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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:10 pm

Kikapu wrote:As I stated already, I do not see any British politician, specially May :wink: , having the balls to enact Article 50 to leave the EU. The whole thing will be kicked down the road with million excuses why it cannot be enacted now and now and now and now, to even in the year 2050! :D

Those poor leave suckers have a long, long, long, long long wait for Brexit that will never come. :D

Brexit could be delayed to late-2019 as government not ready: ... SKCN10O0Y9

Like many disgruntled Remainers, you're fantasising. Nothing in the article supports what you're suggesting. We're it true though the likes of UKIP would become a very significant political force. The resentment won't go away.

The oft stated idea that many Leavers are shocked at the referendum result and given a second chance would vote remain is a myth. It's really just a repeat of Cameron's total failure to understand the British character.

May stands at what is probably the most significant crossroad in UK affairs since WW II. History will record whether she runs true and delivers, or goes down as an EU Quisling. Nothing I've read about her suggests the latter. Dream on.

Remainers can twist and turn, post mutually supportive "I'm so clever, you're so stupid" threads but the simple truth is - you lost and all your endless, repetitive complaints actually amount to nothing more than sore loser Trolling.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:20 am

Londonrake wrote:Like many disgruntled Remainers, you're fantasising. Nothing in the article supports what you're suggesting. We're it true though the likes of UKIP would become a very significant political force. The resentment won't go away.

The oft stated idea that many Leavers are shocked at the referendum result and given a second chance would vote remain is a myth. It's really just a repeat of Cameron's total failure to understand the British character.

May stands at what is probably the most significant crossroad in UK affairs since WW II. History will record whether she runs true and delivers, or goes down as an EU Quisling. Nothing I've read about her suggests the latter. Dream on.

Remainers can twist and turn, post mutually supportive "I'm so clever, you're so stupid" threads but the simple truth is - you lost and all your endless, repetitive complaints actually amount to nothing more than sore loser Trolling.

"Ministers are now thinking the [Article 50] trigger could be delayed until autumn 2017," one source, who had spoken to two senior ministers, told the newspaper.
"They don't have the infrastructure for the people they need to hire. They say they don't even know the right questions to ask when they finally begin bargaining with Europe."
Davis has recruited less than half of the 250 staff he needs for the Brexit department, the Sunday Times said, while Fox has fewer than 100 of the 1,000 trade negotiators he is seeking.

Britain could remain in the EU until late 2019, almost a year later than predicted, ministers have privately warned senior figures in the City of London.
Theresa May has been expected to enact article 50 in January, setting in train the formal two years of negotiations before Brexit.
Despite great political pressure to stick to that timetable, she may be forced to delay because her new Brexit and international trade departments will not be ready, City sources said. got zero hope of this tory govenment lasting till xmas dinner let alone 2020 .
2, DR, NO and BOJO are attacking each other more then the imploding UKIP are
3. you and rabid hood use neo-nazis terms - just show who you really are ...
4.the EUROPEANS like myself have joined the liberal party and we are getting others who want to
stay in the EU to vote for them at the next election - that is our main aim ,it worked in scotland
(ive ended up in the mid-bed party as that where by UK postal address is )
where the progressive people voted out the old labour party and in england we can vote out the old tories
5.The americans i talk to are getting a fund together ranging from 800 to 5,000 million dollers to identify
moveable assets that can be shipped back to the states when pound drops to 1.15 dollars ...
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:52 am

When our economy is staring the abyss, when the value of our stg devalues even more than it has already, when foreign investment begins to dwindle, when reality sets in that our NHS will NOT benefit by ...350 million per week, when immigration continues on the rise, when foreign and British owned multinationals begin to exit the UK, that is when it would take a brave politician to push the self destruct button for our economy.

At least we will have ....our country back :lol: The " leavers" were hoodwinked in believing all the nonsense put out by Boris and Farage. The markets reacted immediately upon the result announced. They are still reacting unfavourably and are still continuing to be pessimistic on the out come of this dreadful decision.

The pound starts this week at 1.157 Euro and 1.298 on the Dollar. Its just a matter of time before we begin to stare in the abyss. financially. My pension, and that of 3 million Brits receiving in EU countries will begin to diminish.

We are on way to becoming an impoverished nation. Having just recently spent a few days in Belarus, I soon discovered that even against this currency the pound was down by 16% .

I have yet to be told of a tangible REAL benefit that we would gain by leaving the EU, only nonsense such as mentioned. No longer will we be ....dictated by unelected Europeans, the size of our ...cucumbers will now be decided by us :lol: :lol: We may just find a useful way to deal with the size of our cucumbers :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:36 am

well one is that if it drops to 1.15 against the dollar the americans will be buying big of any movable asset marked in
pounds ..
Saw a program on SKY NEWS and these fisherman were standing in a building moaning that the EU never done anything for them and it was pointed out that the EU build it !!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:47 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:well one is that if it drops to 1.15 against the dollar the americans will be buying big of any movable asset marked in
pounds ..
Saw a program on SKY NEWS and these fisherman were standing in a building moaning that the EU never done anything for them and it was pointed out that the EU build it !!

I saw the same program. The building was virtually empty! No fish because of the EU imposed quotas. You didn't mention the EU Quota Police checking all the catches. You didn't mention the destruction of the fishing fleet and the compensation paid to the owners. You don't mention the allocation of NE England's traditional fishing grounds to Spanish fishermen! The area is recovering, some of the regeneration paid for by the EU, but the recovery is very slow and the unemployment rate is still high.

What moveable assets. :?:

We already sold them London Bridge and they were surprised that it wasn't the one that opens up for large ships.(That is called Tower Bridge .... but they didn't know that!) Not too smart some people you can tell them anything and they swallow it, all you need is a smart and ruthless salesman. :roll:

We have got a couple of useless aircraft carriers they can have cheap. :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:31 pm

Stg continues its downward journey against both the Euro at just about 1.15 and against the dollar at just over 1.28. Worst is still to come !
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:47 pm

More insightful analysis as to whether it was Labour voters who were to blame:

Polls show only Tory voters could have kept us in the EU ... kept-us-eu
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:56 pm

When our economy is staring the abyss, when the value of our stg devalues even more than it has already, when foreign investment begins to dwindle, when reality sets in that our NHS will NOT benefit by ...350 million per week, when immigration continues on the rise, when foreign and British owned multinationals begin to exit the UK, that is when it would take a brave politician to push the self destruct button for our economy.

But what you overlook is that the whole GLOBAL economy is staring into the abyss! Outside of the restraints of a Federal Government in Brussels at least the UK can make independent decisions and has the opportunity to protect and isolate itself from the coming financial crash, whereas inside the EU we would go down with the EU ship.

BTW: This reference you always make to the £350m a day! You make a big thing of it but it is actually a true statement ..... simple as that. When you employ someone on say £25K pa ..... you quote the gross figure .... not the the net figure.. The ‘remainers’ are obviously pretty dumb if they couldn’t work that out!
At least we will have ....our country back The "leavers" were hoodwinked in believing all the nonsense put out by Boris and Farage. The markets reacted immediately upon the result announced. They are still reacting unfavourably and are still continuing to be pessimistic on the out come of this dreadful decision.

Exactly ..... The MARKETS ..... nothing to do with economics or economies, just straight forward speculation! The Brexit was a single event .... what has changed since that date? NOTHING! It is all speculative. It has been the ‘remainers’ that have been-hoodwinked! You didn’t question what Cameron and Osborne were telling you and then draw your own conclusions ....... and you are still doing it now. You wanted the status quo, have been lied to as to what that actually means and see nothing but doom and gloom for the future of the UK leaving The EU Club.

During the campaign the ‘remainers’ were given no explanation of the benefits of staying by those that were arguing to remain, you were just fed fear as to what they claimed would happen if we left. Apart from the temporary decline in the value of Sterling, which is driven by speculation NOT economics, all the other predictions of massive job losses, collapsing economy, rising interest rates, collapse in house prices, businesses moving out, current immigrants being throw out, no investment from outside ... etc.etc ..... have not happened. It is speculation, not Brexit, that is driving these fears.

I keep telling you that economic factors are a long timescale and happen gradually over time, what you fear is fear itself because you believe all the gloomy stories. For every story spreading fear, there are two more within hours/days that are up-beat. The same fear that destroyed the ‘remain’ campaign has now turned to trying to bring the UK down so that they can say ‘I told you so.’ Guess what? It is not going to happen! You do not understand the mentality of the average informed Brit.
The pound starts this week at 1.157 Euro and 1.298 on the Dollar. Its just a matter of time before we begin to stare in the abyss. financially. My pension, and that of 3 million Brits receiving in EU countries will begin to diminish.

True .... but don’t blame Brexit ....... blame the speculators like Soros.

From the close of The Markets on Friday until the start of business this morning, £1 hovered around €1.157 to €1.158, that is proof positive that it is speculation that is causing the fluctuations. The economy runs 24/7, the Markets only operate for five days a week! Every peak or trough in value is profit for speculators, adds nothing in the form of economic wealth and causes headaches for you and me, who are both trying to live on numbers that speculators control and manipulate for profit. That in turn distorts the economy. Stop these people speculating (The Tobin Tax) and you go a good way to stopping the exploitation of currency values for profit. Of course the speculators and the financial system are totally opposed to this form of tax.
Tobin Tax:

A Tobin tax, suggested by Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate economist James Tobin, was originally defined as a tax on all spot conversions of one currency into another. Tobin's original tax was intended to put a penalty on short-term financial round-trip excursions into another currency.

We are on way to becoming an impoverished nation. Having just recently spent a few days in Belarus, I soon discovered that even against this currency the pound was down by 16% .

More gloom! ‘Impoverished’? Give me a break! The UK is one of the wealthiest countries in the World. An ‘impoverished’ country is ...... JAPAN! Check out their national debt, negative interest rates, a growing number of sick and useless pensioners etc ...... what do they do, they just create more money? Their economy has just dipped yet again as it has on the whole for several decades. Their national debt is almost totally comprised of YEN. But they are still rich in what the Yen can buy inside Japan. (There is a lesson to be learned there.)

Belarus has its own sovereign currency and the government can control its value to a great extent and thus it can never go bankrupt. All those EU countries in the Eurozone are on the edge of this financial abyss and do not have that advantage, their only solution is to borrow more from the IMF/ECB and get ever deeper in debt. The IMF then strip them of their assets when they inevitably default. I’m sure you will recognise and accept that you could never run a business on that basis?
I have yet to be told of a tangible REAL benefit that we would gain by leaving the EU, only nonsense such as mentioned. No longer will we be ....dictated by unelected Europeans, the size of our ...cucumbers will now be decided by us We may just find a useful way to deal with the size of our cucumbers

I think that comment shows that you do not see anything like the overall picture.

Let me make a point:

In the 1970’s and 80’s a small but vocal minority decided they were more important than the industries whose employees they were supposedly acting on behalf of. Margaret Thatcher realised the danger and had the balls to stand up against them and this caused a lot of hardship, at the time. She bought them down to earth, something they have never recovered from.

We now have the same problem but this time it is a threat to the Global economy. The banks are doing just what the Unions did, they have set themselves up as being exceptional and absolutely untouchable because they regard themselves as more important than any Nation State. They believe THEY are the Global economy!

We need another Thatcher who recognises the bankers for what they are ..... parasites ..... someone who has the balls to face them off and bring them down. That is not just relevant to the UK but the Global economy as a whole.

Unless this is addressed, this is what will bring the UK down. The UK’s reliance on the banking and financial sector is what has created an asset based economy and the collapse will happen very quickly and without warning. (Think Lehman Bros but on a much greater scale) There are warnings by many economists that all the signs are there, based on previous collapses but this time it will be on a Global scale.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:02 am

meanwhile back on planet doom ...

The pound fell below €1.15 on Monday, hitting a 3-year-low against the euro, as Britain's currency continues to depreciate
Sterling dropped as low as €1.1490 at around 3:55 p.m. BST (10:55 a.m. ET), breaking past a low not seen since August 2013 when weak economic data suggested that the UK could slip into a so-called "triple dip" recession.
banks offering 1.11
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:02 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:As I stated already, I do not see any British politician, specially May :wink: , having the balls to enact Article 50 to leave the EU. The whole thing will be kicked down the road with million excuses why it cannot be enacted now and now and now and now, to even in the year 2050! :D

Those poor leave suckers have a long, long, long, long long wait for Brexit that will never come. :D

Brexit could be delayed to late-2019 as government not ready: ... SKCN10O0Y9

Like many disgruntled Remainers, you're fantasising. Nothing in the article supports what you're suggesting. We're it true though the likes of UKIP would become a very significant political force. The resentment won't go away.

The oft stated idea that many Leavers are shocked at the referendum result and given a second chance would vote remain is a myth. It's really just a repeat of Cameron's total failure to understand the British character.

May stands at what is probably the most significant crossroad in UK affairs since WW II. History will record whether she runs true and delivers, or goes down as an EU Quisling. Nothing I've read about her suggests the latter. Dream on.

Remainers can twist and turn, post mutually supportive "I'm so clever, you're so stupid" threads but the simple truth is - you lost and all your endless, repetitive complaints actually amount to nothing more than sore loser Trolling.


Disgruntled remainers you say! :lol:

Surely you meant to say, disgruntled leavers, don't you? :wink:

I mean, when you voted to leave the EU, did you think you had to wait now until the end of 2019 to leave or were you expecting to be out of the EU by the morning following the referendum while you were still dancing in the streets drinking yourself silly? Did you even know you had to invoke Article 50 to even get the ball rolling to leave the EU, which would take at least 2 years, which in the meantime, you still had to pay your dues tom the EU and the EU citizens come to the UK as many as wanted to come? Somehow, I don't think you knew very much at all what was going to happen once the votes were counted. Don't you feel like being the butt of the joke at the moment along with all your leave camp? And by the way, don't count on the UK being out of the EU by the end of 2019 either, because there's never going to be a date set where the UK can come out of the EU. Even if there isn't another referendum to reverse the last referendum, the first referendum will just die on the vine without ever invoking article 50, specially once Scotland have their second leave UK referendum with all the North Sea oil fields should the UK invokes article 50, which by that time, who knows what the UK's economy is going to look like with with no clear future where they will be, in or out of the EU. In the meantime, the EU will happily take the money from the UK without the UK having a voice in the EU with their usual pissing & moaning about the EU.

I hear the NHS might go private soon, so get ready to pay more money when visiting the hospital, and don't expect your taxes to go down either. In the meantime, make sure the EU gets it's fees from the UK as long as the UK is still a "full member"! :D
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