There's a lot of talk just now about the new draft Syrian constitution that the Russians are supposedly working on, and the word is that they are actually cooperating with the Americans on it. There is also talk of Raqqa becoming part of a new Kurdish entity (perhaps destined to be an American puppet), a prospect which the people of Raqqa - if the Raqqa is being Slaughtered Silently web site is to be believed - do not in any way welcome. Just talk. But, all little pointers as to the existence of a deal behind the scenes.
As this conflict has progressed since last year, when the Russians entered the fray, it is very evident that it is mainly their actions that have bought about the progress that has been made to date and I am sure that behind the scenes the US is aware of it too. But the Russians are not rubbing the Americans noses in the Russian success as the Russians play everything very low key. In fact there are virtually no articles in the Russian Media that suggest that the US/NATO coalition is in any way the losing ‘partner’. In fact the Russians still refer to the US/NATO as ‘their partner’s’ so they are very conscious that if there is to be cooperation then the US cannot be seen to be side lined or belittled.
I am positive there is a lot of background communication and cooperation that we are not aware of but the US do not want to be seen to be dancing to the tunes called by Putin. However it would be foolish to believe that he is not in the commanding position. But, to give the Russians their dues, they refrain from crowing about it as it just isn’t their style. We see a plethora of US Senators and Congressmen on TV putting their views to their public but apart from Putin/Lavrov and the occasional minister, you do not see that on Russian TV or news sites.
Isn’t partition what the Israeli’s are pushing for and is the core of Kerry’s Plan ‘B’?

I still believe that Putin will stick to his conception of a settlement and that it will be the Syrian people that will make the decision, not the US or even Russia. That has always made perfect sense to me! Even the US has dropped the ‘Assad must go' demand........ well in those specific words, they have transposed that for ‘transition’ which of course is the same as saying ‘regime change’, but I don’t think that will happen irrespective of what the ‘WE’ want!
But it certainly is a complex situation.