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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:42 pm

Robin Hood wrote: there a world record for quotes within quotes ...just by resposting the same total rubbish dont make it true .

I wasn’t talking to you Dumbo!

If you can't understand a post ........ then don't comment, you only make yourself look even more illiterate. Your intelligence level and command of English grammar is below Junior school expectations ..... so, how on earth did you ever manage to get a degree?

ah but im even more clever then that coz im diana ross ....

you are a man who has sawn his own leg off and is trying to convince himself it was a good idea - the rest of us think you a
loony tune .. i quote REUTERS ,the FT etc ,you quote vlads press office or some virgin in a basement in detroit ...

The UK government does not know what to do about Brexit. This is not a rhetorical exaggeration, it is a statement of fact. As the foreign affairs parliamentary select committee reported recently (paragraph 19):

“The previous Government’s considered view not to instruct key Departments
including the [Foreign and Commonwealth Office] to plan for the possibility that the electorate would vote to leave the EU amounted to gross negligence. It has exacerbated post-referendum uncertainty both within the UK and amongst key international partners, and made the task now facing the new Government substantially more difficult.”

The scale of the Brexit task ahead is becoming plain, even if there is still shapelessness in policy. Many would say the job is impossible, at least in the short to medium term.
Take for example the need for an exit agreement with the EU. In the memorable example of Gus O’Donnell, former cabinet secretary and head of the civil service: Greenland, population less than Croydon, one issue — fish, and it still took three years for it to leave what was then the EEC. There is no sensible reason to believe that the UK could extract itself from the EU (a more complex entity than the EEC) in the two years envisaged by Article 50.

This is no surprise: Article 50 was never intended to be a practical provision. It was there just for decoration. It was an ornament, not an instrument. According to Reuters, the former Italian prime minister Giuliano Amato is quoted as saying:

“I wrote Article 50, so I know it well,” Amato told a conference in Rome, saying he had inserted it specifically to prevent the British from complaining that there was no clear cut, official way for them to bail out of the Union.

“My intention was that it should be a classic safety valve that was there, but never used. It is like having a fire extinguisher that should never have to be used. Instead, the fire happened.”
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:04 pm

going down - bargin basement ,bedsit in hastings ....

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Aug 07, 2016 7:39 pm

So you think currency and share values are driven by economic indicators? :roll:

..... now relate what that video explained to this graph ....... current live currency markets!

Note that immediately the markets open on Monday, the £ drops; then over the next few days the value rises much more, and much faster than in the previous weeks; then the BoE makes its announcement of the reducing of the interest rate to 0.25% .......... and down the value goes ......... in virtually seconds!

It is all down to computers and some very smart (too smart) algorithms, the economy does not come into the equation but it does suffer because of it. Several billions in currency or shares/bonds can be sold and bought again in a millionth of a second, the traders (speculators) make a fortune and it happens so fast you see it only as a spike. You have the cart before the horse! If you change the time span on the Graph you can see these spikes happening even though the human traders are all at home for the week end, the computers work without them! :shock:

Why the sudden drop? ALL the experts predicted a drop in the rate and that it would be to 0.25%. So, it was no surprise. :!:

If you really believe that currency and stock market values are linked to economics then you are living in a fool’s paradise. I repeat what I said several pages back. These markets, which are all banking and financial institutions owned by the investment banks, add virtually nothing to a countries GDP because these ‘numbers’ are not part of the real economy, they do not create wealth in the form of jobs or manufacturing goods to be sold. All they do is make money for market and currency traders!

An interesting documentary only 45 minutes and some big names appear in it:

BTW: This is why your prediction of parity between the Euro and Pound by the end of the month (July) could never happen. The speculators do mot want the Pound to keep going down it serves no purpose and stops them making money. These markets do not act in the way you seem to think they do. However, what was explained to me at the time was obviously correct, because that is what happened. This trend will continue, a slow climb with an occasional small drop and a slow but steady rise . Within a few month the Euro will drop, because of the Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Greek bank debt repayment bail outs and thus boost the value of Sterling. They should bail in according to the EU rules ..... but that would finish off the EU completely. :roll: :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 07, 2016 7:53 pm

Robin, you are an intelligent man but you do surprise me somewhat. Our economy right now is beginning to feel the affects of the geriatric vote, the little Englander and most of the labour party voters.

All economic indicators are forecasting a down turn in our economy, a recession, a reduction of foreign investment and an uncertain future.

Surely you did not fall for UKIP's nonsense of " Taking control of our borders" Our NHS better off by millions and other shit they dished out.

On a personal level I have already suffered financial losses as a result of the Brexit ignoramus vote. Need I say more ?
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:58 am

On Tuesday, gilt yields collapsed further as it became clear demand from the BoE was outstripping supply of bonds to buy, pushing the yield on benchmark 10-year gilts to an all-time low of 0.56 per cent.

Pension funds, which are some of the largest holders of government debt, have proven uwilling to part with them because they need the income from long-dated bonds to pay commitments to pensioners. Lower yields also create a problem for many pension funds with funding deficits, increasing estimates of shortfall.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:02 pm

On Tuesday, gilt yields collapsed further as it became clear demand from the BoE was outstripping supply of bonds to buy, pushing the yield on benchmark 10-year gilts to an all-time low of 0.56 per cent.

Pension funds, which are some of the largest holders of government debt, have proven uwilling to part with them because they need the income from long-dated bonds to pay commitments to pensioners. Lower yields also create a problem for many pension funds with funding deficits, increasing estimates of shortfall.

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:21 pm

“EU health tourism costs the NHS billions”
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true! The cost to other European countries of treating Brits abroad is more than five times the cost to the NHS of treating EU visitors here. In other words, we benefit enormously from the EU rules, without which the NHS would be £125 million worse off each year. Evidence

This is not really a surprise. Brits who travel abroad tend to be older and so the healthcare they get abroad is more expensive. Other EU citizens who come to the UK are relatively younger and healthier, so they are less likely to need medical treatment while they’re here. ... ost-to-nhs
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:58 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:“EU health tourism costs the NHS billions”
In fact, official figures from the Department of Health show that the opposite is true! The cost to other European countries of treating Brits abroad is more than five times the cost to the NHS of treating EU visitors here. In other words, we benefit enormously from the EU rules, without which the NHS would be £125 million worse off each year. Evidence

This is not really a surprise. Brits who travel abroad tend to be older and so the healthcare they get abroad is more expensive. Other EU citizens who come to the UK are relatively younger and healthier, so they are less likely to need medical treatment while they’re here. ... ost-to-nhs

"The figures for costs are for the medical treatment of European Economic Area tourists under the European health insurance card (Ehic) and cover visitors rather than residents or temporary migrants." :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:21 am

Robin Hood wrote:

If you really believe that currency and stock market values are linked to economics then you are living in a fool’s paradise.


Within a few month [sic] the Euro will drop, because of the Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Greek bank debt repayment bail outs and thus boost the value of Sterling.


Hands up those who spot the contradiction above.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:23 am

By the way, all of the big speculators and hedge funds have made large bets against Sterling and these people don't lose. Sterling will continue to fall until they cover.
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