NO Robin. Mission is far from being accomplished! The UK is still in the EU and subject to the continuing uncertainty who knows how Parliament will vote 2- 3 months down the line.
It depends on whether you agree with democracy or not. As I said, it is those that didn’t get the result they wanted that are playing into the hands of the EU to punish the UK and bring them down, by their continuous whining and vocal warnings with their doom and gloom predictions, of a REAL economy that is the same today as it was before the vote. We are out, just packing our bags, and making arrangements ..... we're out, you are going to have to get used to the idea.
By the way, your friend will be proven wrong. The pound will continue to fall, your pension received in Cyprus will continue to erode, like it or not the UK has gained nothing and lost a great deal by the decision taken at the the non legal binding referendum.
Your opinion ..... my source studied at London University for seven years and has a Masters Degree in Economics and whatever the Masters qualification is for an Actuary. It cost his parents thousands. The UK financial system has been hit
NOT the UK economy. My pension will recover ....... but the Eurozone won’t. The Brexit and the unexpected reaction to it has struck a mortal blow to EU Federalism ....... the EU is crumbling from its very foundations!
I'm and always have been an optimist, and indeed I'm optimistic that Parliament will not trigger A.50 any time soon when the nation is faced with severe economic climate over the next few months. The Brexit voters will be demonstrating en mass in support of Parliament's reluctance to press the self destruct button.
I see that as a post by a pessimist, certainly not an optimist. We will jump ship when WE say so .... not when it suits Herr Junker!
The future both economically but most importantly politically is with a united Europe, a Europe that our future young generation can live without the fear of another war. Britain out of Europe does present in reality a possibility of a conflict developing. We know that Germany is not the flavour of present times, who is to say that if Britain did come out of Europe and faced with unprecedented financial hardship that a conflict would not erupt.
Then you are going to be disappointed! The EU and NATO are a recipe for War and are acting to support US hegemony. They have fed you all this rubbish about the
‘Russian threat’, you must have an EU army to protect Europe against ‘
Russian aggression’ etc.supplied with US weapons of course.
Then US/NATO/EU act in unison and mass thousands of troops within spitting distance of the Russian border, mount an offensive missile system within a few minutes range of Moscow and then accuse Russia of aggressive behaviour when they act to counter WESTERN AGRESSION by stationing their troops within their borders as a precaution.
The danger to peace is the UK being sucked into defending Europe again. Teresa May I believe wants to rebuild the Trident Fleet immediately to protect the UK? So the UK should be OK when Putin launches a few hundred missiles on Europe when they attack Russia in a pre-emptive strike or the EU pushes its luck.
Tell me ...... honestly ....... when was the last time Russia attacked or threatened any EU country?
The last time was when they drove the Germans out of Russia and would have gone all the way to the Atlantic if the US/UK and allies had not mounted the Normandy invasion. Then they were our allies, except maybe during the cold war period. But they never attacked or threatened an EU country.
United we stand divided we .........
..... but we aren’t United as the ‘remainers’ are tearing the country apart.