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I hold the Flag of Cyprus

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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 25, 2016 11:45 pm

erolz66 wrote:I am of this place, even though I was not born here. I am of this place even though I am not Greek and I am not Turkish and I am not Marionite or Armenian. I am of these mountains, the Troodos as much as the Pentadaktylos, of this sea, of this place. I am Cypriot. Like my father before me and his before him going back generations. I lament those who are of this place yet define themselves and others by some other place and the damage that has done and does do to this place and the people of this place, I am Cyprus and Cypriot.

The only damage done to Cyprus has been by your fathers and brothers. The only damage Cyprus still suffers is through that of the presence of your fathers and brothers. The only damage Cyprus laments is that stealing and landgrabs have been brought to this soil by you and your relatives.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed May 25, 2016 11:48 pm

repulsewarrior that you have spoken for erolz, will you speak for yourself?

I haven't spoken *for* erolz but *to* him. He's able enough to put a spin on turning an illegal occupation into a worthwhile pursuit...
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Sotos » Thu May 26, 2016 12:45 am

erolz66 wrote:I care nothing for flags. I care deeply for the notion of a Cyprus of Cypriots, where what kind of Cypriot you may be is insignificant when placed next to the commonality of just being Cypriot. Of a Cyprus where you can come from another place, be it France, Nigeria or Peru and by time and affinity, with the sea and the mountains, the trees and the flowers, the lizards and the goats and the stray cats, the people and the customs, the habits both good and bad, you can become Cypriot too. Where to be Cypriot is a state of mind and feeling of heart.

I do not care about flags either and Cyprus for Cypriots is great... but what you said after sounds more like "Cyprus for everybody". If a foreigner wants to visit because he likes our island thats great... we like tourists. But a French or Nigerian can not become Cypriot just by linking our trees and flowers! First of all he should like us, the people, and he should want to be one of us. Then he should also pass the legal procedure for naturalization because Cyprus is a sovereign state... not the Hani tou Patziarou (ask Lordo to translate that for you!)
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 26, 2016 1:04 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:That's because as a foreign-soil-born foreigner, you want to feel *at home* and that is not possible for you when you are reminded how much you (turks) have stolen, how much you (turks) owe to the native Greeks that have made Cyprus a special place.

Native Greeks are in Greece dumbo! :lol:

But anyway, I piss on these “native Greeks” you're imagining to exist in Cyprus just as I piss on the Turks desecrating the land of my Cypriot ancestors.

Plenty of piss to go round for all enemies... :D
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 26, 2016 1:08 am

repulsewarrior wrote:I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Sorry, can’t see that far mate… Canada is a loooooooong way away!
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 26, 2016 1:54 am

...what's the matter GR, you won't hold the Flag of Cyprus above your head; afraid to get shot at, by a "Greek", by a "Turk"?
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 26, 2016 8:18 am

Sotos wrote: I do not care about flags either and Cyprus for Cypriots is great... but what you said after sounds more like "Cyprus for everybody". If a foreigner wants to visit because he likes our island thats great... we like tourists. But a French or Nigerian can not become Cypriot just by linking our trees and flowers! First of all he should like us, the people, and he should want to be one of us. Then he should also pass the legal procedure for naturalization because Cyprus is a sovereign state... not the Hani tou Patziarou (ask Lordo to translate that for you!)

The state can and does and should have a procedure and criteria for someone to become a citizen but I am not the state and I am not talking about this. What I am talking about and what I think was the spirit of RW original post / question is the notion of Cypriotness. For me this is a 'state of mind and state of heart' and it is separate from and independent from where a person may have been born, what god they may pray to, what their native language or that of the their forebears may have been.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby miltiades » Thu May 26, 2016 8:33 am

If you love Cyprus, if the earth of Cyprus where your ancestors and loved ones were laid to rest means a great deal to you then you are a Cypriot regardless where you were born. My late wife was English, she loved Cyprus and considered her self a Cypriot, she too is now resting in her beloved Cyprus.
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu May 26, 2016 8:39 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i ask Mr. Akinci to stand with me, holding the Flag of Cyprus in his hands.

...i ask, who will join me? kurupetos, you Oceanside, you erolz, you GIG, you Paphitis, you GR, you Lordo, and billc, Cap, Piratis, Zenon, miltiades, so many to mention, i ask, will you join me?

I will join you
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Re: I hold the Flag of Cyprus

Postby Paphitis » Thu May 26, 2016 8:45 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i ask Mr. Akinci to stand with me, holding the Flag of Cyprus in his hands.

...i ask, who will join me? kurupetos, you Oceanside, you erolz, you GIG, you Paphitis, you GR, you Lordo, and billc, Cap, Piratis, Zenon, miltiades, so many to mention, i ask, will you join me?

It just depends!

Do the other Cypriots you mention respect the Human Rights of all Syrians in Syria whether they are Shiite or Sunni, Christian or whatever?

It doesn't appear to be the case, so I must decline and opt for a different flag until I am with real Cypriots! No offense to you RW.
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