miltiades wrote:Robin Hood wrote:Although Milti's a bit iffy.

Nothing ...iffy about Milti. British through and through !
Born in Cyprus, adopted by the the UK, lived in the UK, still does for over 55 years.
Cares deeply for the country and very concerned at the real prospect of coming out of the EU and entering uncertainty for years to come. You or other supporters of Brexit have thus far failed to inform us of any concrete benefits that this nation and its future generations will derive from being out of the EU. Do tell us Robin, what are the real tangible benefits, none of the nonsense of being in control of our nation blah blah blah. Just one only benefit !!
I apologise ..... it was tongue in cheek ..... I thought you were born here (Cyprus). Anyway you have been there more years than I have ..... so if I am '
one' then so are you ..... Bro!!!!!
Advantages: We have cut the ties to an increasingly Federal Europe. In WWII, we and most countries in Europe fought against the concept of the Third Reich ....... and by stealth that is the direction Europe is now heading. We may lose some of the benefits but I see the drawbacks of being in a Federal Europe as untenable and many countries of the 27 are waking up to the fact that they are sleepwalking into the Fourth Reich.
It is going to be tough but I think in the long run it will turn out to be the right decision and in the not too distant future many countries will take the same journey. It could be an easy transition but the EU Commission (
European Reichstag ) cannot have that ....... it would set a precedent for others. There are (
as I understand 28,000) clauses/agreements embedded in the Lisbon Treaty to be sorted out. This '
treaty' was presented to the Dutch I believe as the EU Constitution and they rejected it in a referendum outright ....... and then it re-emerged as the Lisbon Treaty ....... unchanged! Had I voted I would have voted '
remain' but purely because it was the brainless and selfish safe option. Now the decision has been made to go, I think we should stop all the doom philosophies and MAKE IT WORK but on a time scale that suits us ....... not Junker!