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For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:31 am

Over FIVE years of screaming the same propaganda. :roll: Yawn!!!

Ignore the Brexit that's actually happened - something you never expected! :!:
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:34 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Over FIVE years of screaming the same propaganda. :roll: Yawn!!!

Ignore the Brexit that's actually happened - something you never expected! :!:

But why are people like Simitis still discussing it as a possibility?

Brexit? A different issue and one where again I had no influence, not even a vote. The EU will however to fill the financial hole left by Britain, which appears to be in the Vicinity of GBP 6 billion.
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:19 pm

A further discussion in the GREEK Press (quoting a Belgian news item) on the recurring spectre of GREXIT - a prospect that I do not desire, but where one cannot dismiss the possibility, though some here seek to.

Positive news is that JP Morgan thinks a deal will be struck so Greece can get funds meet its inmmediate obligations.
Probability 85% gives the US financial firm JP Morgan in an agreement between Greece and its creditors to the Eurogroup meeting on May 22 and possibly earlier.

The agency also notes that it considers extremely unlikely an accident that would lead to Grexit, even in the worst of the three scenarios is done, after the decision of the Eurogroup last Friday. "We maintain a constructive medium-term outlook for the purchase of Greek bonds and the reward for the risk remains attractive," notes o agency's report, according to the Athens News Agency.

Explaining the basic scenario, facing the good result, JP Morgan notes that "the Greek government and European partners (including a more amicable German position) is close to finalizing an agreement on a technical level (Staff Level Agreement), the which includes pronomothetisi measures by Greece for possible reductions in pensions and reduction of the tax allowance for the period 2019-2020 (totaling 2% of GDP), to comply with the budgetary targets in case of Fr. nd not achieve these. "

They do not however dispel the risk altogether as there are several possible scenarios that might stop a deal.

The JP Morgan pays 12% chance in a "bad result", where discussions continued until very close to the Greek debt repayment date in July. "What would happen if Germany and the IMF can not bridge their differences and / or if some MPs of SYRIZA suddenly refused to vote the necessary measures." It is difficult to delineate time this scenario, "but we think that in a situation such discussions will continue until mid-June. Our view is that eventually the Greek government will accept an offer that probably would have the form of 'take it or let it' (take it or leave it) and would avoid a bankruptcy, "says House.

In the "bad effect" on a new liquidity episode in July, the agency pays 3% chance. In this scenario, the risk Grexit reappears, as Greece is entering a new liquidity crisis as the summer of 2015. "A new center-right government will probably one avoided bankruptcy thanks to the help of Europe, but the economic impact would be grim"

Whether (some)one likes it or not the risks will remain for as long as Greece is at risk of defaulting on debt repayment.
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:50 am

I thought at one stage the quote below deserves a topic of its own as it would be unfair to Troll Robin Hoods' topic, even though I share concern about the possible veracity of some personal blogspots as authentic news sites, (which would not be tolerated in EG Putin's Russia, where vocal opponents have ended up murdered, ) by throwing in a live Grenade which will rouse if not the Dogs of War, but the Bitch of war, by generating heat rather than light, and so many topics are mentioned it has no natural home in any of them. I will however treat it as mundane and not give it undue prominence with a home of its own.

As far as GIG goes. She got as good as she gives. First blood went to her. I tend to treat people the way they treat me. With no reason at all, other than pure spite and the desire to look a smart arse, she posted repeated insults, some blatantly racist and totally unrelated to the OPs, on discussions between myself and others which were in essence quite mundane. The last before my apparently so terrible response was to suggest that STUD and I were in some sort of gay relationship. So be it. Don't let it stop you sycophantically trawling for allies though (because that's what it's all about!).

"g"IGgle girlie and I have been "sparing" ever since I joined. In those days she was posting as Orifice or was it Oracle, then she went off in a Huff, and came back as Phoenix, (how Symbolic) then as GeekIslandGirl, or something like that.

Anyone who seems to share my views seems to be at risk of abuse, and if she was implying some sort of "relationship" it would not be the first time , though I must admit I did not read her last in the way LR did. I thought she was suggesting we were bits of low life. Is she any better?

I will not however criticise the reply, quoted above.

Back to the mundane matter of Supermarkets, where it became apparent to me from a discussion about the demise of Orphan Annie's, not an edifying prospect, in particular for the staff and suppliers, and not an outcome I desired, that expressing concern about something untoward happening is seen by her as me having a desire to see it happen, and from there it was just a short step for her to suggest I wanted the demise of the ROC. All of this had a touch of Paranoia thrown in, as when I first commented I was accused of wilfully bringing it to her door.

Does she live in a bubble, insulated or isolated from the real world ? It was in the MSM and thus a matter of public debate.

Now I do not think that rational, where one takes bad news about a sadly failing business so personally, and then without one shred of evidence projects it so far, inventing and imputing motives in the process.

(As an aside all of those who support Enosis want the demise of the ROC.. I recall she has spoken in favour of it)

However She suggested some sort of "collusion" between myself and another poster when she was in complete denial about the EU being critical of her beloved Greece (which country can, so I suspect, in her view, do no wrong) about certain aspects of how the Greek authorities were, or rather were not, recording irregular migrants and which ended up with the Eu issuing a list of 40 to 50 or so recommendations for the Greek Authorities to adopt, with the possibility, no more, that unless the situation was rectified then the Schengen rules might, and only might, be suspended, possibly in part, .potentially requiring Greece to impose some internal border controls. Not an edifying prospect that anyone should desire, but one where unable to accept the sad news (and possible consequences) she went into denial .

The reports highlighted a lack of organisation and inadequate use of existing resources, including police snd military, to perform the necessary recording of irregular migrants. All of this was under the then regulation the primsry responsibility of Greece as the national government with the external border to be monitored under Schengen Rules. Frontex had a supporting role, but only if asked, and the Greek government did not ask until three weeks after an inspection by Frontex found Greece "seriously deficient" in the specific areas of complaint.

The rules have now changed.

As to the alleged relationship,with another poster, The phrase she used at one point was a double act, though it was not, Just two similarly minded people replying Independent of the other: no collusion let alone consortium, yet another invention by "g"IG, almost of a conspiracy theory.

As it was we had the "Humpty-Dumpty" interpretation of words so that it was not Greece that was to blame but Frontex, even though under the regulations, as they were at the time, all of the relevant responsibility lay with the national government with the external border in question, and Frontex had little responsibility, and could not intervene unless requested by the national Government concerned, i.e. Greece, which did not happen until after an inspection by Frontex, and a report indicating Greece was "seriously deficient", at least In regard to these specific observations.

The EU official press site was described as a blog site with less credibility than the blog sites masquerading as news sites others here quote from, with official EU press releases if not the official reports being dismissed accordingly.

She would not answer straight questions, but deployed the full range of avoidance and evasion, misquoting, misinterpretation and misrepresentation, with "straw man" arguments, which as is usual, take longer to deal with than than than the false premise.

Then there was the usual torrent of epithets, of which the most common are "liar" - seldom explained, or at best based upon lies themselves, along with "imperialist" and "colonialist" , plus the occasional scatological reference.

Her reaction on the Traffic light issue, again mundane, until one is either nearly "T" boned by some nutter jumping a red light, or nearly rear-ended by some Nutter who expects you to Jump a red light, so they can follow you through, is perhaps typical. She does not like the message so she seeks to shoot the messenger. The fact id thst there is a possible issue of Traffic Law enforcement.

As it is, from vitriol displayed in her posts I think she has in fact let her bitterness if not hatred start to consume her from within, and that is destructive, to her, not me.,

And then we have Grexit...again not something I desire but where I personally and being blamed for promoting Grexit and then when I point to articles suggesting why it is not a good idea, I am scaremongering....but of an inconsistency there if on the one hand I am supposedly promoting Grexit but on the other frightening the Greeks to stay if anything I say here will influence the Position...Indeed the question she will not answer is why after five years years are Greek politicians and the Greek press still discussing it, some even calling for it, Including that golden shower, Golden Dawn, who would likely pull Greece not only out of the Euro but out of the EU. Answer, because whether she or I like it or not, the risk remains until the risk of Serious default by Greece in its debt repayments is obviated.

The way she writes however, the talk about Grexit, just like the talk about the demise about Orphanides is down to me and my alleged desires.

Me, I passed the hatred stage long ago, I did at one time hope she would go and not come back, but then she has a history of resurrecting herself, rather I find her constant attempts to insult and otherwise belittle me almost amusing, if her efforts were not so Pathetic.

Inbound now expected....water off a duck's back to me... But let us see what the abuse is.....I do so enjoy a chuckle reading her attempts at insult....And yes, gIG I am trolling you, but I was voted forum troll, so that is an insult that is not going to work.
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:49 am

As it is, from vitriol displayed in her posts I think she has in fact let her bitterness if not hatred start to consume her from within, and that is destructive, ..................

I have no argument with your views as expressed and I think it would be fair to say that GIG is obsessive about her ‘Greekness’, when she is in realty a Cypriot. Cyprus is Cyprus not a ‘Greek Island’. I tend to stay away from the subjects she engages on ..... it is safer that way as I am not that well informed in GC/TC/Cyprus Problems ..... I am a guest in this country. :roll: :wink:

The criticism that spurred the comment you quote was that, no matter what vitriol she uses in her exchanges with you or anyone else, the comment he made that she needed “ get laid!” by someone who considers himself to be a cut-above others, was crude and unnecessary. His standard sunk to the same level he is so quick to accuse others of.

To use his favourite retort .....’Hypocrisy’
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:50 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Whether (some)one likes it or not the risks will remain ...................

Year and years of propagating an idea that Greece was about to fold, to be isolated, to be expelled etc etc etc. All these expressed with such horror that their imminence was only ever months, weeks or maybe only days away! So now, your wisdom is that 'the risks will remain'. :roll: Brilliant. Your'e an unfunny joke!

Years and years your doom and gloom prophesies have been ridiculed, either by myself or by the passage of time that demonstrated your utter stupidity in predicting anything! So, now you appeal to infinity ... :lol:

Years and years you then resort to personal attacks, bolstered by some other similarly gutter-born Brit.

Your views of me are as accurate (not) as every other view you have tried to promote.

Psst .... maybe you haven't heard (since you fail to mention it) but not only has Britain got Brexit, but they're now in even deeper, total chaos .... no, really! It has actually happened! No 'the risk remains' :lol:

Now, piss off and stop trolling me or Cyprus and Greece with your scatological derivations!
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:18 pm

Again you are personalising these matters when they are all the topic of Public debate in the Greek Press and by Greek Politicians and you do not answer the question why is this so - that Greek Politicians and Greek Press (and others) are STILL debating the issue. I discount the Daily Express which is not a credible newspaper.

Likewise you blandly deny with bald assertions without saying where or how I have misrepresented your position, though you continue to do so with mine on Brexit.

What you say in fact makes interesting reading in the light of your thread - "Greece - Europe's only hope of a change for good..." with your failed Prediction

Once again, all eyes are on Greece. Europe's hopes and fears rest on which way the world-changing, brave Greeks will vote.

So 2015 could finally be the year when austerity meets its reckoning across the continent. Or it could be the year that a democratic challenge to economic madness was strangled to death. It is a game of high stakes in which the futures of millions of people could be decided ... yriza-poll

Good luck my beloved brothers. Sister Cyprus depends on you being safe and strong.

The Greeks had an election to bring in an anti Austerity government with referendum on 5th July 2015 and where we know how they voted. The bailout conditions were rejected by a majority of over 61% to 39% approving!

Indeed, as Paphitis predicted 23/12/14-

Once they are in power, they will be fully in line with the current Austerity Measures in place, and be Germany's little lap dogs, and follow all the criteria as promised by the previous administration..

So that happened: Despite the firm NO vote to Austerity three days following the "no" vote of the referendum, on 8 July 2015 the Athens government asked for a three-year bailout from the Eurozone’s rescue fund and pledged to start implementing some economic-policy overhauls within days. The Greek request included a a big u-turn regarding pension cuts, tax increases and other austerity measures. The total amount of loans requested in the Greek proposal was 53.5 billion euros . The Greek parliament approved the Prime Minister's request on Friday, 10 July. On Monday, 13 July, the Greek Government accepted a bailout package that contained larger pension cuts and tax increases than the one rejected by Greek voters in the referendum.

Here we are in April 2017 and with discussions on cuts still happening.

Some lead.

That Grexit has not happened is because "Solutions" have been "found" which involve a combination of austerity and rolling over the debt with new loans (which must be paid off in the future) so these are not long term solutions of themselves. The latest talks have only allowed a further tranche of loans to be released, to allow old debt to be paid off, on terms that austerity continues. Greece will only be "allowed" to use money for economic promotion if the primary surplus exceeds 3.5%. Under that it effectively goes for paying off the debt.

All of these fixes only occur late in the day. So it was with the last round (and there the details still need to be firmed up) where if Greece had not once again fallen into line the tranche may not have come through and Greece would have defaulted and with it Grexit would be back on the table.

The long term solutions are that the debt must be eliminated (or at least made manageable without rollover) and ways must be found to generate growth in the Greek Economy with secure employment:

these are some figures

Population 10780 Thousand
(approximate working age population 4739.60 Thousand)
Unemployment Rate 23.50 percent
Employed Persons 3603.40 Thousand
Unemployed Persons 1136.20 Thousand
Part Time Employment 374.30 Thousand
Full Time Employment 3274.30 Thousand
Employment Rate 76.03 percent
Long Term Unemployment Rate 16.70 percent
Youth Unemployment Rate 48.00 percent
Reported Job Vacancies 15.689 Thousand
(theoretically 72 unemployed per vacant job)

That cannot be healthy, in particular the youth employment.

Here by the way is Greek site promoting Grexit:
and an article on a book explaining why it is NOT a good idea

Brexit? A diversionary tactic. Gloat all you like about it... I live here not the UK. and what is happening there does NOT yet make any direct difference to the state of the Economy in Greece save in so far as in future it may hinder trade or tourism between the UK and Greece and will damage the EU with the loss of the British Millions of net contributions.
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:23 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote: ... Brexit? A diversionary tactic...

Sure! Real life is 'diversionary' to a madman. :P
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:05 am

What makes so many French people so bloody stupid? :? ... egg-chick/

There’s really something weird about them I never understood… :?
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:31 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote: ... Brexit? A diversionary tactic...

Sure! Real life is 'diversionary' to a madman. :P

Yes, a diversionary tactic as you raise it here to divert attention from the "Real life" discussions recently going on in Greece by Greeks about the possibility of Grexit absent agreement on the terms for release of the next tranche of bail out money, and to divert attention about your inability to rationally discuss the issues, and where you blew it big time in trying to drag me in to the topic elsewhere.

I make no claims about my Sanity or denials concerning you allegations about my lack thereof: I will leave others to consider their views on your sanity bearing in mind that these discussions in Greece by Greekswould have happened whether I had had commented on them or not: that is "Real life", not the bubble you try to exist in where you can try to avoid the fact that in "Real life" such discussions are taking place.
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