You said to quote you, so I am! On the 5th July you posted:
Robin, currencies do fluctuate on a daily basis based on a plethora of economic indicators .
That is not true ..... they fluctuate due to currency speculation .... not ‘economic indicators’ that is a con!
What is happening to the pound right now is due solely to the referendum outcome.
Again, wrong .... it was due to currency speculation which does nothing but upset the economy.
Your economist friend is wrong in telling you that the pound will soon recover. It will not.
I don’t think I said soon? I said he told me why it would recover .... and believe me it will! The thing to watch is the Euro. The Italian Banks are in big trouble; as are the Spanish and Portugeses Banks and of course there is poor old Greece still getting hammered but, at least the IMF is admitting they got it all wrong and were responsible for the tragedy in Greece.
But not only are the screwball countries in troublel ..... The mighty Deutch Bank is on the brink as well.
The downward journey will continue because investors will not take the risk.
It is not investors that are the problem, there are plenty willing to invest in the UK. There are also many trying to use the Brexit as an excuse for their own problems and foresee what will/might/could happen when he UK quits.
In a month from now, and you may quote me, the pound will be on par with the Euro.
It seems my source was more accurate than yours.

BUT ..... take a look at this €/£ currency graph; (Use the 12h/1 Day and 1 Week base to see what I am explaining)
In a matter of an hour of trading Friday evening the pound went from 1.1840 to 1.2140 about 5 or 6 times in that period and then settled down to 1.1838.
How on earth can that in any way be related to ‘economic’ factors. It is all pure currency speculation by a few traders who made millions out of that manipulation in a very short space of time.

Once it settled to 1.1838, the graph becomes a straight line! Just check this out: It does this every Friday evening, where the rate remains flat until Sunday evening. This happens EVERY weekend! In other words, it is the speculators not economics that creates the fluctuations. So,get rid of the speculators, prevent their currency manipulation and the future of all currencies would be stable, if as you say, it is just left to economic factors to determine to determine inter-currency values.
The currency value had nothing to do with Brexit, it was all down to speculators, not economics ........ Brexit is an excuse that is ‘convenient’ and hides the reality!