Tim Drayton wrote:Paphitis wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:It's curious that Sputnik is reporting positively on the campaign to liberate Raqqa, given that this is a Western backed move. I get more and more convinced that there has been some kind of backroom deal between the West and Putin over Syria.
http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160 ... ation.html
So does this mean they will stop bombing the SDF? Or will they wait until they liberate Raqqa and then start bombing them again in Raqqa just like they are doing in Aleppo.
I hope you're right, and if you are, it means the SDF are on the cusp of a political solution acceptable to them.
Going by the following, which appeared yesterday in another Putin propaganda vehicle, the Russians appear willing to cooperate on Raqqa. Aleppo may be a different story.A large-scale offensive to liberate an Islamic State stronghold in the Syrian city of Raqqa would go more smoothly and effectively if Washington and Moscow coordinated air support and anti-terror forces on the ground, believes Russian FM Sergey Lavrov.
“[The Liberation of] Raqqa is undoubtedly one of the goals of the anti-terror coalition, as well as the Iraqi city of Mosul,” Lavrov said on Tuesday, noting that the two cities could have been recaptured sooner and more effectively if Russian and American military forces started coordinating their moves.
“Right now there is a chance that such coordination will take place,” Lavrov said, adding that he can “responsibly confirm” that Moscow is ready for such coordination.
“We believe that the Russian air-space forces and those of the US-led coalition should work in a synchronized and coordinated manner and help those on the ground actually confronting terrorist squads,” Lavrov stressed, referring to both the Kurdish militias and the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic.
https://www.rt.com/news/344260-isis-raq ... d-efforts/
Tim Drayton wrote:Paphitis wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:It's curious that Sputnik is reporting positively on the campaign to liberate Raqqa, given that this is a Western backed move. I get more and more convinced that there has been some kind of backroom deal between the West and Putin over Syria.
http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160 ... ation.html
So does this mean they will stop bombing the SDF? Or will they wait until they liberate Raqqa and then start bombing them again in Raqqa just like they are doing in Aleppo.
I hope you're right, and if you are, it means the SDF are on the cusp of a political solution acceptable to them.
Going by the following, which appeared yesterday in another Putin propaganda vehicle, the Russians appear willing to cooperate on Raqqa. Aleppo may be a different story.A large-scale offensive to liberate an Islamic State stronghold in the Syrian city of Raqqa would go more smoothly and effectively if Washington and Moscow coordinated air support and anti-terror forces on the ground, believes Russian FM Sergey Lavrov.
“[The Liberation of] Raqqa is undoubtedly one of the goals of the anti-terror coalition, as well as the Iraqi city of Mosul,” Lavrov said on Tuesday, noting that the two cities could have been recaptured sooner and more effectively if Russian and American military forces started coordinating their moves.
“Right now there is a chance that such coordination will take place,” Lavrov said, adding that he can “responsibly confirm” that Moscow is ready for such coordination.
“We believe that the Russian air-space forces and those of the US-led coalition should work in a synchronized and coordinated manner and help those on the ground actually confronting terrorist squads,” Lavrov stressed, referring to both the Kurdish militias and the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic.
https://www.rt.com/news/344260-isis-raq ... d-efforts/
They can if they agree to operate through our JSOC. All operations go through one central command and since the Coalition already has the upper hand around Raqqa, they won't entertain anything unilateral from Russia.
The Coalition would have concerns for civilian casualties which they are making every effort to avoid as well as the security of our allied SDF on the ground. We actually avoid bombing downtown Raqqa for the time being because of the civilian human shields whilst the Russians actually hit hospitals and the Syrians drop barrel bombs in Aleppo.
So of course the Russians are not welcome unless they do what they are told under Coalition command because it is our troops on the ground and it is these forces which the Russians have been killing elsewhere.
The ball is in Putin's court but the coalition is not stupid! It is really up to them. Coalition would be happy for the Russian's join the effort but let's be clear here. They would be assisting the SDF taking over Raqqa!
The Coalition would also no doubt be seeking a complete cessation of the bombings against the SDF in Aleppo and that all areas are open to UN aid. The fact that the Russians will not do that suggests that they are insincere.
If the Russians agree to all of that and a political solution, then the we will welcome all forms of cooperation to destroy DAESH and Al Nusra. If not, then they can go and to hell! Their choice.
Tim Drayton wrote:There's a lot of talk just now about the new draft Syrian constitution that the Russians are supposedly working on, and the word is that they are actually cooperating with the Americans on it. There is also talk of Raqqa becoming part of a new Kurdish entity (perhaps destined to be an American puppet), a prospect which the people of Raqqa - if the Raqqa is being Slaughtered Silently web site is to be believed - do not in any way welcome. Just talk. But, all little pointers as to the existence of a deal behind the scenes.
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