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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:27 am

miltiades wrote:Robin, you are an intelligent man but you do surprise me somewhat. Our economy right now is beginning to feel the affects of the geriatric vote, the little Englander and most of the labour party voters.

All economic indicators are forecasting a down turn in our economy, a recession, a reduction of foreign investment and an uncertain future.

Surely you did not fall for UKIP's nonsense of " Taking control of our borders" Our NHS better off by millions and other shit they dished out.

On a personal level I have already suffered financial losses as a result of the Brexit ignoramus vote. Need I say more ?

I am sorry, but the polls show that 58% of Conservative voters voted leave and 63% of Labour voters voted remain. Little Englanders are predominantly right wing.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:29 am

There's an interesting analysis of how the vote breaks down in terms of various demographic groups here: ... d-and-why/
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:43 am

Tim Drayton wrote:There's an interesting analysis of how the vote breaks down in terms of various demographic groups here: ... d-and-why/

Great Stuff Tim! nice to see something with a bit of "Zoomph" contained in it, well done. :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:19 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:“EU health tourism costs the NHS billions”
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true! The cost to other European countries of treating Brits abroad is more than five times the cost to the NHS of treating EU visitors here. In other words, we benefit enormously from the EU rules, without which the NHS would be £125 million worse off each year. Evidence
This is not really a surprise. Brits who travel abroad tend to be older and so the healthcare they get abroad is more expensive. Other EU citizens who come to the UK are relatively younger and healthier, so they are less likely to need medical treatment while they’re here.

Robin Hood wrote:"The figures for costs are for the medical treatment of European Economic Area tourists under the European health insurance card (Ehic) and cover visitors rather than residents or temporary migrants." :roll:

So are you saying that that the NHS is better or worse from treating sick old resident brits or not??
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:37 am


well lichtenstein which is same size as rutland .. let alone norway etc dont want UK in EFTA ....billy no mates ...

Vik Aspaker told the Aftenposten newspaper. "It would shift the balance, which is not necessarily in Norway’s interests." ... ain-2016-8
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:38 pm

In spite of knowing that the previous round of quantitative easing, to the tune of £375bn in 2012, did absolutely nothing for the UK’s real economy, the BoE are doing the same thing again. The BoE is to create £70bn to give to the commercial banks to lend into the economy. Although of course it won’t go into the economy, it will go to the banks to create more financial assets and will never enter the real economy!

Thirty five economists signed a letter to the Chancellor advising a different course of action. He didn’t listen! :x

Teresa May should get a bit of advice from Corbyn! He obviously knows the advantages for the economy of QE for the people. In his recent ten point plan he proposes the Government raise £500bn direct from the BoE, debt free and interest free, to invest in infrastructure projects to create jobs and wealth.

Now ..... why didn’t I think of that? :roll:

.....or there is always ‘helicopter’ money!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:46 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:“EU health tourism costs the NHS billions”
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true! The cost to other European countries of treating Brits abroad is more than five times the cost to the NHS of treating EU visitors here. In other words, we benefit enormously from the EU rules, without which the NHS would be £125 million worse off each year. Evidence
This is not really a surprise. Brits who travel abroad tend to be older and so the healthcare they get abroad is more expensive. Other EU citizens who come to the UK are relatively younger and healthier, so they are less likely to need medical treatment while they’re here.

Robin Hood wrote:"The figures for costs are for the medical treatment of European Economic Area tourists under the European health insurance card (Ehic) and cover visitors rather than residents or temporary migrants." :roll:

So are you saying that that the NHS is better or worse from treating sick old resident brits or not??

Those 'sick old resident Brits in Cyprus' in general do not use the NHS! They are treated by the Cyprus Healthcare system.

You seem to be of the attitude there should be some cut-off age which disqualifies you from claiming health benefit? As I said to you before, you are obviously in favour of some sort of 'final solution' for all these useless old people? :x
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:42 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:“EU health tourism costs the NHS billions”
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true! The cost to other European countries of treating Brits abroad is more than five times the cost to the NHS of treating EU visitors here. In other words, we benefit enormously from the EU rules, without which the NHS would be £125 million worse off each year. Evidence
This is not really a surprise. Brits who travel abroad tend to be older and so the healthcare they get abroad is more expensive. Other EU citizens who come to the UK are relatively younger and healthier, so they are less likely to need medical treatment while they’re here.

Robin Hood wrote:"The figures for costs are for the medical treatment of European Economic Area tourists under the European health insurance card (Ehic) and cover visitors rather than residents or temporary migrants." :roll:

So are you saying that that the NHS is better or worse from treating sick old resident brits or not??

Those 'sick old resident Brits in Cyprus' in general do not use the NHS! They are treated by the Cyprus Healthcare system.

You seem to be of the attitude there should be some cut-off age which disqualifies you from claiming health benefit? As I said to you before, you are obviously in favour of some sort of 'final solution' for all these useless old people? :x

.... who send the bill to the NHS in newcastle ,that would be the EU S1 form you filled in when you moved to CY ...and try and make a post that dont mention jews/gas chambers/final solution ... ction.aspx
If you are living in an EEA country or Switzerland and you receive an exportable UK pension, contribution-based Employment Support Allowance or another exportable benefit, you may be entitled to state healthcare paid for by the UK. You will need to apply for a certificate of entitlement known as an S1 form.
For exportable UK pensions and contribution-based Employment Support Allowance, you can apply for your form via the International Pension Centre in the Department for Work and Pensions on 0191 218 7777.
You may need to liaise with a different team, depending on the exportable benefit. Further information is available under Claiming benefits if you live, move or travel abroad on the GOV.UK website. You may also wish to speak to the Exportability Team. Please note that different exportable benefits can have different rules in terms of healthcare cover.
Once issued, register the S1 form with the relevant authority in your country of residence. Often you need to do this before you can register for healthcare or obtain a medical card.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:29 am

In the meantime Sterling continues its downward journey ending at the close on Friday at Euro 1.157 and at just over US $ 1.29.

The pre Brexit rate against euro was 1.32, a drop of almost 13% , similar drop against the Dollar. Well, forget all this, we now have ....our country back and of course our NHS will be ...better off by 350 million Stg PER WEEK !!! :lol:

The " leave" campaign plastered this ludicrous claim on everything and the geriatrics fell for it. Some claim that immigration would be cut drastically, control of our borders they claimed !! Immigrants are still arriving in their thousands from third world countries.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:17 am

miltiades wrote:In the meantime Sterling continues its downward journey ending at the close on Friday at Euro 1.157 and at just over US $ 1.29.

The pre Brexit rate against euro was 1.32, a drop of almost 13% , similar drop against the Dollar. Well, forget all this, we now have ....our country back and of course our NHS will be ...better off by 350 million Stg PER WEEK !!! :lol:

The " leave" campaign plastered this ludicrous claim on everything and the geriatrics fell for it. Some claim that immigration would be cut drastically, control of our borders they claimed !! Immigrants are still arriving in their thousands from third world countries.

Five weeks ago you claimed with some authority that the Pound would end the month on a parity with the Euro! It didn't ..... why?

The £ value has virtually nothing to do with the Brexit ...... you fell for the propaganda. The fall is down to speculators and is not an indication of the economic strength of an economy. The same speculators fuel the stock markets, which is why they are at record highs. Again, the Markets are not the real economy ..... although the reliance of the UK on the delusion that the banking and financial sector contribute to the real economy, is going to cause problems. That is why the latest round of QE is going to do nothing but increase debt. None of this QE £70bn will enter the real economy.

Corbyn has provided the solution to the UK's real economy but it has been completely ignored by the press!

As a counter to your comment ..... the 'remainer's' provided very few arguments for remaining in the EU and, as TD's comprehensive survey results showed, they were driven predominantly by a fears of the unknown. Their campaign was driven by fear and many of those fears have failed to materialise, although you don't mention that, only the £350m a day.

At least us 'geriatrics' gave it some thought, even though we knew that in the short term it would have costs!

Let me ask you ..... have you read much in the press about the state of the European banks? They are teetering on the edge of collapse and are being bailed out by the ECB to prevent a financial disaster. A bit different to the treatment handed out to the Cypriots when the same people imposed a bail in; then went on to make it the norm across Europe but now decide not to impose bail ins because it would collapse the Federal European Dream!!!

IMO: In the long run ..... the UK is better off out of a Federal Europe. Unlike those countries in the Eurozone, the UK can never go bankrupt! :roll: :wink:
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