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I hold the Flag of Cyprus

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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 31, 2016 3:46 pm

miltiades wrote:" The fact you only got 7 votes, means that all other active members on this forum agree with my views to some extent but not all, which is fair enough." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Are you so fucking thick to see that NOBODY shares your stupid views. One vote, your vote Plonker, now stop being so fucking stupid and accept that you are totally wrong. You go on about human rights blah blah, listen plonker nobody on this forum shares your views, get it in your head.

Assad and only Assad can return Syria back to peace, back to where it once was until the naïve and rather stupid western leaders decided that he does not serve their purpose and begun supporting the 100 plus fucking jihadist groups.

Do you really think that if Assad stepped down by some fucking miracle these jihadists will establish law and order and peace, if you do then you more stupid than I took you for, to quote your very own words " sometimes is better to have dictators like Gadhafi, Assad , Sadam " These people are not ready for democracy, they are too brainwashed too affected with the Allah virus. Kill and be killed, life does not matter to them, they value death more than life, do you understand ?

Indeed! You only got 7 votes, which is quite pitiful tbh when you consider this is a Cypriot forum.

You got egg on your face and the chooks are coming home to roost!

Assad can stay in power in Damascus, because he won't be left with much of Syria once we are done and dusted!

Get realistic now. The Coalition has control of more territory in Syria than Assad does, and I for one would be surprised if partition isn't the end game right now, and there is nothing Pootin can do about it other than return to the negotiations table unless of course Pootin has already done a back room deal with the Americans. Probably not completely out of the question.

Coalition is having a field day atm.

You just can't trust Pootin. All he wants is to bolster support in Russia.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby miltiades » Tue May 31, 2016 4:43 pm

" he won't be left with much of Syria once WE are done and dusted! " :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 31, 2016 4:44 pm

miltiades wrote:" he won't be left with much of Syria once WE are done and dusted! " :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you liberated Aleppo yet? :lol:

Last edited by Paphitis on Tue May 31, 2016 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Tue May 31, 2016 4:44 pm

Go and talk about your views in the UK, and come and tell me if the majority Brits support your views. Go and speak to your local member in the UK and see whether he/she supports your views. Go and speak to Europeans, Canadians or Australians and see if they agree with your views that Assad should stay or whether the Coalitions intervention in Syria in support of Kurds and the SDF is correct and have a real good listen to what they have to say. Ask them if they support transition. All EU countries are batting on America's side on this. Only Russia and Iran on yours, and you would think you could work it out for yourself but alas you just don't have any faculties or are capable of common sense.

Not too good at the detail........".... or (you) are capable of common sense". .......... exactly he (we) are but you ain't! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The decision has nothing to do with any of those you list. The Syrian people spoke a few weeks ago and voted for Assad, you just chose to ignore the facts. Most people in the UK, going by comment in the MSM which you favour, would rather see the US/NATO out of the region completely.
Listen old man! Your views are very STUPID as are the views of the other geriatric who spews his hysteria about Banking, money, and goodness knows what. It appears evident to me that as soon as someone ages, their minds are bent beyond repair. You drink too much piss and haven't done many puzzles or played chess it would seem, or kept an active lifestyle.

Insulting other members of this forum from the position of having about the lowest IQ on the forum, does not make you look smarter .... in fact just the reverse as you have no sound argument, just your warped unsubstantiated opinion.
The fact you only got 7 votes, means that all other active members on this forum agree with my views to some extent but not all, which is fair enough.

You got one vote ..... the majority of votes cast were agreeing with Militades 7:1 and the 1 was your own vote, so only you agree with you ....... and by posting rubbish like this all you do is confirm Militi's observations were without doubt absolutely accurate.
What that means is that they do not support Assad like you do, or at least they respect the right of Sunnis (and all peoples and groups) to their fundamental rights to self determination and a future in Syria which you do not
More rubbish ..... how about some facts rather than just your opinion? About a month ago the Syrian people exercised that fundamental rights ..... of the 70%+ that voted, 88% voted for Assad. Reality........
Your Assad only represents 35% of Syria, and soon will only be left with 20% of Syria.

Der General’ has spoken. In your dreams. :roll:
You swallowed all the propaganda hook and line, and yet it is the Coalition that the most quiet and yet the most in control around Raqqa, Northern Syria, Mosul and Fallujah.

Really? Any action by your forces in Syria .... are illegal! The west has no rights at all in Syria!
I've been telling you to take a chill pill, but alas you didn't listen to me and made a complete dork of yourself.

Are you talking to yourself through your reflection in a mirror? That is a description of you and your hilarious views of the situation on the ground. Grow up man!

BTW: As you bought up my views on banking ......... from the greatest country on the planet( :roll:) one of your fellow countrymen far better known than you, and infinitely more intelligent ...... agrees with me! An interview on BBC's HardTalk ....
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Tue May 31, 2016 4:47 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:" he won't be left with much of Syria once WE are done and dusted! " :lol: :lol: :lol:

Have you liberated Aleppo yet? :lol:


More to the point ..... have 'YOU'..... ? :roll:
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 31, 2016 4:48 pm

miltiades wrote:" The fact you only got 7 votes, means that all other active members on this forum agree with my views to some extent but not all, which is fair enough." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Are you so fucking thick to see that NOBODY shares your stupid views. One vote, your vote Plonker, now stop being so fucking stupid and accept that you are totally wrong. You go on about human rights blah blah, listen plonker nobody on this forum shares your views, get it in your head.

Assad and only Assad can return Syria back to peace, back to where it once was until the naïve and rather stupid western leaders decided that he does not serve their purpose and begun supporting the 100 plus fucking jihadist groups.

Do you really think that if Assad stepped down by some fucking miracle these jihadists will establish law and order and peace, if you do then you more stupid than I took you for, to quote your very own words " sometimes is better to have dictators like Gadhafi, Assad , Sadam " These people are not ready for democracy, they are too brainwashed too affected with the Allah virus. Kill and be killed, life does not matter to them, they value death more than life, do you understand ?

So tell me yero! When are you finally going to come to the understanding that there will never be any peace in Syria until the Sunnis (and everyone else) have a future in Syria?

Our forces have surrounded Raqqa. Do you get it? Even if Aleppo is lost (we've been hearing about this for months) the Syrian Arab Forces will have a capital of their own. There might even be a Kurdish Republic American Client to turkey's disgust!


Tick tock old boy! 8) ... rth-raqqa/ ... rth-syria/ ... perations/
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Robin Hood » Tue May 31, 2016 5:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:" The fact you only got 7 votes, means that all other active members on this forum agree with my views to some extent but not all, which is fair enough." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Are you so fucking thick to see that NOBODY shares your stupid views. One vote, your vote Plonker, now stop being so fucking stupid and accept that you are totally wrong. You go on about human rights blah blah, listen plonker nobody on this forum shares your views, get it in your head.

Assad and only Assad can return Syria back to peace, back to where it once was until the naïve and rather stupid western leaders decided that he does not serve their purpose and begun supporting the 100 plus fucking jihadist groups.

Do you really think that if Assad stepped down by some fucking miracle these jihadists will establish law and order and peace, if you do then you more stupid than I took you for, to quote your very own words " sometimes is better to have dictators like Gadhafi, Assad , Sadam " These people are not ready for democracy, they are too brainwashed too affected with the Allah virus. Kill and be killed, life does not matter to them, they value death more than life, do you understand ?

Indeed! You only got 7 votes, which is quite pitiful tbh when you consider this is a Cypriot forum.

You got egg on your face and the chooks are coming home to roost!

Assad can stay in power in Damascus, because he won't be left with much of Syria once we are done and dusted!

Get realistic now. The Coalition has control of more territory in Syria than Assad does, and I for one would be surprised if partition isn't the end game right now, and there is nothing Pootin can do about it other than return to the negotiations table unless of course Pootin has already done a back room deal with the Americans. Probably not completely out of the question.

Coalition is having a field day atm.

You just can't trust Pootin. All he wants is to bolster support in Russia.

What a plonker? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus- (we are all guilty)

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 31, 2016 5:22 pm


Thank you for starting this positive thread about Cyprus, and support through showing its flag.

If others want to engage in mass-debating (say that fast) about *anking, the Syrian Crises, etc, I am sure there are threads elsewhere about that.

Apart from contributing items showing showing that Cypriots are principally from neolithic Levantine (Ugarit etc) or neolithic Anatolian roots long predating arrival of "Greeks" (for which also see and that Cyprus has a history distinct from that of Greece, ie the Cyprus is Cypriot not "Greek", I will stick to supporting the use of the Cyprus Flag in Cyprus.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus- (we are all guilty)

Postby Robin Hood » Tue May 31, 2016 5:44 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:RW

Thank you for starting this positive thread about Cyprus, and support through showing its flag.

If others want to engage in mass-debating (say that fast) about *anking, the Syrian Crises, etc, I am sure there are threads elsewhere about that.

Apart from contributing items showing showing that Cypriots are principally from neolithic Levantine (Ugarit etc) or neolithic Anatolian roots long predating arrival of "Greeks" (for which also see and that Cyprus has a history distinct from that of Greece, ie the Cyprus is Cypriot not "Greek", I will stick to supporting the use of the Cyprus Flag in Cyprus.

I for one apologise. I was thinking as I posted just now, how did we get from' The Flag of Cyprus' to the General's rants about Syria? It is too easy to get sucked into this sort of diversion from the OP and I know I get accused of doing this related to banking/monetary system. But at least I do it on the two threads that I started and both were associated with those themes. But that is no excuse .... I apologise ..... end of the 'Syrian diversion'as far as I am concerned. :oops: :arrow:

BTW: I very much support only flying the Cypriot flag in Cyprus ...... unless you happen to be a Greek .... as in born in Greece. There should be heavy fines for doing otherwise! Never could understand why some proud Cypriots think they are Greeks ! :|
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Tue May 31, 2016 5:45 pm

Banking and Finance again! :lol:


What a suck arse! :roll:
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