Turkey has created for you but you want to somehow be seen as better than the invaders (you are a racist, no?) - you want to be seen as a "true Cypriot" as though it is something Turkey can give you (no, not till Cyprus is free!) is NOT something you can acquire in a Turkish occupied territory - it's NOT!

That a Cypriot chooses to live in the north of Cyprus and in my case within a couple of km of where his father and generations before him was from, does not inherently define them as a 'thief' and 'dishonest to the core' or someone who 'enjoys the racist Apartheid Turkey has created for them'. That you claim it does rather than how that person may actually behave, is just another example of your own racism born of hatred. The Cypriots threatened with arrest in the north for flying the RoC flag where not in the north because they 'enjoyed the racist apartheid Turkey created for them' as you put it. Sener Levent is not living in the north of Cyprus because he "enjoys the racist Apartheid Turkey has created for him". The vast majority of those Cypriots that live in the north today are doing so because they are also victims of the Greek and Turkish nationalist extremists that were allowed to dominate and drive events in Cyprus through the 50's and on past 74. I stand against such extremists and I stand against you for being such.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 29, 2016 2:27 am

...when i return, i know, there will be neighbours who will be glad to see us. I say us because as a family, some of us have that intention, and we have discussed it, as a village too. We will see, how the man behind my great uncle's door is treated then, or his children if they are similarly inclined. And the settlers who live on the hill where my auntie lives, we will see what will happen to them, when my village is something of the village it was...

..."they" will run away, this is what they did in the past in any case, or "they" will integrate."We" will not be silent, "they" will not murder again because there will be nowhere to hide.

Our olives, wheat and carob, will be harvested collectively, as was done so successfully for over a hundred years; this is what i know, coming from a "mixed" village.
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