Regardless of what the issues may be, I think it grossly inappropriate for a Gentleman to offer insult to a Lady.
There are 'Nicer' ways to press a point yet convey one's repugnance (or disapproval of a Lady's views).
GreekIslandGirl wrote:GreekIslandGirl on Sat May 21, 2016 wrote: .... there's more likely to be an almighty Brexit/Brexodus .....
Keep harping on with your wishful thinking. Like Paphitis' prophecies that the Queen was about to die last Christmas, one day, maybe you might hit the jackpot and by chance or obviousness, you will finally get something right!
In reality, the possibility of a Grexit never existed but has been a favourite headline of the British press and their FAKE NEWS! Well, talk about hoisted by their own petard ...
(P.S. and BTW - I thought you predicted they were going to be expelled last June? )
Schnauzer wrote:Regardless of what the issues may be, I think it grossly inappropriate for a Gentleman to offer insult to a Lady.
There are 'Nicer' ways to press a point yet convey one's repugnance (or disapproval of a Lady's views).
to describe opponents in debate?Don't worry ever worry you ogreish little head (emphasis on teeny tiny head housing miniscule brain-e-poo)
supporttheunderdog wrote:Do ladies uses phrases liketo describe opponents in debate?Don't worry ever worry you ogreish little head (emphasis on teeny tiny head housing miniscule brain-e-poo)
supporttheunderdog wrote: .... only ever discussed as a risk or possibility.
GuardianToday wrote:MPs have taken a historic step towards taking Britain out of the European Union by approving the bill allowing the prime minister to trigger article 50 by a majority of 384 votes.
Now everyone also seems to concede that Greece will exit the Euro: The sad factor in all of this is that it is the ordinary Greek working person who is most likely to suffer the worst. The richer Greeks have already exported their wealth from Greece so they will not be hit by the problems that will flow from the forecast return to the Drachma and the anticipated rapid collapse in value of that currency.
The problem is our local banks are not just going to get a haircut, some could be virtually decapitated by their own financial mismanagement in buying so heavily into the Greek bonds, where again we have the typical blame game - no the *ankers say, its not our fault - its the regulators' or the governments' fault. B*ll*cks! Well Mr *anker, you chose to do the risky deals.
supporttheunderdog wrote:the game you are trying to play is "shoot the messenger",
GreekIslandGirl wrote:supporttheunderdog wrote:the game you are trying to play is "shoot the messenger",
Who set you up to be this "messenger" of one stupid message? You're an idiot if you are some passive messenger of such a message. I suspect, though, you are just a nasty piece of work who pretends to be a 'messenger'.
We don't need such 'messengers' with wrong messages. Hop along now and start praying for the UK.
supporttheunderdog wrote:This is an ad homin attack
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