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Poll ended at Tue May 31, 2016 8:49 am

Total votes : 8


Postby Paphitis » Sun May 29, 2016 4:06 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
I beg to differ there. Global capital, and especially Western capital, has turned Turkey into a major manufacturing base and I think they care very much who is in charge.

It's the exact same thing as China.

Western Capital and Investment is driving the Chinese economy and China's expansion and yet there is a Communist Regime, and they don't see eye to eye sometimes either, particularly over The South China Sea. Overall however, The West has particularly good relations with China despite this odd disagreement, particularly Australia which has an strong alliance with Japan and South Korea.

I am pretty sure the West would like to be dealing with a more open Government in China, but there is nothing they can do about it.

In the end of course, money has no borders, and our Capital will continue to flow into China, increasing its industrial and manufacturing base further because that is the Capitalist System we have. Corporations will always increase their profits.

The Global Economy is transforming. Manufacturing and Heavy Industry like steel making, are moving to China, Vietnam, India, Turkey and Brazil. The Wests Manufacturing and Industrial Base is eroding as it transforms its economy to Renewables, Technology, Medical Science, Sensitive Defence projects and Services.

Just because Billions and even Trillions of Dollars are fleeing to these economies does not mean that it is a blanket endorsement of Erdogan or China's regime.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun May 29, 2016 4:14 am

miltiades wrote:" Clearly, American involvement in the political process in Syria is unwelcomed, if not loathed, by the Syrian people. They don’t want the U.S. to continue supporting the jihadists who are destroying their country; and they also don’t want the U.S. dictating that Bashar al-Assad will stop being their leader." ... nt/5517155

Well it doesn't look like Russia is achieving any progress like the Coalition is which is asking for an all inclusive regime change where the Sunnis get their stake like everyone else, including Assyrians, Kurds and Christians.

We will partition Syria if we have to, and right now we are about to connect the North Easertn Kurdish autonomous area to the North Western Kurdish autonomous area by cleansing ISIL forces stuck between the 2 areas. That will mean we control all Syrian Territory just north of Raqqa. Once this is complete, we will then launch an offensive against the ISIL Capital.

It will also mean that the Kurds will be in control of the entire Syrian-Turkish Border areas.

We will also take Aleppo and include this area as a bargaining chip. Once that is done, we are even able to insert our own Special Forces on the ground which are already operating with the SDF and Kurds.

Say bye bye to Syria! It belongs to the Coalition now!

An offensive against ISIL has already commenced in Fallujah, and soon Mosul.

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Postby Paphitis » Sun May 29, 2016 4:19 am

All is fair as we are only doing what Russia did in South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Ukraine.

We will declare a new Republic and we will expect de-facto recognition from everyone.

After all, its ok to shit on a countries sovereignty.

I'm glad we all agree on that. Pootin does so there shouldn't be any issues.

Our forces are already on the outskirts of Aleppo and Raqqa. Push us, and you pay.

Russians are going awfully quiet to. What's the matter? Has Pootin finally realized that he is playing a dangerous game? Has he finally understood that the Coalition and not be leaving? We would be more than happy to help him save face since his impressions in Russia mean so much to him. At a price of course.

Once we have secured our areas, the SDF will have its own sanctuary from the Russians with a NO FLY ZONE which will be enforced. From there, we will just continue to train them, and supply them with the latest MADE IN USA weapons and Hummers.

And just look how close we are to Latakia! We are right there. Come and get us! :D



5 towns have already been captured, including Manbij and Al-bab. We are filling in the gaps and painting the above map YELLOW!
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Postby Robin Hood » Sun May 29, 2016 7:08 am

Say bye bye to Syria! It belongs to the Coalition now!

How stupidly arrogant!

OH NO it doesn’t! ...... it belongs to the Syrian people ...... all of them .....their choice ..... not yours! Putin will see to it that the Syrian people get self determination according to their wishes.

I can’t be bothered to write anymore, you can’t reason with a paranoid moron!

Your right Militi he’s a nut case, I was giving him the benefit of doubt ..... I was wrong, my apologies.. Three consecutive post of ‘we’, ‘we’, ‘we’ and the usual garbage! The men in the white coats will arrive shortly and cart ‘The General’ off to a place of safety for his own good. The good news is he is running out of people to talk to! :lol: :lol:

BTW: The map is very good ...... the red/pink area (Assad held) holds about 90%+ of the population ..... the rest is mainly empty desert regions and the odd village. The mixed rebel bit to the NW will be in SAA hands before long too. :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Sun May 29, 2016 9:21 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
Say bye bye to Syria! It belongs to the Coalition now!

How stupidly arrogant!

OH NO it doesn’t! ...... it belongs to the Syrian people ...... all of them .....their choice ..... not yours! Putin will see to it that the Syrian people get self determination according to their wishes.

I can’t be bothered to write anymore, you can’t reason with a paranoid moron!

Your right Militi he’s a nut case, I was giving him the benefit of doubt ..... I was wrong, my apologies.. Three consecutive post of ‘we’, ‘we’, ‘we’ and the usual garbage! The men in the white coats will arrive shortly and cart ‘The General’ off to a place of safety for his own good. The good news is he is running out of people to talk to! :lol: :lol:

BTW: The map is very good ...... the red/pink area (Assad held) holds about 90%+ of the population ..... the rest is mainly empty desert regions and the odd village. The mixed rebel bit to the NW will be in SAA hands before long too. :roll:

WE WE WE WE OUR OUR OUR. Who on earth does HE think HE is. All of us are merely observers, powerless to contribute anything more than comments based on , in our case, logic.
He gives the impression that HE directs operations and makes all decisions!! He has totally lost it.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun May 29, 2016 9:55 am

Yes we and our for those loyal and not flip flopping all over the place from EOKA allegedly, then British Imperialism to ruthless war criminal Assad!

You surely are bent!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun May 29, 2016 9:57 am

Pootin is the arrogant one.

The Coalition doesn't need to pander to the domestic market. We have objectives, and not a YouTube wankfest for nationalists!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sun May 29, 2016 11:56 am

The comparison with China is not particularly valid. If you study modern Turkish history, you will soon see that Turkey was made into a US client state in the days of the Cold War following World War II. Just to cite one piece of evidence, there was uproar at one point in the 1950's when it was discovered that US intelligence actually had a room staffed by American intelligence officers at the headquarters of the Turkish intelligence agency and all documents were being passed through this room! That was the extent to which the sovereignty of a supposedly independent nation had become subordinated to the USA.

The evidence is all circumstantial, but you will find almost everyone in Turkey, regardless of their political persuasion, believes that the 1980 coup in that country was at least indirectly orchestrated by the USA. This was a coup that led to the summary rounding up of half a million people (some claim that this was the largest portion of a country's population to ever be rounded up and detained at one single time) all of whom were tortured, and hundreds of whom died in the process - an abuse of human rights that rivals the horrors committed by the Assad dynasty. These were simply people who had been active in politics including activists in the ranks of legal political parties or in civil society, and aim appeared to be to crush all independent movements and voices in the country. The ground began to be laid after that coup for the Islamisation of Turkey. Most notably, the Gülen sect began to operate unhindered as its people infiltrated the police, judiciary and civil servce and possessing a seemingly limitless budget, almost certainly provided by the rulers of Saudi Arabia and other wealthy Gulf countries who were fearful of the alternative model that a successful, democratic and secular Turkey could provide for their own populations as opposed to the feudal systems they were subjected to under unelected ruling families. Many serious steps were taken in the direction of Islamisation, particularly in the form of infiltration of many key ministries by Islamists, under the watch of Turgut Özal, the first Prime Minister after the 1980 junta started to move in the direction of a return to constitutionality and he was promoted by that junta, later going on to become President. It is notable that Özal, who had previously been a civil servant, went to America on a lengthy training programme a few years before the coup. It is hard to believe that this is just a coincidence. So, no, I cannot accept that the USA has played no part in the path charted by Turkey away from secularism and in the direction of Islamism. This has been conscious US policy for the past four decades. It was part of a Cold-War doctrine of using religion to keep people stupid and stop them thinking and moving to the left.

If Turkey is now ruled by an increasingly dictatorial Islamist under whose rule a blind eye is turned even to the activities of an extremist organisation like Daesh in the country, or indeed support is even forthcoming for this organisation, this means either that America has declined as a world power to the extent that it is no longer in charge in Turkey or else it supports this dictator in one of its client states, whatever public pronouncements to the contrary it may make. The Gezi Park protests of three years ago was in my view an equally legitimate popular protest against the increasingly totalitarian regime in the country as the protest against the Assad dynasty that erupted in Syria in 2011. I have no doubt that if the very Western alliance that supported the anti-Assad revolution had given the same support to Gezi, the slide towards totalitarianism in Turkey could have been halted and even reversed. It did not give this support, though. It all reeks of hypocrisy unless you understand that it is all rooted in self-interest.

You are right that capital flows to where it will get the greatest return and this does not amount to the voicing of political support. However, you are putting the cart before the horse. I believe that Turkey's special status as being in a customs union with the EU without being an EU member and thus subject to all kinds of stifling regulation was deliberately engineered by and for the benefit of global capital, and the flow of capital started once that situation had been engineered. And I believe that global capital is very concerned about who controls the country and wants to see that its interests there are looked after. The situation does not resemble that in China.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Sun May 29, 2016 12:24 pm

On the other hand, I can't help wondering if the Reza Zarrab trial in the USA is, at least partly, a subterfuge for taking Erdoğan and his corrupt clique out. Time will tell.
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Postby Robin Hood » Sun May 29, 2016 3:18 pm


Instead of spouting illogical, irrational and inflammatory rubbish you should try learning from people like this. It’s called credibility, something your inane ramblings and boastful pronouncements lack entirely.

The Saker – a US patriot with a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies from Washington DC in the 90’s. So add to that experience in the field and he is a voice worth listening to. His daily reports on Ukraine were very accurate and detailed exactly how the rebels achieved success against the much better equipped Ukraine army day-after-day with a much smaller force and without the need for Russian boots on the ground.

This is why people like you manage to get everything so ass about face but you are not alone, unfortunately! I am just very pleased you are not in reality ‘The General’ of your fantasy dream World! :roll:

What Would a War between Russia and the USA Look Like? - Debunking Popular Clichés about Modern Warfare

(Some quotes from his detailed analysis)

So if all of the above are just clichés with no bearing on reality, why is the western corporate media so full of this nonsense? Mainly for two reasons: journalists are mostly “Jack of all trades, master of none” and they much prefer to pass on pre-packaged propaganda then to make the effort to try to understand something. As for the talking heads on TV, the various generals who speak as “experts” for CNN and the rest, they are also simply propagandists. The real pros are busy working for the various government agencies and they don’t go in live TV to speak about the “Russian threat”. But the most important reason for this nonsensical propaganda is that by constantly pretending to discuss a military issue the Anglo-Zionist propagandist are thereby hiding the real nature of the very real conflict between Russia and the USA over Europe: a political struggle for the future of Europe: if Russia has no intention of invading anybody, she sure does have huge interest in trying to de-couple Europe from its current status of US colony/protectorate. The Russians fully realize that while the current European elites are maniacally Russophobic, most Europeans (with the possible exception of the Baltic States and Poland) are not. In that sense the recent Eurovision vote where the popular vote was overturned by so-called “experts” is very symbolic.

….. his final paragraph …….... he describes your expressed opinion beautifully.

The example of Ehud Olmert, Amir Peretz and Dan Halutz going to war against Hezbollah in 2006 or Saakashvili’s attempt at ethnically cleansing South Ossetia in 2008 have shown the world that ideology-driven leaders can start absolutely unwinnable wars, especially if they believe in their own propaganda about their invincibility. Let’s is hope and pray that this kind of insanity does not take over the current US leaders. The best thing that could happen for the future of mankind would be if real patriots would come back to power in the United States. Then mankind could finally breathe a big sigh of relief.

Read and learn! :idea:
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