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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:43 am

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:As I stated already, I do not see any British politician, specially May :wink: , having the balls to enact Article 50 to leave the EU. The whole thing will be kicked down the road with million excuses why it cannot be enacted now and now and now and now, to even in the year 2050! :D

Those poor leave suckers have a long, long, long, long long wait for Brexit that will never come. :D

Brexit could be delayed to late-2019 as government not ready: ... SKCN10O0Y9

Like many disgruntled Remainers, you're fantasising. Nothing in the article supports what you're suggesting. We're it true though the likes of UKIP would become a very significant political force. The resentment won't go away.

The oft stated idea that many Leavers are shocked at the referendum result and given a second chance would vote remain is a myth. It's really just a repeat of Cameron's total failure to understand the British character.

May stands at what is probably the most significant crossroad in UK affairs since WW II. History will record whether she runs true and delivers, or goes down as an EU Quisling. Nothing I've read about her suggests the latter. Dream on.

Remainers can twist and turn, post mutually supportive "I'm so clever, you're so stupid" threads but the simple truth is - you lost and all your endless, repetitive complaints actually amount to nothing more than sore loser Trolling.

Well, your beloved Daily Telegraph is telling you the same thing:

Reports out over the weekend suggest that Brexit may be delayed until late 2019 now that the various ministers responsible for the process have started to get to grips with how tricky it will be to extricate the UK from the European Union and establish new trade relationships with the rest of the world. ... o-be-easy/
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:55 am

Well, it seems that all existing members of EFTA have a veto over who can join, and Norway is talking of exercising that veto, and the same applies if the UK wishes to take an independent seat at the WTO, and Argentina is talking of vetoing that. Quo vadis Brittannia?

(PS - Saying: "We won, you lost. Get over it. Na na na na na" like a stupid kid who has won a game of conkers does not answer the above question. Repeating it like a worn out record amounts to nothing more than trolling.)
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:49 pm

Claims that ex-Ukip leader Nigel Farage is attempting to apply for dual-German citizenship have been rejected as “complete rubbish”.

A source close to the former-leader dismissed speculation that stirred online after he was seen at the German Embassy.

The source said: “He was at the embassy in relation to a personal matter. The idea that it’s anything to do with German citizenship is complete rubbish.”

Mr Farage, who has a German wife, was spotted in a queue at the embassy in London. ... 94161.html

Since Farage does not appear to be denying that he went on some business or other to the German embassy, I am racking my brains as to what that business could be if not to apply for German citizenship for himself or his children. We are still in the EU so don't need visas to travel to Germany. What else could it have been?
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:00 pm

Disgruntled remainers you say! :lol:

I think your post just confirms that it is the 'remainers' that really DO have a problem and that LR's comments were fully justified. Your comments were just your rather biased opinion and of no substance! :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:28 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Kikapu:
Disgruntled remainers you say! :lol:

I think your post just confirms that it is the 'remainers' that really DO have a problem and that LR's comments were fully justified. Your comments were just your rather biased opinion and of no substance! :roll:

Robin, I have a problem mate!! STG has lost more than 10% since the geriatric and little Englander vote influenced by the Clown and the Moron VOTED TO ....TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK !! :lol: :lol: At least our NHS will be :lol: ...better of to the tune of 50 million pounds per DAY !! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:27 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Claims that ex-Ukip leader Nigel Farage is attempting to apply for dual-German citizenship have been rejected as “complete rubbish”.

A source close to the former-leader dismissed speculation that stirred online after he was seen at the German Embassy.

The source said: “He was at the embassy in relation to a personal matter. The idea that it’s anything to do with German citizenship is complete rubbish.”

Mr Farage, who has a German wife, was spotted in a queue at the embassy in London. ... 94161.html

Since Farage does not appear to be denying that he went on some business or other to the German embassy, I am racking my brains as to what that business could be if not to apply for German citizenship for himself or his children. We are still in the EU so don't need visas to travel to Germany. What else could it have been?

anyone seen nigel ,he was coming for tea ??
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:08 pm

miltiades wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Kikapu:
Disgruntled remainers you say! :lol:

I think your post just confirms that it is the 'remainers' that really DO have a problem and that LR's comments were fully justified. Your comments were just your rather biased opinion and of no substance! :roll:

Robin, I have a problem mate!! STG has lost more than 10% since the geriatric and little Englander vote influenced by the Clown and the Moron VOTED TO ....TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK !! :lol: :lol: At least our NHS will be :lol: ...better of to the tune of 50 million pounds per DAY !! :lol: :lol:

How often do you need it explained to you? I gave you proof of the fact .... if you bothered to look at it! The pound has gone down, or though it recovered a bit today, because of speculators cashing in on the fear and trepidation spread by those that are such bad losers. The Brexit is being used as an excuse, just like the BoE statement

UK unemployment has dropped and the Germans are now recognising that the UK is to big in the financial system for them to carry out their finance ministers threat to make the British pay for leaving. They have realised they can't shift the financial centre to Frankfurt as it will be even more difficult than trying to negotiate a Brexit ..... and the UK has the upper hand. Why? Because all the contracts are in English and follow English Law. If the French or Germans try to muscle in on the financial centre in The City it will bring the banking sector down ...... and the US will never allow that to happen, no matter how hard it is to swallow the bitter pill.

Believe me ..... it is not as negative an outlook as you seem to think. If you can watch BBC World News with Steve Keen on Hardtalk yesterday (not possible in Cyprus unless you use a UK catch up system) being interviewed by Stephen Zackur, he can point out where your thinking is all wrong. :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby CBBB » Thu Aug 18, 2016 6:46 am

Robin Hood wrote:If you can watch BBC World News with Steve Keen on Hardtalk yesterday (not possible in Cyprus unless you use a UK catch up system)

As accurate as most of the other rubbish you post, there are no problems watching BBC World News in Cyprus on any of the local legal subscription services such as Cablenet.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Aug 18, 2016 7:14 am

CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:If you can watch BBC World News with Steve Keen on Hardtalk yesterday (not possible in Cyprus unless you use a UK catch up system)

As accurate as most of the other rubbish you post, there are no problems watching BBC World News in Cyprus on any of the local legal subscription services such as Cablenet.

Onsce again you spout off without understanding the message .... as seems to be the norm with you!

The programme was aired 'live' Monday morning at 0630 and repeated later on the same day and I watched it. I have Cytanet and yes they have BBC World News live but if you want to watch a programme at later date they do not have 'catch-up'. If you try to watch it on YouTube you get a banner that says it is not available outside the UK.

Try to understand the message before making ignorant comments!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby CBBB » Thu Aug 18, 2016 8:55 am

Robin Hood wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:If you can watch BBC World News with Steve Keen on Hardtalk yesterday (not possible in Cyprus unless you use a UK catch up system)

As accurate as most of the other rubbish you post, there are no problems watching BBC World News in Cyprus on any of the local legal subscription services such as Cablenet.

Onsce again you spout off without understanding the message .... as seems to be the norm with you!

The programme was aired 'live' Monday morning at 0630 and repeated later on the same day and I watched it. I have Cytanet and yes they have BBC World News live but if you want to watch a programme at later date they do not have 'catch-up'. If you try to watch it on YouTube you get a banner that says it is not available outside the UK.

Try to understand the message before making ignorant comments!

You asked if they can watch it yesterday, which would indicate watching it live.
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