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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Jul 11, 2016 10:33 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:
Londonrake wrote: You're an inveterate alarmist Paul.

Leadsom's clearly enunciated view was for the immediate triggering of A50. May's approach is much more measured, although, let's not give false hope here, she has said (much like Msr Junker) she accepts the result and out is out.

1. I dont have a single asset in pounds - so it wont affect my income at all
2. i didnt get from south london to bermuda by being smugg
3a she can call A50 ,then its subject to a court battle inc the ECJ
3b she can not call A50 and has a back bench revolt
3c. she can have a general election ,where the 48%-56% who what the EU will wipe em out
3d. she cant win
4.whatever pound drops to 1.10 or less

but happy to hear more smart things from you - after all you were not daft enought to vote out and hope you would not have your monies drop by 20% ,could stay in CY
and have free medical cover - im sure you were brighter then that ..

As an indication on how dire the GBP's performance has been; of the world's top 31 currency's, GBP has been the worst performer in 2016, having overtaken the Argentine Peso

Yes Paul, you've stressed on quite a few occasions that basically you are fully insulated against the UK leaving the EU. Which makes me wonder why some of your posts are bordering on the frothing mouth. :?

You may have gotten to Bermuda by not being smugg (sic) but you certainly didn't get there for your literary skills. Your post is littered with mistakes. You give the impression of somebody overflowing with indignation and anger. Calm down mate. We're not going to change anything on the basis of what's said in here. People will just start avoiding you.

Whether May can or can't, will or won't invoke Article 50 and the what wherefores of any such action will all be revealed in good time. What I can say is that she's stated on several occasions that she will respect the result of the referendum and act accordingly. In fact, both the major political parties are saying that. You guys can thrash around, trawling for reasons why the UK can't or won't leave but that's the political situation at the moment in the UK.

I fully expected a period of financial dislocation. What's being masked by Brexit though is that all the indicators were already pointing to a downward trend in the UK economy. Moreover, Lagarde had said several times that the IMF's view was the £ stood overvalued by something like 15 - 18%. That had nothing to do with Brexit. Like a lot of people though I think - it wasn't about the money to me.

It isn't "smart things" from me. You posted something about people rushing to get off the RMS UK because Leadsom had dropped out of the leadership race. That was being a tad precipitate. If you'd kept up you would have realised that for obvious reasons the exact opposite was going to be true.

I've never actually used free medical cover. Should I fall ill (so far so good) I would use one of the excellent clinics/private hospitals available. In fact wrt one of your earlier comments about heart surgery, of the what must be scores of UK Expats I've known here there was only one that's been unfortunate enough to require such work doing. They paid for it via health insurance. There is nothing yet of course to suggest that the current arrangements will not stay in place via a bilateral agreement, post exit. There are 300,000 Cypriots in the UK, including over 10,000 students who will need covering. I appreciate many have UK or dual passports but those that don't significantly outweigh the number of UK Expats in Cyprus. Again though, why run around like a headless chicken about it - making Armageddon-like statements/threats - at this stage of the game?

save us from the middle classes - i didnt get where i am today by sitting on my arse waiting to find out what happens - you get off the beach as the water goes out not when the Tsunami hits - and i never spend any money on pensions , car insurance or any other daft schemes .
The EU Rules are that non OAP pay for health COVER WHERE THEY ARE RESIDENT ,so 300K will be paying into the UK NI system
what pasport you have (or not for 500,000,000) has noting to do with it .
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:53 pm ... y-leadsom/

David Cameron to resign Wednesday as Theresa May to become British PM

"Brexit means Brexit, and we're going to make a success of it. There will be no attempts to remain inside the EU. No attempts to rejoin it by the back door. No second referendum. The country voted to leave the European Union, and as prime minister, I will make sure we leave the European Union," she said.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:23 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:

David Cameron to resign Wednesday as Theresa May to become British PM

"Brexit means Brexit, and we're going to make a success of it. There will be no attempts to remain inside the EU. No attempts to rejoin it by the back door. No second referendum. The country voted to leave the European Union, and as prime minister, I will make sure we leave the European Union," she said.

At least she sounds like she has a plan. Good luck to her, if she can get the people behind her the UK will recover and, IMO will end up as the power behind a new type of Europe as it breaks up into sovereign states again.

Can't honestly see her being big pals with Hilary if she happens to be the new POTUS! But I think she will see eye-to-eye with Putin. :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:07 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:save us from the middle classes - i didnt get where i am today by sitting on my arse waiting to find out what happens - you get off the beach as the water goes out not when the Tsunami hits - and i never spend any money on pensions , car insurance or any other daft schemes .
The EU Rules are that non OAP pay for health COVER WHERE THEY ARE RESIDENT ,so 300K will be paying into the UK NI system
what pasport you have (or not for 500,000,000) has noting to do with it .

I'm sure that somebody, somewhere will be able to make sense from most of that. I can't though Paul. :(

I do think that you will find EU members enter into bi-lateral arrangements with non member countries on all sorts of matters.

From many of your past posts I got the impression that every UK expat in Cyprus was a pathetic, senile, moronic old fogey OAP.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:36 am

Tim Drayton wrote:All of the other arguments notwithstanding, I still say it is the job of those who campaign for something to have a serious programme to back it up, and it is the job of an intelligent electorate to expect this of them. The way everybody in the leave camp turned round in the first few days following the result and admitted that everything was a pack of lies and then ran off with their tails between their legs is pretty despicable in my view.

I still think you're missing an essential point Tim. As has been stated on this Forum several times - by the Remainers - this was not a General Election. If the Leavers won it didn't mean that Remain walked out of No 10 and they took over. The government were always going to remain the government (albeit with a bit of reshuffling). They should have made contingency plans. Not doing so was grossly negligent. When people were up in arms about the likes of the Vietnam war they weren't expecting to take over the White House. They'd had enough, wanted OUT and for their government to make it so.

The arguments for leaving or staying in the EU were made over 123 days of campaigning. As much as the Remainers wish it not to be so that campaign is over - the endless bitching about the result is of no significance. I submit that there were no more lies on the part of Leave than Camoron and Co were guilty of in their incessant scare campaign and dumbing down of the Brexit side. That I think was mainly why they lost but the lesson clearly hasn't been learned, both in the country and here. it goes on. You will have been following some of the relevant posts I know.

I disagree with your view that everybody in the leave camp "ran off". Farage had campaigned for all of his political life on the single issue of leaving the EU. He was successful. What was the point of being the leader of the UK Independence Party when the UK was independent? He wasn't a British MP, or even a member of a party which would carry out the exit.So politically in the UK he had nowhere to go. He was an MEP and - as he said many times in Brussels - had made himself redundant. A politician without a home, where did he have left to go?

Boris it seems fully intended to stand for Tory Leader but was knifed in the back. I wouldn't call that "running away".

What was a pack of lies? Camoron saying he would stay on and invoke A50 but not doing so? Yes, I think you could class that as "running away with his tail between his legs". Osborne promising a tax hike and spending cuts to punish people if they voted out? it's too soon of course to pass judgment on that sort of thing but then much of the carping by the Remainers is surely too soon also? We have had it incessantly since the ink was barely dry on the ballot papers.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby B25 » Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:02 am

Londonrake wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:All of the other arguments notwithstanding, I still say it is the job of those who campaign for something to have a serious programme to back it up, and it is the job of an intelligent electorate to expect this of them. The way everybody in the leave camp turned round in the first few days following the result and admitted that everything was a pack of lies and then ran off with their tails between their legs is pretty despicable in my view.

I still think you're missing an essential point Tim. As has been stated on this Forum several times - by the Remainers - this was not a General Election. If the Leavers won it didn't mean that Remain walked out of No 10 and they took over. The government were always going to remain the government (albeit with a bit of reshuffling). They should have made contingency plans. Not doing so was grossly negligent. When people were up in arms about the likes of the Vietnam war they weren't expecting to take over the White House. They'd had enough, wanted OUT and for their government to make it so.

The arguments for leaving or staying in the EU were made over 123 days of campaigning. As much as the Remainers wish it not to be so that campaign is over - the endless bitching about the result is of no significance. I submit that there were no more lies on the part of Leave than Camoron and Co were guilty of in their incessant scare campaign and dumbing down of the Brexit side. That I think was mainly why they lost but the lesson clearly hasn't been learned, both in the country and here. it goes on. You will have been following some of the relevant posts I know.

I disagree with your view that everybody in the leave camp "ran off". Farage had campaigned for all of his political life on the single issue of leaving the EU. He was successful. What was the point of being the leader of the UK Independence Party when the UK was independent? He wasn't a British MP, or even a member of a party which would carry out the exit.So politically in the UK he had nowhere to go. He was an MEP and - as he said many times in Brussels - had made himself redundant. A politician without a home, where did he have left to go?

Boris it seems fully intended to stand for Tory Leader but was knifed in the back. I wouldn't call that "running away".

What was a pack of lies? Camoron saying he would stay on and invoke A50 but not doing so? Yes, I think you could class that as "running away with his tail between his legs". Osborne promising a tax hike and spending cuts to punish people if they voted out? it's too soon of course to pass judgment on that sort of thing but then much of the carping by the Remainers is surely too soon also? We have had it incessantly since the ink was barely dry on the ballot papers.

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:05 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:

David Cameron to resign Wednesday as Theresa May to become British PM

"Brexit means Brexit, and we're going to make a success of it. There will be no attempts to remain inside the EU. No attempts to rejoin it by the back door. No second referendum. The country voted to leave the European Union, and as prime minister, I will make sure we leave the European Union," she said.

And what she said in a speech in April:

And I want to emphasise that I think we should stay inside the EU not because I think we’re too small to prosper in the world, not because I am pessimistic about Britain’s ability to get things done on the international stage. I think it’s right for us to remain precisely because I believe in Britain’s strength, in our economic, diplomatic and military clout, because I am optimistic about our future, because I believe in our ability to lead and not just follow. ... -text.html
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:24 pm

Yes Tim. I think that means she's accepted the result of the referendum and as PM regards it her duty to act accordingly. But we shall see. She's a bit "exposed" of course because Mrs May doesn't even have the fig leaf of a positive vote on her leadership from her own party, let alone the country. Much talk of a "snap election". That's got ***Labour in a bit of a panic.

If more people were to adopt that attitude, rather than one of "I hope the UK's destroyed. It will prove I was right." then I think the chances of getting a good deal and taking the UK forward would be greatly improved.

That BTW was in no way a dig at your good self. It strikes me that you always present a rational and courteous argument. Looking around the Forums and much of the UK media that makes a pleasant change. :D :|

*** Totally unrelated but - isn't what's going on in the Labour party the best entertainment you can get this side of Las Vegas? :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:43 pm

Londonrake wrote:I do think that you will find EU members enter into bi-lateral arrangements with non member countries on all sorts of matters.

NO - any area that is delegated to the EEA ,then they deal with that matter .
the EEA is just the EU for countries where they cant get ppl to vot to go in the EU but the state wants to
the only exception is SWITZERLAND .that has 135 serperate aggrements with the EU over 40 year and still has to let in anyone
who want to go there- and DONT have full access to the money markets ..

Maybe the reason you cant understand my posts is that i write for the computer age
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Tue Jul 12, 2016 12:59 pm

Londonrake wrote:I disagree with your view that everybody in the leave camp "ran off". Farage had campaigned for all of his political life on the single issue of leaving the EU. He was successful. What was the point of being the leader of the UK Independence Party when the UK was independent? He wasn't a British MP, or even a member of a party which would carry out the exit.So politically in the UK he had nowhere to go. He was an MEP and - as he said many times in Brussels - had made himself redundant. A politician without a home, where did he have left to go?

so why did he not resign as an MEP - Because if the UK leaves the EU he get €157,000 pay off
As for ´when the UK was independent´ - Nothing has happened in law - NOTHING !!

Londonrake wrote:Boris it seems fully intended to stand for Tory Leader but was knifed in the back. I wouldn't call that "running away".
What was a pack of lies? Camoron saying he would stay on and invoke A50 but not doing so? Yes, I think you could class that as "running away with his tail between his legs". Osborne promising a tax hike and spending cuts to punish people if they voted out? it's too soon of course to pass judgment on that sort of thing but then much of the carping by the Remainers is surely too soon also? We have had it incessantly since the ink was barely dry on the ballot papers.

Watch it you almost got emotonial there mr.spock

as for the tories get seats ...
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Party Seats Seats change
SNP 56 50
Labour 1 −40
Conservativ 1 0
Liberal Democrat 1 −10

THE ONLY ISSUE THAT MATTERS TO THE 18-45s is to stay in the EU
who have only known EUROPA ...
the 45-999 will vote tory/UKIP or labour and split the VOTE


august USSR
december RUSSIA ´free´
if that can happen ...

Last edited by Paul ZKTV on Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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