Londonrake wrote:Kikapu wrote:As I stated already, I do not see any British politician, specially May, having the balls to enact Article 50 to leave the EU. The whole thing will be kicked down the road with million excuses why it cannot be enacted now and now and now and now, to even in the year 2050!
Those poor leave suckers have a long, long, long, long long wait for Brexit that will never come.
Brexit could be delayed to late-2019 as government not ready: ... SKCN10O0Y9
Like many disgruntled Remainers, you're fantasising. Nothing in the article supports what you're suggesting. We're it true though the likes of UKIP would become a very significant political force. The resentment won't go away.
The oft stated idea that many Leavers are shocked at the referendum result and given a second chance would vote remain is a myth. It's really just a repeat of Cameron's total failure to understand the British character.
May stands at what is probably the most significant crossroad in UK affairs since WW II. History will record whether she runs true and delivers, or goes down as an EU Quisling. Nothing I've read about her suggests the latter. Dream on.
Remainers can twist and turn, post mutually supportive "I'm so clever, you're so stupid" threads but the simple truth is - you lost and all your endless, repetitive complaints actually amount to nothing more than sore loser Trolling.
Well, your beloved Daily Telegraph is telling you the same thing:
Reports out over the weekend suggest that Brexit may be delayed until late 2019 now that the various ministers responsible for the process have started to get to grips with how tricky it will be to extricate the UK from the European Union and establish new trade relationships with the rest of the world. ... o-be-easy/