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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:33 am

.... who send the bill to the NHS in newcastle ,that would be the EU S1 form you filled in when you moved to CY ...

Wrong .... again! The S! form is issued when you receive your UK pension In Cyprus, not when you move here. If you live here but your pension is paid in the UK you will not be entitled to an S1. If my pension is paid here it is a plus to the Cyprus economy which far outstrips the cost of any healthcare received. The Cypriots are not as stupid as you seem to think they are!

What is it you find so hard to understand about the concept of ‘.... a reciprocal agreement’? They do not ‘ ... send the bills to Newcastle’ they level the charges annually by agreement, with a top up sum which could go either way.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:12 am

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:In the meantime Sterling continues its downward journey ending at the close on Friday at Euro 1.157 and at just over US $ 1.29.

The pre Brexit rate against euro was 1.32, a drop of almost 13% , similar drop against the Dollar. Well, forget all this, we now have ....our country back and of course our NHS will be ...better off by 350 million Stg PER WEEK !!! :lol:

The " leave" campaign plastered this ludicrous claim on everything and the geriatrics fell for it. Some claim that immigration would be cut drastically, control of our borders they claimed !! Immigrants are still arriving in their thousands from third world countries.

Five weeks ago you claimed with some authority that the Pound would end the month on a parity with the Euro! It didn't ..... why?

The £ value has virtually nothing to do with the Brexit ...... you fell for the propaganda. The fall is down to speculators and is not an indication of the economic strength of an economy. The same speculators fuel the stock markets, which is why they are at record highs. Again, the Markets are not the real economy ..... although the reliance of the UK on the delusion that the banking and financial sector contribute to the real economy, is going to cause problems. That is why the latest round of QE is going to do nothing but increase debt. None of this QE £70bn will enter the real economy.

Corbyn has provided the solution to the UK's real economy but it has been completely ignored by the press!

As a counter to your comment ..... the 'remainer's' provided very few arguments for remaining in the EU and, as TD's comprehensive survey results showed, they were driven predominantly by a fears of the unknown. Their campaign was driven by fear and many of those fears have failed to materialise, although you don't mention that, only the £350m a day.

At least us 'geriatrics' gave it some thought, even though we knew that in the short term it would have costs!

Let me ask you ..... have you read much in the press about the state of the European banks? They are teetering on the edge of collapse and are being bailed out by the ECB to prevent a financial disaster. A bit different to the treatment handed out to the Cypriots when the same people imposed a bail in; then went on to make it the norm across Europe but now decide not to impose bail ins because it would collapse the Federal European Dream!!!

IMO: In the long run ..... the UK is better off out of a Federal Europe. Unlike those countries in the Eurozone, the UK can never go bankrupt! :roll: :wink:

Robin, I may have got the actual date on which Stg would be on par with the Euro but the continued downward trend will sooner or later render Stg at a much lower rate than currently. The fall is due entirely on the Brexit result. Not speculators as you persistently claim. Without exemption all economic indicators point to a reduction in economic investment and to a more than likely recession in 2017. The Brexit result has already discouraged many foreign investors from parting with their money in the UK. The result will be seen as a catastrophe for the UK economy. Millions of Brits, including those in receipt of pensions in Cyprus and in other nations have already felt the reduction of their pensions by more than 10%, your self included. There is not the slightest tangible benefit that you or I would gain by the Brexit result. I'm losing money right now as we speak. I'm currently in Belarus where STG is lower by more than 12%, the Belarus currency by the way changed on July the 1st this year by having four 0s removed so I'm no longer a ....millionaire as 100 stg would now give me about 250 New Belarus Rubbles , prior to the Brexit it would have given me around 310 New Rubbles or as it then was over 3 million.

You seem to have a fixation with speculators forgetting that all markets are determined by speculators, this is how it always was and always will be. We are in for a severe shock in the months ahead, but at least we now have ....our country back !! :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:03 pm

:) Miltiades:
The fall is due entirely on the Brexit result. Not speculators as you persistently claim.

I disagree with you, that is an excuse! Look at the currency changes over the last week ..... all down for the pound but what happens on Friday evening (and every week)? It flat lines for the weekend, there is no speculation ......... the speculators are all spending the money they have made so there is no human trading but the computers are still live!

Currency fluctuations due to economic factors are small changes but over a long time scale, it is more like gentle waves with a trend value changing over time. What you see on the graph ......... spikes up and down ....... it is a short time base change, therefore is not due to economic factors.
Without exemption all economic indicators point to a reduction in economic investment and to a more than likely recession in 2017.

There will be a period of uncertainty no doubt but, a crash of the economy and a recession in 2017 is the same message from the same speculators. There are many forecasters who actually see the Global economy and the financial system tanking in the next few months and all the indicators are there. It is not JUST speculation.

As you correctly say, those of us paid in sterling are feeling the pinch but I believe this will be short term.
You seem to have a fixation with speculators forgetting that all markets are determined by speculators, this is how it always was and always will be.

Of course speculators determine the markets but ..... the markets, just like banking are NOT part of the real economy. They are the financial market economy and reflect only the buying and selling value of pieces of paper called ‘Shares’ which have no intrinsic value. The rise or fall of share values does not affect the company whose name is on the certificate! But, if they tried to sell at any value ..... the price falls. Too much, too quickly and the shares will crash and cease to have any value.

IMO: You are in for a shock because things are going to change. There is a growing movement for a change to the existing system and it is becoming abundantly evident that the current system benefits the rich and makes the poor pay. There are more poor people than rich people and eventually they will force that change.

Look at what I posted about QE. If you take the trouble to find out how it works you will I am sure, be smart enough to work out that as it has been used in the past and how the BoE proposes to do again ...... it favours ONLY the banks and financial institutions.

But there is a perfectly sound and workable alternative that WILL enrich the economy and that is to change the source of money creation in any form, from it being created by private commercial banks, to being the sole prerogative of the Central Bank (BoE). As Corbyn and many economists point out Overt Money Creation (QE for the people) can boost the economy by creating jobs, helping small businesses and big ones, improve infrastructure, restart the UK’s manufacturing industries and boost social services. All achieved without creating debt, without the penalty of usury (Interest) and without causing inflation. It is easily introduced and would have an immediate effect. Our exit from the control of the EU Federalists could give us that opportunity but will it happen? :?: :roll:

I very much doubt it, but not because it is not a sound fiscal policy, but because it would smash the banks influence to them being a mere service, an intermediary between Government (The Lender) and the people and industries (The Borrowers). To do this, among other steps, you need to separate the Investment banks from the Commercial banks to prevent the tax payers or the commercial banks clients, from having to pick up the tab when the Investment (Cowboy) banks fail. At the moment all the profits go to the banks when they are on a high but when their schemes fail, they become true socialists and expect others to bail them out. All this would stop overnight ........ and the Bankers will fight tooth and nail to prevent that happening. :x

I still believe that ‘leave’ was the right choice and time will show that to be true. :wink: :D
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:19 pm

Care to tell me what the benefits of leaving the EU might be ? Please don't do the same bullshit the Brexit campaign did, ie control of our borders, NHS benefiting by millions and other such " nationalist" crap. Do also tell me how much are you worst off in having your pension converted to Euros in Cyprus. Robin, thus far the results point to a downturn of the UK economy. The next few months will be crucial in exposing the folly of the Brexit result.

I have yet to figure out what possible benefits the UK would derive, in real terms, by existing the Union.

You seem to under estimate the affects of the collapsing pound, you also state that you don't think it has anything to do with the Brexit vote ! Robin, your old enough to know better, the fall of the pound is a 100% DUE TO THE exit vote.

I have yet to meet a business man who thinks differently from what I think. Frankly mate the more likely to be a Sun reader the more likely their vote was for Brexit. The older one is also more likely to demand....our country back. What a load of absolute crap!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:48 pm

Robin Hood wrote:PaulZKTV:
.... who send the bill to the NHS in newcastle ,that would be the EU S1 form you filled in when you moved to CY ...

Wrong .... again! The S! form is issued when you receive your UK pension In Cyprus, not when you move here. If you live here but your pension is paid in the UK you will not be entitled to an S1. If my pension is paid here it is a plus to the Cyprus economy which far outstrips the cost of any healthcare received. The Cypriots are not as stupid as you seem to think they are!

What is it you find so hard to understand about the concept of ‘.... a reciprocal agreement’? They do not ‘ ... send the bills to Newcastle’ they level the charges annually by agreement, with a top up sum which could go either way.

if you get your STATE pension in the UK ,then ýou dont live here ´ - if you havent told NEWCASTLE then as far as they know you still are in the UK .
if do get your state pension paid in cyprus and your have filled in the EUROPEAN UNION FORM S1 - IT IS NOT A BRITISH FORM OR A CYPRUS FORM
and i quote Certificate of entitlement to healthcare if you don't live in the country where you are insured. Useful for .... pensioners so why would it be issued to a little old lady who lives in derby - it is not- it is issued to those that ask for it and live outside their own country ... dex_en.htm WHY WOULD YOU HAVE TO FILL IN AN EU FORM IF ITS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EU
the fact that you have voted to lose your ´free´ health Insurance as a retired person living far from the UK ,just shows that you aint got a clue ....
can you imagine cyprus having 31 separate agreements with all those coumties regarding their old people - imagine malta doing it ....
and a 20 year old tourist will spend more in a day on holiday in cyprus then you get in a month from your STATE pension ..

if you cant understand the basic way things work ,then stop posting barmy answers about how complicated things work ...

the reason i got so much money without a good education is i can spot bullshit at 1000m im quite ruthless ...
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:54 pm

if you get your STATE pension in the UK ,then ýou dont live here ´ - if you havent told NEWCASTLE then as far as they know you still are in the UK . If do get your state pension paid in cyprus and your have filled in the EUROPEAN UNION FORM S1 - IT IS NOT A BRITISH FORM OR A CYPRUS FORM

S1 is obtained from the Department of Work and Pensions as I remember, just before or as you retire. You complete it and send it to Nicosia to the Cyprus Ministry of Health and you get issued with a card that entitles you to treatment as if you were a Cypriot National. If you live in Cyprus for more than 183(?) days a year, you are resident in Cyprus for tax purposes and are legally required to register with Immigration.

You can chose to have your pension paid into a UK account but you will still be regarded as resident in Cyprus by the Cypriot authorities. In this instance you will not be eligible for treatment within the Cyprus Healthcare system, as your pension is not repatriated to Cyprus and you would need to have private medical insurance.
........ the fact that you have voted to lose your ´free´ health Insurance as a retired person living far from the UK ,just shows that you aint got a clue ....

More ill-informed opinion? I was not entitled to vote as I am a permanent resident of the RoC and have been since 1994. FYI:I would have voted remain as it was the ‘safest’ option, that is on record in this thread.
...... and a 20 year old tourist will spend more in a day on holiday in cyprus then you get in a month from your STATE pension .

More crap! A 20 something will spend something in excess of a £800 a day ..... don’t make me laugh! A two week holiday and a twenty year old will spend over £11000. As well as a lacking in common sense and having difficulty with reading and writing ...... your maths is a bit ropey as well. :roll:
if you cant understand the basic way things work ,then stop posting barmy answers about how complicated things work ...

As someone who does not live here, or the UK, and has not got a clue about the way these things work in Cyprus, I suggest you check your facts before expressing your opinion.
...... the reason i got so much money without a good education is i can spot bullshit at 1000m ...... .plus im quite ruthless ...

I wouldn’t question that, it comes through loud-and-clear .......... semi literate, poorly informed, no morals but ruthless! The Cray Brothers were the same as are many self made illiterate ‘dark side’ millionaires. Belmarsh, Brixton and Pentonville house a fair share of them ..... usually the ones who, like you, ‘thought’ they were smart. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:03 pm

Robin Hood wrote:PaulZKTV:
if you get your STATE pension in the UK ,then ýou dont live here ´ - if you havent told NEWCASTLE then as far as they know you still are in the UK . If do get your state pension paid in cyprus and your have filled in the EUROPEAN UNION FORM S1 - IT IS NOT A BRITISH FORM OR A CYPRUS FORM

S1 is obtained from the Department of Work and Pensions as I remember, just before or as you retire. You complete it and send it to Nicosia to the Cyprus Ministry of Health and you get issued with a card that entitles you to treatment as if you were a Cypriot National. If you live in Cyprus for more than 183(?) days a year, you are resident in Cyprus for tax purposes and are legally required to register with Immigration.

You can chose to have your pension paid into a UK account but you will still be regarded as resident in Cyprus by the Cypriot authorities. In this instance you will not be eligible for treatment within the Cyprus Healthcare system, as your pension is not repatriated to Cyprus and you would need to have private medical insurance.
........ the fact that you have voted to lose your ´free´ health Insurance as a retired person living far from the UK ,just shows that you aint got a clue ....

More ill-informed opinion? I was not entitled to vote as I am a permanent resident of the RoC and have been since 1994. FYI:I would have voted remain as it was the ‘safest’ option, that is on record in this thread.
...... and a 20 year old tourist will spend more in a day on holiday in cyprus then you get in a month from your STATE pension .

More crap! A 20 something will spend something in excess of a £800 a day ..... don’t make me laugh! A two week holiday and a twenty year old will spend over £11000. As well as a lacking in common sense and having difficulty with reading and writing ...... your maths is a bit ropey as well. :roll:
if you cant understand the basic way things work ,then stop posting barmy answers about how complicated things work ...

As someone who does not live here, or the UK, and has not got a clue about the way these things work in Cyprus, I suggest you check your facts before expressing your opinion.
...... the reason i got so much money without a good education is i can spot bullshit at 1000m ...... .plus im quite ruthless ...

I wouldn’t question that, it comes through loud-and-clear .......... semi literate, poorly informed, no morals but ruthless! The Cray Brothers were the same as are many self made illiterate ‘dark side’ millionaires. Belmarsh, Brixton and Pentonville house a fair share of them ..... usually the ones who, like you, ‘thought’ they were smart. :lol: :lol: :lol:

why would a little old lady who aint got a passport and never have left the UK and lives in mary mead in mid england want a S1 - SHE WOULD NOT - you have to REQUEST the EUROPEAN UNION FORM S1 - it is from a MEMBER STATE OF THE EUOPEAN UNION aka EUROPA to ANOTHER MEMBER OF EUROPA ..
ive no idea how you spend 365,000 euros a year and on what,that more then i pay for the plane ??? . I said STATE PENSION - not your income
yes i dont live in cyprus,or the UK ,but i do run a muli-national bizness with offices on two continents and trade worldwide ..
THE BIT ABOUT WHERE YOU HAVE YOUR PENSION PAID IS TOTAL RUBBISH just make this stuff up ...ANYONE who fills in a S1 gets LOCAL STATE HEALTHCARE ,its got NOTHING TO DO WHERE YOU HAVE YOUR PENSION PAID .....maybe you are thinking that voting to lose your own health care was not a bright thing to do ..

BTW its the Kray twins - not the cray brothers ,you dont need an A-level to be able to gather the correct facts on google ... Brixton is a remand prision ,Belmash is Cat A - Bit hard to end up in either of them as i aint been in the UK for 7 years ...
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:12 pm

Are you on medication? :roll:

I won’t other to reply to your ramblings .... total waste of time.

Now we get more of your fantasies .......... you now have a private aircraft? I assume you also have a PPL or maybe a commercial licence or do you employ a full crew? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:38 am

Robin Hood wrote:PaulZKTV:
Are you on medication? :roll:

I won’t other to reply to your ramblings .... total waste of time.

Now we get more of your fantasies .......... you now have a private aircraft? I assume you also have a PPL or maybe a commercial licence or do you employ a full crew?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No i dont have a PPL , im not medically fit ,as i suffered oxygen stavation in the 1980s when the Mil i was in got hit by a SAM over Gardez
i own 20% share in a six seater prop light aircraft - we use it mostly to hop to the states ..
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Kikapu » Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:49 pm

As I stated already, I do not see any British politician, specially May :wink: , having the balls to enact Article 50 to leave the EU. The whole thing will be kicked down the road with million excuses why it cannot be enacted now and now and now and now, to even in the year 2050! :D

Those poor leave suckers have a long, long, long, long long wait for Brexit that will never come. :D

Brexit could be delayed to late-2019 as government not ready: ... SKCN10O0Y9
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