Sotos wrote: We accept your terms. Where do we sign the solution of the Cyprus problem?Unfortunately we both know that while our side would gladly accept such terms, yours would not. And in fact you don't know that our side would not gladly accept such terms in the past since they never gave us the chance. Makarios was the one who proposed independence. But what we were blackmailed to accept with foreign bases and troops, an undemocratic constitution written by foreigners etc had nothing to do with what we can both agree would be a true independence that would benefit all Cypriots without discrimination. Based on the crap we were given can you blame the majority of the population for not loving this "independence" and some of them thinking that enosis would have been better? Both enosis and a true independence were valid options for freedom for the native Cypriots. Since a true independence would satisfy a greater number of Cypriots it would be the best option. But that option was NEVER offered to us.
Yet you clearly do not accept my terms do you Sotos ? From your posts here it seems clear to me you do not accept that GC choosing to act not as Cypriots regardless of their community but acting in ways that are solely defined by their Greekness alone and not any commonality with Cypriots who are not Greek, can not validly do so in the name of a unitary Cypriot people ? That is the whole point I am making. You did not accept this and you do not accept this and thus I am unable to support moving from where we are today directly to a unitary Cyprus as a solution. That is the point I am making that it is because you do not accept this that something 'atypical' is necessary in any solution.
As to this idea that if TC had said to Makarios, we will accept a unitary Cyprus as long as you agree that GC acting in ways that are defined not by their common Cypriotness with us but by their Greekness alone can not impose anything on us against our will, then Makrios would have snapped up such an offer, is to me historical revisionism of monumental proportion. Yes the 60's agreements were 'unfair' but they were unfair because what Makarios sought instead of them was also 'unfair', that is the whole point and the thing you seek to deny. You make out they were unfair because TC are greedy or some such ideas and simply ignore the relationship the unfairness within them had to the unfair desires of your community and how one was a reaction to the other.
Sotos wrote: Come on erolz. Why should the constitution of our own country be something agreed with foreigners? The fact is that the UK wanted to maintain parts of Cyprus under colonial rule and it used your minority and Turkey with the threat of partition in order to achieve this. Then they blackmailed the Cypriot people into accepting the SBAs and gains for their Turkish partners who helped them defeat the Cypriot revolution.
You sought the union of Cyprus with Greece and then you bemoan that the constitution of Cyprus involved other countries ? The fact is the GC leadership thought they could just transition from British Colonial rule in Cyprus to achieving enosis without having to pay any regard to the wishes of the TC community in their own shared homeland and they were wrong in thinking they could achieve that.
Sotos wrote:EU is an association of independent countries. If you want to compare apples to apples you need to compare Cyprus with another EU country. Bulgaria is another EU country which also has a Turkish minority created during Ottoman rule. This would be the most similar case to that of Cyprus.
It is either a fundamental principle and requirement of democracy that it is based on one person one vote, or it is not. If one person one vote is a requirement of democracy in some circumstances and not others , then one person one vote can not be a fundamental principle and requirement of democracy. I argue that the RoC having an equal voice and right to veto in the EU on a whole range of issues is in fact not only compatible with the ideals of democracy but is required by them. Understanding why democracy requires such within the EU could help you understand why such can also be true in other situations as well, if you wanted to understand that is. It is all about 'commonality of interest' that defines 'groups' and about protecting such groups of common interest from the 'tyranny of the majority' that do not have commonality with them.
As for Bulgaria being a 'similar case' to Cyprus, did the non Turkish Bulgarians say that Bulgaria would not be ruled by Bulgarians, that it would be ruled by some other place and people than Bulgarains and that this would be imposed on Turkish Bulgarians without any consideration for their wishes as one community of Bulgarians for whom Bulgaria was their homeland ?