Apologies - Typing error yes it was 1.31 just before Brexit -
Robin, may I ask you please, were you for the UK leaving the EU or are you just against the EU in general, and if the answer is one or the other, or both, then why have you retired in an EU country for one, and secondly, why haven't you been living in the UK all this time to stand on your principles? Thanks.
Firstly I didn’t vote, been away far too long.
In practical terms, as a geriatric focussing only on self interst, I would have voted to ‘
Remain’, if in doubt do nothing, we go down with the ship or someone comes to our rescue! Simple choice?
But not being as shallow as to just think about what suited me personally, my non-geriatric side worked out that the EU ship was already sinking so better to take the risk and jump for the lifeboat 15 meters below in unknown waters. The problem I foresaw was that the captain of the ship would only give me a life jacket AFTER I had jumped. Big dilemma ......... do I rely on the Captain of a sinking ship ........ or my own reasoned perception?
I am NOT against the EU! I am opposed to a
Federal State of Europe where a self appointed President tells me what to do ..... to me that is a dictatorship. The allies fought a war to avoid just that situation. As I see it Germany was defeated but immediately changed tactics and over the last 60 years, in cooperation mainly with the French, decided to achieve it by other means. They
LIED! They said they wanted a European Economic Community, a sort of free trade agreement.
Then, very slowly, step by step, they created an ‘
EU Commission’ to run things for their benefit not the other countries of Europe. The people of Europe have no say as to who is on this commission or who the various Presidents are. I see that as a dictatorship, not a Union.
When I came here Cyprus was not in the EU or the Eurozone. It was a friendly little island with some quaint concepts, a ‘
Del Boy’ type attitude that suited me as I have never been a ‘
yes-man’ or a conformist just because I am told to conform. My first question was always “Why?” I tend to work things out for myself and Cyprus allowed me to do that. In the 23 years Cyprus has been home for me, both Cyprus and its people have changed and unfortunately, mostly not for the better.
Although based in the UK, much of my work was in Europe. When I was made redundant in 1984, it became very obvious that engineering/industry was in decline. The financial system was what was going to make the UK GREAT again. The tax system made getting on your bike and getting work anywhere, punitively expensive. Self employed ..... and not allowed to claim expenses for ‘
living away from home’ made contract work impossible. So I went abroad.
From then on, I only ever went back to the UK every 3-4 months and decided it was in decline socially as well as industrially ............ so we chose to move to Cyprus. Although I would maybe have done things differently, certainly on the financial front, I have never regretted the move.
So, unlike Milti’s concept that all those that voted ‘
OUT’ were a bunch of Geriatric, little Englanders, dumb, dribbling, toothless morons, only interested in ‘
getting our country back’ ..... some of us actually did give it a lot of thought and had experience on our side. The ones that didn’t were the ones that decided a ‘
leave’ vote would never happen. No plan ‘B’ is what has damaged the UK and the continuous belly-aching of the ‘
remainers’, not Brexit! But it was inevitable that Junker and his associates would not make it easy and that they would set out to punish the UK to prevent contagion ...... his plan does not seem to be working too well, the natives are revolting!
If you want to see what happens when you chicken-out and conform ..... take a good look at Greece

..... and to a lesser degree, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta and other Mediterranean countries, for them it will slowly get worse.