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Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby CBBB » Wed May 25, 2016 4:54 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Let’s face it Paphitis; you are no more than a rather unpleasant, ignorant, arrogant, self opinionated, boastful, know-all that completely lacks the ability to engage in a civilised discussion and cannot tolerate the concept that you could possibly be wrong ........ on anything ........ and you frequently are wrong ! :roll:

Who said that?

I did! You have a problem with that?

You think that does not describe Paphitis' childish and often foul and offensive responses on this forum? As Milti has pointed out, I will stick to my opinion unless it is proven to be wrong ...... but I don't resort to ' .... colourful language' just because someone disagrees with me. Proving something wrong is not difficult to do .....if the responder has the facts, as he shows in this thread ..... I got something wrong and I apologised. At least he doesn't resort to sarcasm like some I could mention. :roll:

it was the "arrogant, self opinionated, boastful, know-all that completely lacks the ability to engage in a civilised discussion and cannot tolerate the concept that you could possibly be wrong ........ on anything ........ and you frequently are wrong" I found amusing coming from Robin Hood.
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Maximus » Wed May 25, 2016 5:07 pm

how much does it cost to learn how to fly and how long would it take to get a pilots license. How many lessons, exams, etc.
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Paphitis » Wed May 25, 2016 5:18 pm

He is frequently wrong just like when he got mixed up with QNH. All obstacles on charts are given in AMSL so imagine flying into cloud. You need to know what your Obstacle Clearances are in the circling area. That's different to the Circuit which are mostly not done other than in the training context. Most of the time you do straight in approaches.

Not to mention the fact that there is no point turning your landing light on when on Final.

What the standard procedures are is to turn everything on when passing through 10000 or at 15 nms. The idea is to see and avoid and be seen.

Reporting established after the turn is also acceptable.

The guy is an idiot. Pure and simple.

Not to mention the fact he is deluded and derives all his information from Bolshevik and Extreme Leftist sites which have an enormous bias against the coalition and the West. I have provided many sources but none pass muster, not even UN sources and then he posts some rubbish from obscure agenda driven blogs and claims to prove everyone wrong.

In addition, the man is completely obsessed with Banks, money creation and any other looney agenda. Not a problem having a lack of trust in the Banking sector but the guy is literally a very strange, obsessive, delusional and quite sick individual and yet he has the audacity to point the finger elsewhere.

He has been chased off every forum he has participated in. I have information on who this character is, and he is despised everywhere.

This forum should watch out. I think you know what I am talking about.
Last edited by Paphitis on Wed May 25, 2016 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Paphitis » Wed May 25, 2016 5:24 pm

Maximus wrote:how much does it cost to learn how to fly and how long would it take to get a pilots license. How many lessons, exams, etc.

Depends what you want to do.

Do you want to do it recreationally or professionally?

You can get a Private Licence in less than 12 months including a pass in PPL theory.

But then you need to get a Commercial Licence with Instrument Rating and pass all the ATPL Theory. That will take another 2 years.

Cost is up to 100,000 Euros if you go all the way. The Cheapest way is to go to the USA and get your FAA Licences then go to Europe and sit the EASA Exams and do the Flight Test to convert over.

The best way is to opt for a Integrated Theory and Flight Training Program such as Oxford. It would cost you a lot but getting through the ATPL theory is tough, real tough. Failure rate when I did it was over 90% and that was in the days there was a Morse Code requirement of 10 words per minute send and receive.
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Robin Hood » Wed May 25, 2016 7:02 pm

He is frequently wrong just like when he got mixed up with QNH. All obstacles on charts are given in AMSL so imagine flying into cloud. You need to know what your Obstacle Clearances are in the circling area. That's different to the Circuit which are mostly not done other than in the training context.

Another misunderstanding? I am not at all confused on the difference between a QNH and QFE altimeter setting, I bought it up if you remeber. It is you that has made an issue of it! Setting the altimeter is one of the first practical things you learn even before your first supervised take off.

As a ppl without IMC you do NOT fly into clouds, for the obvious reasons you quote. You are not qualified to fly except by VFR, which means you have to able to see the ground at all times.

As I pointed out the QNH altimeter setting gives you height references that directly relate to obstacle clearance and what you see on the map. A ppl without IMC would be a very unwise pilot to even think about a cross country journey without checking the weather and cloud base/condition en-route. If it didn’t look too good I didn’t fly no matter what the weather report said .... maybe that is why I am still here to bother you? :D
Most of the time you do straight in approaches.

Maybe as a commercial pilot approaching a major airfield. Most often when I have landed at another small field you join ‘overhead the field’ at 1000’ and ATC will tell you which downwind leg to join for which runway. Unless there is no other traffic this would be the norm ..... at least when I was flying cross country jaunts in the UK.
Not to mention the fact that there is no point turning your landing light on when on Final.

For a light aircraft I agree, which is why I queried him turning it on whilst on the downwind leg whilst flying parallel to the runway. You said that it is normal (for a large commercial aircraft?) to turn the landing lights on at a 15nm for a straight in approach? It was you that came up with a ‘reason’, which may apply to a commercial jet at 15nm but not a light aircraft at 1000’ in or joining the circuit.

Stop trying to put me down ..... surely you have realized by now that I don’t make comments on subjects I have no knowledge of? I doubt there are many members on the forum that have clue what we are talking about anyway?
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Paphitis » Wed May 25, 2016 7:05 pm

Yeh you just turn your Landing light on when on Finals and shut up. The control tower will find it easier to see you even though your on their screen right in front of them. They might clear an aircraft to take off in the opposite direction and take you out!
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Robin Hood » Wed May 25, 2016 7:13 pm

CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Let’s face it Paphitis; you are no more than a rather unpleasant, ignorant, arrogant, self opinionated, boastful, know-all that completely lacks the ability to engage in a civilised discussion and cannot tolerate the concept that you could possibly be wrong ........ on anything ........ and you frequently are wrong ! :roll:

Who said that?

I did! You have a problem with that?

You think that does not describe Paphitis' childish and often foul and offensive responses on this forum? As Milti has pointed out, I will stick to my opinion unless it is proven to be wrong ...... but I don't resort to ' .... colourful language' just because someone disagrees with me. Proving something wrong is not difficult to do .....if the responder has the facts, as he shows in this thread ..... I got something wrong and I apologised. At least he doesn't resort to sarcasm like some I could mention. :roll:

it was the "arrogant, self opinionated, boastful, know-all that completely lacks the ability to engage in a civilised discussion and cannot tolerate the concept that you could possibly be wrong ........ on anything ........ and you frequently are wrong" I found amusing coming from Robin Hood.

ProVox would be proud of me! I have said before .... prove me wrong! Simple enough if you know what you are talking about or can provide a credible link to prove me wrong. But coming from some one who rarely posts more than a single short sentence, I don't think you are in any position to take me on ....... particularly when it comes to the monetary system and banking ..... you know even less than Paphitis! :roll:
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 25, 2016 7:43 pm

The only time Paphitis can fly is while he’s snoring… :lol:
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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby RichardB » Wed May 25, 2016 7:51 pm

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Re: Paphiti, your views on this kids aviation skills.

Postby Cap » Wed May 25, 2016 7:56 pm

:lol: :lol:

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