I think Militiades is correct in what he says and I concur with his analysis of Paphitis.As he says, everyone is entitled to their point of view but any exchange of views should be conducted in a civilised way. Aggression begets aggression?
I don’t think anybody who has read Paphitis posts on various subjects, not only Syria but Ukraine, the Arab World, Israel and obviously banking, would consider him to be anything other than a rather paranoid personality? He is entitled to opinions but when they are questioned he should be able to support them with some recognised and credible source. When he realises he is losing a discussion and very few support him, if any, he resorts to provocative and aggressive insults.
An example of his arrogance and obsession with his chosen subjects: RW started the thread on ‘Flag of Cyprus’ on 25/5/16 at 2100. Paphitis’ very first contribution was at 0845 on the 26/5/16 ...... and immediately stole the thread to convert it into another one of his meaningless rants on Syria and his perceived persecution of the Sunni’s. Every post from that point, had nothing to do with the Flag of Cyprus but referred ceaselessly to Syria/Putin/ and of course the ’We’ pronouncement’s from an obsessive air head. I note there has been no apology from him for hijacking that thread!
He then proceeded to suck me and Militades into his extremist fantasy world, (
which is every bit as bizarre as that broadcast by ISIS), where he has at his command all the forces of the US/NATO coalition and then proceeds to predict the future with bizarre self confidence.......... predictions which, going on past performance inevitably turn out to be wrong, as they are nothing more than his distorted imagination . So,that comes as no surprise.
Most incredibly, from my point of view, he then has the gall to accuse me of being a troll regarding finance/banking, making his declaration to all members in large bold type face, presumably he thought this enhanced his message. In fact: both the threads he references were started by me, were on that subject (
banking/monetary creation/financial), a subject I find interesting, one I have substantial knowledge of, and is a subject that is complex and involved that takes some explaining and thus understanding. He then resorts to insults, some very offensive; unfortunately he does not have any knowledge of the subject being discussed but, in his own mind, he thinks he does.
His logic when analysing the results of the poll ........... were hilarious and demonstrated just how out of touch with the real world he really is. If people don’t say they disagree with his views .... then by default they must agree with him. Absolutely incredible!