miltiades wrote:In the meantime Sterling continues its downward journey ending at the close on Friday at Euro 1.157 and at just over US $ 1.29.
The pre Brexit rate against euro was 1.32, a drop of almost 13% , similar drop against the Dollar. Well, forget all this, we now have ....our country back and of course our NHS will be ...better off by 350 million Stg PER WEEK !!!
The " leave" campaign plastered this ludicrous claim on everything and the geriatrics fell for it. Some claim that immigration would be cut drastically, control of our borders they claimed !! Immigrants are still arriving in their thousands from third world countries.
Five weeks ago you claimed with some authority that the Pound would end the month on a parity with the Euro! It didn't ..... why?
The £ value has virtually nothing to do with the Brexit ...... you fell for the propaganda. The fall is down to speculators and is not an indication of the economic strength of an economy. The same speculators fuel the stock markets, which is why they are at record highs. Again, the Markets are not the real economy ..... although the reliance of the UK on the delusion that the banking and financial sector contribute to the real economy, is going to cause problems. That is why the latest round of QE is going to do nothing but increase debt. None of this QE £70bn will enter the real economy.
Corbyn has provided the solution to the UK's real economy but it has been completely ignored by the press!
As a counter to your comment ..... the 'remainer's' provided very few arguments for remaining in the EU and, as TD's comprehensive survey results showed, they were driven predominantly by a fears of the unknown. Their campaign was driven by fear and many of those fears have failed to materialise, although you don't mention that, only the £350m a day.
At least us '
geriatrics' gave it some thought, even though we knew that in the short term it would have costs!
Let me ask you ..... have you read much in the press about the state of the European banks? They are teetering on the edge of collapse and are being bailed out by the ECB to prevent a financial disaster. A bit different to the treatment handed out to the Cypriots when the same people imposed a bail in; then went on to make it the norm across Europe but now decide not to impose bail ins because it would collapse the Federal European Dream!!!
IMO: In the long run ..... the UK is better off out of a Federal Europe. Unlike those countries in the Eurozone, the UK can never go bankrupt!