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Poll ended at Tue May 31, 2016 8:49 am

Total votes : 8


Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:03 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Well, I didn't cast a vote because I do not think that using a poll as a vehicle for a personal attack is valid.

Tim, the opening post on this thread had no trace of any vindictive purpose. It was pure and simple. Here it is >

"I will keep it simple. Most of you are familiar with this forumers, Paphitis. views on Syria and associated with Syria aspects. Do you consider his views Valid as he proclaims or not."

He begun to annoy me a great deal with his consistent use of WE, and display of incessant amount of hatred directed at Russia and Putin in particular ending in his statement that Turkey ought to shoot down a few more Russian planes.

This forum gives everyone the right to express views, he has the right to express his views regardless of how stupid those views are.
Its not a war that anyone on this forum can either bring to end or intensify, we are merely observers making comments, he on the other hand has made this war his own with statements such as OUR FORCES, WE WILL NO PERMIT etc etc.
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:27 pm

I think Militiades is correct in what he says and I concur with his analysis of Paphitis.As he says, everyone is entitled to their point of view but any exchange of views should be conducted in a civilised way. Aggression begets aggression?

I don’t think anybody who has read Paphitis posts on various subjects, not only Syria but Ukraine, the Arab World, Israel and obviously banking, would consider him to be anything other than a rather paranoid personality? He is entitled to opinions but when they are questioned he should be able to support them with some recognised and credible source. When he realises he is losing a discussion and very few support him, if any, he resorts to provocative and aggressive insults.

An example of his arrogance and obsession with his chosen subjects: RW started the thread on ‘Flag of Cyprus’ on 25/5/16 at 2100. Paphitis’ very first contribution was at 0845 on the 26/5/16 ...... and immediately stole the thread to convert it into another one of his meaningless rants on Syria and his perceived persecution of the Sunni’s. Every post from that point, had nothing to do with the Flag of Cyprus but referred ceaselessly to Syria/Putin/ and of course the ’We’ pronouncement’s from an obsessive air head. I note there has been no apology from him for hijacking that thread!

He then proceeded to suck me and Militades into his extremist fantasy world, (which is every bit as bizarre as that broadcast by ISIS), where he has at his command all the forces of the US/NATO coalition and then proceeds to predict the future with bizarre self confidence.......... predictions which, going on past performance inevitably turn out to be wrong, as they are nothing more than his distorted imagination . So,that comes as no surprise.

Most incredibly, from my point of view, he then has the gall to accuse me of being a troll regarding finance/banking, making his declaration to all members in large bold type face, presumably he thought this enhanced his message. In fact: both the threads he references were started by me, were on that subject (banking/monetary creation/financial), a subject I find interesting, one I have substantial knowledge of, and is a subject that is complex and involved that takes some explaining and thus understanding. He then resorts to insults, some very offensive; unfortunately he does not have any knowledge of the subject being discussed but, in his own mind, he thinks he does.

His logic when analysing the results of the poll ........... were hilarious and demonstrated just how out of touch with the real world he really is. If people don’t say they disagree with his views .... then by default they must agree with him. Absolutely incredible! :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:30 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I have no idea if Paphitis views on Syria are right or wrong.
Perhaps this might look surprising to all you expats but we in Cyprus are totally in the dark.
There;s almost no info on the media, nothing on the local news, no discussions,no commentaries, nothing!
I'd bet 99% of the kypreoi know nothing about it, not sure what the % is among the Kibrislis. Oh I just remembered my old terms :lol:

Btw didn't you Milti and Paphitis confessed your sins to each other and asked for forgiveness?
Was it so hard for you Milti, to imagine that such a new poll would spark a new circle :shock:

Anyway this is a discussion forum, it's funny that some people never learn when it's time to stop talking. Paphitis is of course the No1, but on the other hand there are also people who never learn when they should not start talking.Guess who the No1 of that is :mrgreen:

I felt sorry for him and wanted to get the idiot off my back with his personal attacks, stupidity, and childish immature online drama!

The dilly old coot continues with his irresponsible behavior and is perhaps quite senile.

He continues to have no clue and remains intolerant to other viewpoints to the point he just wants to engage in popularity contests and wankfest jerk off circles!

I shudder to think what an empty vessel of a "man" this imbecile is!
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:37 pm

Oh dear if it isn't the 2 geriatrics jerking off engaging in character assassinations!

Let it be known that at no point do I play such games but I express my viewpoint.

It's not my problem if people don't like my views, but I do maintain that my views are in no way shape or form out there or unreasonable and are indeed based on facts as I and the mainstream see them whether it is about Syria, Banking, Israel, or any other subject matter.

But don't worry little old men! Polls are personal attacks only reveal who you are. Continue, but I would suggest you both stop drinking if you want to tango with the likes of me because I would rip you both apart.

Neither of you are smart enough and should play with someone in your own IQ level.

As for Miltiades public apology, he can stick it up his arse!
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:45 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Well, I didn't cast a vote because I do not think that using a poll as a vehicle for a personal attack is valid.

You're a good man Tim.

Smart enough to see this as a personal attack.

There is a lot of obsessive behavior on this forum from these 2 culprits.

An actual Banker was chased off forum by this imbecile. And when I say Banker, I mean a Credit Analyst executive who I am sure doesn't get all his information from the Internet or from Marxist anti capitalists propaganda sites.

The poor man was just trying to provide perspective, and you would think that he knows what he is talking about as a career Banker of some 30 odd years. The problem of course was that he disagreed with Robin Hoods anti Banking agenda of falsehoods and was trolled to oblivion much like the imbeciles are trying to do with me because I too take issue with their stupidity!

CBBB also knows what I am talking about.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:01 pm

If no one knows what I am talking about, then I would suggest contacting CBBB to be filled in.

This forum is in danger of being trolled out of existence. This guy is the expert.

There is really no point arguing or debating with him whether you're a Banker or not. There is no room for any intelligent comment if you disagree with his thesis concerning the "criminal" banks.

You see, everything is about the Banks or corrupt UK, criminal West, Israel, nwo and so on.

Fill in the pieces. Some of you have a brain. Don't you? :?
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:26 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I have no idea if Paphitis views on Syria are right or wrong.
Perhaps this might look surprising to all you expats but we in Cyprus are totally in the dark.
There;s almost no info on the media, nothing on the local news, no discussions,no commentaries, nothing!
I'd bet 99% of the kypreoi know nothing about it, not sure what the % is among the Kibrislis. Oh I just remembered my old terms :lol:

Btw didn't you Milti and Paphitis confessed your sins to each other and asked for forgiveness?
Was it so hard for you Milti, to imagine that such a new poll would spark a new circle :shock:

Anyway this is a discussion forum, it's funny that some people never learn when it's time to stop talking. Paphitis is of course the No1, but on the other hand there are also people who never learn when they should not start talking.Guess who the No1 of that is :mrgreen:

The Cypriot Media is not very good or they are deliberately keeping you in the dark.

Russia is not flavor of the month in all EU countries with the exception of perhaps Greece and Cyprus.

This is a very dangerous period of course, and Russia's behavior in Ukraine, and now in Syria is appalling. The UN Security Council is currently debating on issuing a resolution to permit the Coalition to conduct airdrops into 19 besieged areas in Syria. This includes areas on the outskirts of Damascus.

Russia may oppose the resolution which means the Coalition will have to unilaterally act. Other observers are saying that Russia might abstain because of the political cost.

What seems apparent is that the Coalition is proceeding towards a big land trap across all of Northern and Central Syria and head towards a Federated solution comprising a Kurdish State and Sunni State.

If that doesn't come to pass, then the Kurds are going to be pushing for complete independence.

Turkey has isolated herself both from Russia and the Coalition itself. Strong headwinds for Turkey as the Coalition are starting to consolidate and strengthen their position.

Russia is losing momentum at the negotiating table so I anticipate desperate actions from them.
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:33 pm

Paphitis wrote:If no one knows what I am talking about, then I would suggest contacting CBBB to be filled in.

This forum is in danger of being trolled out of existence. This guy is the expert.

There is really no point arguing or debating with him whether you're a Banker or not. There is no room for any intelligent comment if you disagree with his thesis concerning the "criminal" banks.

You see, everything is about the Banks or corrupt UK, criminal West, Israel, nwo and so on.

Fill in the pieces. Some of you have a brain. Don't you? :?

Others may have a brain but you certainly have something missing in that department! :roll: :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:40 pm

Sorry i didn't know the truce between Milti and Paphitis has been broken before this this topic came up.
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Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:00 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Sorry i didn't know the truce between Milti and Paphitis has been broken before this this topic came up.

Well, it seemed OK until Paphitis resorted to his usual of abusing and insulting those he cannot bully into accepting his opinion. I don't think Paphitis ever apologised ........... it's not his MO! :roll:
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