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I hold the Flag of Cyprus

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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:11 pm

...i was twenty-one, the first time i tried, not, eating bread with a meal.

...still love lemon.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:33 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...tell me, MR-from-NG, will you hold the Flag of Cyprus; with me?

Between the Greek Flag, the Turkish Flag, and the Flag of Cyprus, which do you choose to fly, which will you choose to fly?

It would be my pleasure RW. But first and foremost I have to be accepted as a Cypriot. I have to feel I am respected and protected in my own country. I have to feel equal to Yannis and Sotiris.

But here is the reality of the situation. You know what? It pisses me right off when my GC cousins refuse to admit what it was like pre 74. It pisses me off knowing they know very well what they did to us and yet have the fucking cheek to deny it all. Man up for fucks sake, grow some balls will you?

Admit to the fact you treated us like shit. Admit to the fact that the plan in 63 was total wipeout of the TC's. Admit you never gave us equal opportunities, opportunities at any level. feeling of rejection is an awful emotion to experience and the TC's have had enough of it, it is now or never for the TC's. If there is no solution in the horizon its goodbye amigos. Game over.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:41 pm

Mitch, I and many many Cypriots would live next to you and your family and I would risk my life, just as you would do, to protect you from vultures. You too would do the same for me because like me and many many G/Cs above all you are a Cypriot just as I'm.

We lived side by side for many generations until the poisonous pseudo foreign influences dictated our behaviour. RW is a genuine Cypriot, like him there are thousands.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:03 pm

miltiades wrote:...I would risk my life, just as you would do, to protect you from vultures.

Oh I'm sure he's feeling better and will be sleeping tight tonight now that a 4ft 8" 70 year old beast is looking out for him! :?

It's like having Ronnie Corbett for a bodyguard... 8)

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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:15 pm

miltiades wrote:Mitch, I and many many Cypriots would live next to you and your family and I would risk my life, just as you would do, to protect you from vultures. You too would do the same for me because like me and many many G/Cs above all you are a Cypriot just as I'm.

We lived side by side for many generations until the poisonous pseudo foreign influences dictated our behaviour. RW is a genuine Cypriot, like him there are thousands.

John, thanks for your kind post. I'm certain every TC has a friend like you and RW and it is you guys that give us hope. We see you or talk to you and our day brightens up and we get on with our jobs. We then come on this damn forum and talk to people like Maximus. GIG and Sotos and the rest of the hyenas and we lose all hope. Its a vicious circle for us, hope and enthusiasm one minute total despair the next. Its horrible mate, consider yourself lucky for not being born a TC :(
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:26 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:...I would risk my life, just as you would do, to protect you from vultures.

Oh I'm sure he's feeling better and will be sleeping tight tonight now that a 4ft 8" 70 year old beast is looking out for him! :?

It's like having Ronnie Corbett for a bodyguard... 8)


:lol: :lol: You're on form I see. M, it is very reassuring to hear this from my friend John. His post gives us hope, unlike some of the posts from members from a so called European and civilised country. Honestly, I read posts from people like GIG and Max and Sotos and many more I could name and think what a waste of good education, what a waste of a human life. Seriously, what kind of a person with a decent upbringing and education would behave as they do on any platform, let alone on one that is visible to the whole world.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:38 am

Cap wrote:You know you're Cypriot when...


Once I was in the Deep South of America and went to eat at my friend, Hawk's house in Shreveport Louisiana, his momma brought out some good southern cooking. Baked ham, collard Greens and pork Bbq cooked in apple cider vinegar and some Zalatina. I squeezed my lemon on it like a true Cypriot and ate it, while the black folk poured tobacco sauce on their chunks of zalatina...oh yeah there was some black eyed peas too and I ate mine with an onion and lemon and poured some vegetable oil on them, it seems black people don't use olive oil ...
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Sotos » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:57 am

erolz66 wrote:Not if you read what I have said. I have said I would accept a unitary Cyprus with no special rights for the TC community at all, if only GC will accept that if they choose to act in ways that are defined solely by their Greekness they accept that such is not therefore the will of a Cypriot people. That is it. It is because GC refused and still refuse to accept this that 'special rights' become necessary. If they had of accept this in the past then 'special rights' would have been unnecessary. If they accept it today then special rights would be unnecessary. But you do not accept this today to you Oceanside50 ?

The only circumstances under which I want an equal say in an issue for the TC community is when the issue is defined not by personal choice regardless of what kind of Cypriot you are but is defined by if you are TC or GC.

We accept your terms. Where do we sign the solution of the Cyprus problem? ;) Unfortunately we both know that while our side would gladly accept such terms, yours would not. And in fact you don't know that our side would not gladly accept such terms in the past since they never gave us the chance. Makarios was the one who proposed independence. But what we were blackmailed to accept with foreign bases and troops, an undemocratic constitution written by foreigners etc had nothing to do with what we can both agree would be a true independence that would benefit all Cypriots without discrimination. Based on the crap we were given can you blame the majority of the population for not loving this "independence" and some of them thinking that enosis would have been better? Both enosis and a true independence were valid options for freedom for the native Cypriots. Since a true independence would satisfy a greater number of Cypriots it would be the best option. But that option was NEVER offered to us.

erolz66 wrote:Greece, Turkey , Britain and the two Communities all agreed to that structure and the reason why such a compromised structure was agreed was because GC tried to achieve enosis as an expression of the will of a unitary Cypriot people without any regard for the wishes of TC in their own shared homeland, even though such a desire clearly was the will only of GC. If they had not tried to do this, if they had just sought an independent Cyprus, one ruled by Cypriots, then there would have been no compromised agreements and no need for them. You also exaggerate the degree to which TC could veto legislation within the 60s agreements and constitution but that is a minor point.

Come on erolz. Why should the constitution of our own country be something agreed with foreigners? The fact is that the UK wanted to maintain parts of Cyprus under colonial rule and it used your minority and Turkey with the threat of partition in order to achieve this. Then they blackmailed the Cypriot people into accepting the SBAs and gains for their Turkish partners who helped them defeat the Cypriot revolution.

erolz66 wrote:The RoC has rights of veto within the EU, in fact more such rights than the TC community had within the RoC under the 60's agreements. Why do you think that is ?

EU is an association of independent countries. If you want to compare apples to apples you need to compare Cyprus with another EU country. Bulgaria is another EU country which also has a Turkish minority created during Ottoman rule. This would be the most similar case to that of Cyprus.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Sotos » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:10 am

MR-from-NG wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:...I would risk my life, just as you would do, to protect you from vultures.

Oh I'm sure he's feeling better and will be sleeping tight tonight now that a 4ft 8" 70 year old beast is looking out for him! :?

It's like having Ronnie Corbett for a bodyguard... 8)


:lol: :lol: You're on form I see. M, it is very reassuring to hear this from my friend John. His post gives us hope, unlike some of the posts from members from a so called European and civilised country. Honestly, I read posts from people like GIG and Max and Sotos and many more I could name and think what a waste of good education, what a waste of a human life. Seriously, what kind of a person with a decent upbringing and education would behave as they do on any platform, let alone on one that is visible to the whole world.

MR-from-NG I always talk with logic and facts and I become a "hyena" only when defending myself and my country from attacks by "rats" ;)
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 03, 2016 2:18 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i won't disagree with Oceanside, he has a point. So far Akinci, and his predecessors, have not presented to the Cypriot people a Cypriot way. Rather, it has been a matter of "Turkishness", it is a matter of dismissing Cyprus for Cypriots, by dividing it, "Greek" (read: not "Turk")/ "Turk". Naturally extremists (because both "Greeks" and "Turks" exist) have held to this Agenda for all these years because it suits them. What has evolved in the interim, is a stronger Cypriot identity, it is clearer to the other half, Cypriots who do not choose the extremes, what harm has been done, and what they have to lose.

...but it is still, up to us; this summer will be a good time to remind the leaders that they may be Greek, or Turkish, as Persons, but that our lives to lead as Individuals is what is on the line.
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