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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:27 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:the fact is the Sterling started falling from the last quarter of 2015 both against the Euro and the US$. In fact against ever major currency e.g the Jap YEN
It's obvious this fall was due to other factors other than the question of brexit. if you have a look at charts then the devaluation of sterling after the referendum perfectly matches the path/trendline by which it was getting devaluated from say Oct Nov last year!!
It only stabilized a few months before the referendum and then started falling again! No so strange.
The referendum result just triggered the previously existing downfall of Sterling seeking a new stabilizing point.
Like I said before if it continues to fall non stop then seek the reasons to a really BAD ECONOMY (pre-existing)

The pound started sliding against the euro at the end of last year and the reason universally cited for this was uncertainty over the referendum. Remember that the pound shot up in the markets on the day of the referendum on the expectation that there would be a narrow victory for remain. This all suggests to me that the referendum was a major factor.

8 months before the referendum is a very long time to start a constant currency downfall Tim. Uncertainty reached it's peak 1-2 months before the referendum yet surprisingly it stabilized during that period. I don't agree with you that it shot up,on the average it just stabilized.
I can only agree that the expected referendum played a role but I suspect there were other more important reasons. MOST PROBABLY because the economic bubble started bursting. Notice it did not fall Vs the Euro alone. It fell against all major currencies
Notice exactly the same happened in Cyprus.The economic bubble started bursting from 2007. What happened in 2013 with the Banks and the haircut was just the final blow. In a nutshell the referendum was most likely the final blow to the UK economy caused by a pre-existing economic problem.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:34 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Kikapu wrote:[
Then I stand corrected as to whom should have had a Plan B.

the best thing for Germania ,sorry the EU ,is to lose the UK
the EURO was based on a SINGLE MARKET and a SINGLE EURO

one of DC moans ,which he won on was the the pound was being treated as second class money
thats al gone now
The new SINGLE FIN SERVICE would have brought billions to the UK
thats all gone now ...

I honestly don't have clue what you are on about. But if the EU is democratic before long some will be joining us! ... u-members/
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby CBBB » Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:55 pm

Robin Hood wrote:I honestly don't have clue what you are on about.

Shock! Horror!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:25 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:
Kikapu wrote:[
Then I stand corrected as to whom should have had a Plan B.

the best thing for Germania ,sorry the EU ,is to lose the UK
the EURO was based on a SINGLE MARKET and a SINGLE EURO

one of DC moans ,which he won on was the the pound was being treated as second class money
thats al gone now
The new SINGLE FIN SERVICE would have brought billions to the UK
thats all gone now ...

I honestly don't have clue what you are on about. But if the EU is democratic before long some will be joining us! ... u-members/

I trying to say your have thrown away BILLIONS and BILLIONS that the UK could have made
our man was in charge of THIS ,and DC got a deal that even without the EURO ,the UK could be the centre .
and now this will only go to the EURO ZONE ... kets_Union
The post is responsible for the ensuring that financial markets are properly regulated and supervised so that they are stable, competitive and transparent, at the service of jobs and growth. This includes the full implementation of the Banking Union. They are also responsible for establishing a Capital Markets Union by 2019, for all 28 Member States of the EU, and maximising the benefits of capital markets and non-bank financial institutions for the rest of the economy, and in particular SMEs.

To be honest im sorry to upset you but the UK will never leave the EU ,
like most large companies they more a bit towards the UK and there will be a GENERAL ELECTION before XMAS..
what is funny is the the OAPs are doing it for their grandkids - cos most of them will have been giving up a nice end of days in the sun and are now back in a
victorian hotel in hastings ,and their grandkids go - WTF you done grandad - OAPS were born pre 1951 ,so i will say anyone born after 1960 has not known a world of barriers in europe ... its just silly now that someone has poked a stick at the kids and people who were 2 bzy to vote will you get them to vote leave ever again ..

ASDA owned by the US ,is going to knock out TESCO,SAINS,MORRISONS,by investing all its profits into price cuts . As the UK supermarkets will have to pay more to buy
anything about from spuds and milk then they culd be in big trouble
Last edited by Paul ZKTV on Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:32 pm

Thats like saying people who rob goods from shipwreaks are those who cause it ?????

Once again .... you’ve lost me. What does a shipwreck and robbers have to do with the EU?
the second bit is total madness - no one in the EU will call a referenum ...its 12% on the right and a lot of sad people who have a crap life due to bad housing bad jobs ,bad weather . sod all to do with the EU
WHAT DO THEY MAKE IN THE UK - excude non british first who will be off soon ??? build our own nuclear power stations - its was the FRENCH GOVERNMENT and CHINA paying for it our own aircraft - it makes the WINGS - now not even that

Er, ...... China and France may have arranged the finance as is the norm onnlarge scale projects,but I believe it was loan not a gift? We used to design and build our own nuclear power stations and aircraft I worked on Trawsfynydd Nuclear (Wales) power Station design in the 60’s ...... but then of course that was when I was young.

The British also designed Concorde, TSR2 and the V Bombers. The engines were , as are many Air Bus engines, made by Rolls Rotce ....but of course we sold that to the Germans. So I presume Rolls Royce engines are German ..... just designed and built in the UK!
capitalise on the skills we have always had as innovators and inventors - if you mean YOUNG PEOPLE - they will be off into the EU head hunted

According to you they can’t, without applying for citizenship of an EEA country, as anyone already in the EEA with an EU passport and the same knowledge and qualifications would prevent them even applying for a job. As, no doubt English would be dropped as the International language in the EU, they would have to learn French or German. I seem to remember the French tried that with computer software ...... French only acceptable. Nobody bothered to write it in a minor language so they had to relent and use English.
...... of geriatric little Englanders. - IT IS !!!!

Does it not occur to you that young people get old ?

Maybe instead of buying houses you should invest in gas chambers and ovens and then the old could be exterminated when they had outlived their usefulness or became sick?

The EU’s got plenty of expertise in that field in Germany! I worked for Krupp Koppers in Iran ..... at the interview in Essen, the interviewer, who was quite unique for a German as he had a sense of humour said “ Now I suppose I should tell you about the Company? So until 1945 we used to make guns, tanks and incinerators ........ but that all stopped for some reason and so now we build chemical plants instead!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:17 pm

trying to say your have thrown away BILLIONS and BILLIONS that the UK could have made
our man was in charge of THIS ,and DC got a deal that even without the EURO ,the UK could be the centre .ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS THE EU DID WAS TO SAY DC DEALS WERE GONE !!
and now this will only go to the EURO ZONE ... kets_Union

The post is responsible for the ensuring that financial markets are properly regulated and supervised so that they are stable, competitive and transparent, at the service of jobs and growth. This includes the full implementation of the Banking Union. They are also responsible for establishing a Capital Markets Union by 2019, for all 28 Member States of the EU, and maximising the benefits of capital markets and non-bank financial institutions for the rest of the economy, and in particular SMEs.

PAUL, it’s all very well quoting from Wikipedia or any other source but to come to your own conclusion you have to know something about the subject. So, if it was worth ‘billions and billions to the UK ' ...... can you explain exactly how that actually contributed to the REAL economy, not just the markets and financial institutions?
To be honest im sorry to upset you but the UK will never leave the EU ,
like most large companies they more a bit towards the UK and there will be a GENERAL ELECTION before XMAS..

I don’t have ‘glass balls’ but you could be right ..... but it is speculation. It is speculation that has bought the pound down! Speculation to the uninformed is taken as fact, not because they are stupid but as my late daughter ,with her MBA Degree, used to say ’She couldn’t be assed!’
what is funny is the the OAPs are doing it for their grandkids - cos most of them will have been giving up a nice end of days in the sun and are now back in a victorian hotel in Hastings.

You see, you are falling for a scenario that has been fed to you, it is not something you have ever seen and I doubt you know anybody in those circumstances. Where I live, there were many Brits among other nationalities. The other day a friend and I were talking about the Brits and the lady who owns the Taverna we were in, said that many in the area had left.

The reason? They thought they would see more of their grandchildren being back in the UK. My friend confirmed it and quoted cases where neighbours had done just that. They were misled ........ as they now saw less than they did and an felt they were an inconvenience as the young didn’t really want to know, except when they wanted something. Usually some thing regarding finance of some description! Some have now returned to Cyprus.
...... and their grandkids go - WTF you done grandad - OAPS were born pre 1951 ,so i will say anyone born after 1960 has not known a world of barriers in europe ... its just silly now that someone has poked a stick at the kids and people who were 2 bzy to vote will you get them to vote leave ever again.

If that’s all they think of their elders than it is a whole different world to the one I knew. I was always taught to respect my elders, I did but it did not stop me disagreeing with them. Invariably they had experiences in life that I had not, they had expertise I had not, they knew many things I didn’t. I learned from them ...... and I have never stopped learning.

It may come as a surprise to you that although old in years I have a very young attitude to most things ......... I even like Techn Dance / Hands up music!!!!!!

Age is as much a state of mind every bit as much as it is a physical state of the body I have no idea of your age but like me, every day is one day closer to 'getting old'! :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:35 pm

its a RIGHT WING newspaper article about parties who have less then 5% of the seats in EUROPA - who cares ,there are always people who vote for nazis ..

Robin Hood wrote:China and France may have arranged the finance as is the norm onnlarge scale projects,but I believe it was loan not a gift? We used to design and build our own nuclear power stations and aircraft I worked on Trawsfynydd Nuclear (Wales) power Station design in the 60’s ...... but then of course that was when I was young.

THATS HALF A CENTURY AGO - the UK still had steam trains on the main network - why is it the ´norm´ that the RED CHINA pays for a UK power station ??
and EDF owned by the republic of france was building it - maybe the canteen will be british?'

Robin Hood wrote:The British also designed Concorde, TSR2 and the V Bombers. The engines were , as are many Air Bus engines, made by Rolls Rotce ....but of course we sold that to the Germans. So I presume Rolls Royce engines are German ..... just designed and built in the UK!

THATS HALF A CENTURY AGO etc etc -RR1971 ltd is british ,RR motors is german

Eh no the EEA can nick anyone they like from a foreign country and offer then anything they like ..they would need a work permit and after 2 years could apply for being a perm resident - but you right about the unskilled UK workers ,they wont get in to the EEA ,you will have to continue to pay their Benefits ..
Robin Hood wrote: As, no doubt English would be dropped as the International language in the EU, they would have to learn French or German.

you do have massive gaps in your knowlege of the EEA - all languages are equal ,and i wont tell the IRELAND and MALTA that thy have to drop ENGLISH as one of their offical languages

Robin Hood wrote:Maybe instead of buying houses you should invest in gas chambers and ovens and then the old could be exterminated when they had outlived their usefulness or became sick?

No thanks my family didnt like being turned into lampshades the last time,but you go on with your jokes.

scratch a patriot and a NAZIS will come out ...
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:39 pm

No thanks my family didnt like being turned into lampshades the last time,but you go on with your jokes.

scratch a patriot and a NAZIS will come out ...

My wife lost an Aunt and her whole family including several cousins in Auschwitz I've been there. We found and retrieved their photos.

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:48 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
No thanks my family didnt like being turned into lampshades the last time,but you go on with your jokes.

scratch a patriot and a NAZIS will come out ...

My wife lost an Aunt and her whole family including several cousins in Auschwitz I've been there. We found and retrieved their photos.


quick back track there .... bet she laugh every day about your gas chamber jokes ...

so have you brought your family up as jewish ??'

why did you not retire to the holy land ??

i was born before 1960 ,but i grew up ....
Last edited by Paul ZKTV on Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:50 pm

why is it the ´norm´ that the RED CHINA pays for a UK power station ??

It is common practice on a large multi-million plus contracts, that the Managing Contractor would arrange finance through international banks. Their reputation would give them access to the financial resources that the client may not have. As each agreed phase is completed, the bank pays the contractor the agreed stage payment. The Client is just left with having to repay the debt and his project, of course. I would not expect you to know that ..... but you do now.
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