I employ three Bulgarians, one has been with me since 1984, the other since 1999 and the ...gorgeous lady since 2001. I would be lost without them and maybe forced to closer down. They are bloody good workers, they are respectful and loyal. I don't just consider them as employees but as family.
I think most people appreciate the Europeans that work in the UK. There are always a small minority of the less intelligent Brits, given a platform by press sensationalism, that think differently. Like the Polish couple who had their house torched by some morons who should be found and flogged.
The more I think of the utter blindness of the leave geriatrics the more I want out of the UK.
Did you see the Farage Video? Although a ‘
geriatric’, as I see it, the federalisation of the EU was far more significant in my deliberations than immigration. The UK has lived with immigration for decades. The last time I went to London (
9 yrs ago) I thought I was in a foreign country! So, in a way I can understand the resentment especially where immigrants are becoming the majority. It must be quite worrying, especially for younger families with children in schools where English is a language spoken by the minority.
Today I learned from my estate agent that the people buying my house have pulled out! Could this have anything to do with the Brexit ?
Sorry to hear that but I am sure there will be others interested. As for the reason? You could be right there are still a lot of scare stories being spread. It seems that many who voted to remain are playing the ‘
we-told-you-so’ game and seem determined to prove they are right and those that voted for an exit were wrong.