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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:46 pm

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:51 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:The prize for the cleverest of the forum goes to the guy who can explain with no more than 70 words why the sterling pound was buying more Othello wine bottles 2 weeks ago than it buys now :lol: .

That's because the Othello wine has become a better vintage than the £££££! :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:25 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Since the announcements have we seen any factories, hospitals or schools close? Have we seen any corner shops put up the shutters? Have we seen employers handing out notices to employees? Have we seen crowds of EU nationals being rounded up ready to be deported? Have there been queues at supermarkets as people panic by food and other essentials? Are there queues at petrol stations?

Answer = NO!

On Monday morning, Markit released its latest set of data on the state of the UK’s construction sector, and to say things didn't look good would be an understatement.

The sector slipped into contraction for the first time since April 2013, hitting just 46.o, a shock fall from an already poor base last month, and the biggest single month fall since 2009. All this helped confirm fears about a coming crash in the UK's construction industry.

Generally speaking, Markit doesn’t make grand proclamations and or use strong language about its data, but on Monday representatives from both Markit and CIPS, which jointly produced the survey, ... called the data "a clear warning flag for the wider post-Brexit economic outlook."


Britain's economy is falling off a cliff, and we're yet to feel the full force of our vote to leave the EU. Things look scary, very scary indeed. ... oo&ref=yfp
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:57 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Since the announcements have we seen any factories, hospitals or schools close? Have we seen any corner shops put up the shutters? Have we seen employers handing out notices to employees? Have we seen crowds of EU nationals being rounded up ready to be deported? Have there been queues at supermarkets as people panic by food and other essentials? Are there queues at petrol stations?

Answer = NO!

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:34 am

CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:ive no idea why people make things so hard to understand ??

So they can believe they are the only clever ones!

It's only hard to understand if you are really stupid, cannot take the trouble or don't have the interest to work it all out.

The banks make it seem difficult and complex because they don't want the masses to be aware of their fraud. Which is unbelievably simple to implement and unbelievably simple to rectify. But if you want to live in denial ..... that is your choice. :roll:

CBBB .... you come in the first category .... stupid!

So you are the clever one, obviously with a stash of gold bullion buried in your garden, or are you just a retired civil servant living off a ridiculously high unpaid for state pension?

Not particularly clever just intelligent, pragmatic, articulate and well informed on subjects that interest me. Unlike you, I do not make sarcastic or inane comments on subjects I know nothing about, in fact I rarely make sarcastic .... period! We have very little gold .......... my garden is mainly solid rock ........ I am not a retired civil servant (I am a retired engineer) .......... we live off a basic UK State pension which I paid into for some 45 years.

Just shows how poor you are at character assessment ...... about the same level as your opinion on anything to do with economics/money creation/banking! :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:04 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Since the announcements have we seen any factories, hospitals or schools close? Have we seen any corner shops put up the shutters? Have we seen employers handing out notices to employees? Have we seen crowds of EU nationals being rounded up ready to be deported? Have there been queues at supermarkets as people panic by food and other essentials? Are there queues at petrol stations?

Answer = NO!

Standard Life shuts property fund amid rush of Brexit withdrawals ... ithdrawals

Every thing you reference is to do with assets and financial markets ......... doesn't that tell you something? :roll:

What the markets say or do has absolutely NOTHING to do with the real economy ......... an economy in which the financial sector have very little influence. Many foreign companies operating in the UK have said they have no intention to relocate as the UK is still a good place to do business. It is only the EU Commission that is implementing policies that dictate turning its back on the UK .... which was predictable anyway. Even EU member countries are getting fed up with the EU Dictatorship. :)

YOU may think the UK is down and out but apparently many countries are queuing up to do trade deals .......... including the USA ......... either they are stupid or know something you don't? With reference to your post .......... in financial terms they are trying to avoid 'a market correction' due to their predictions of doom and gloom. The property market in the UK is grossly overpriced anyway, especially at the top end.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:05 am

Robin Hood wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
CBBB wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:ive no idea why people make things so hard to understand ??

So they can believe they are the only clever ones!

It's only hard to understand if you are really stupid, cannot take the trouble or don't have the interest to work it all out.

The banks make it seem difficult and complex because they don't want the masses to be aware of their fraud. Which is unbelievably simple to implement and unbelievably simple to rectify. But if you want to live in denial ..... that is your choice. :roll:

CBBB .... you come in the first category .... stupid!

So you are the clever one, obviously with a stash of gold bullion buried in your garden, or are you just a retired civil servant living off a ridiculously high unpaid for state pension?

Not particularly clever just intelligent, pragmatic, articulate and well informed on subjects that interest me. Unlike you, I do not make sarcastic or inane comments on subjects I know nothing about, in fact I rarely make sarcastic .... period! We have very little gold .......... my garden is mainly solid rock ........ I am not a retired civil servant (I am a retired engineer) .......... we live off a basic UK State pension which I paid into for some 45 years.

Just shows how poor you are at character assessment ...... about the same level as your opinion on anything to do with economics/money creation/banking! :roll:

Robin, no doubt your pension has gone down by about 10% thus far. I take it that since you are living in Cyprus you receive your UK pension in either sterling or as is the usual method in Euros. Surely you are out of pocket by quite a few Euros.

The pound this morning is trading at MMR just a tiny bit over 1.19, there will be a further drop in its value in weeks to come, this is a certainty. You will lose more in weeks and months to come on your pension. What have you or the other Brexit voters have thus far achieved. Our country back, end of immigration? NOTHING ! Just uncertainty over the future and prosperity of our country, tangible loses that we shall all feel, I'm feeling it already, another payment today that a few days back would have cost me £236 less that what I will have to pay today ! Its a disastrous result not only for the nations economy but for the future of our young generation, all because Brexit voters were told lies and more lies and they fell for it. Nigel Farage has now gone, tail between his legs, and so has the clown. Abandon ship when its beginning to sink!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:06 am

Robin, no doubt your pension has gone down by about 10% thus far. I take it that since you are living in Cyprus you receive your UK pension in either sterling or as is the usual method in Euros. Surely you are out of pocket by quite a few Euros.

Yes it has gone down but I see that as a temporary scenario bought about mainly by currency speculators ..... not because of a collapse of the real economy in the UK. We are content to live a lifestyle which our income will support and we even save some .... for a rainy day. We use the a/c, are never too hot or cold because I designed (with foresight) and built the house taking these extremes into account, so we reduce outgoings. We eat well and can afford to buy any medication we need; I even drive a 16 year old twin cab ..... which a Cypriot in a supermarket car park was trying to buy off my wife a few weeks ago. So I also look after what I have, never buy by price alone and would rather wait, save the extra I need to buy the best and buy things that last.
The pound this morning is trading at MMR just a tiny bit over 1.19, there will be a further drop in its value in weeks to come, this is a certainty.

I was talking to an actuary just yesterday. A Cypriot family we have known since he was a child and he agreed that it was temporary. He is extremely well qualified and with one of the International banks based in Dubai. In his opinion, the speculators have forced the exchange rate low and made millions, they will keep it low for a few weeks whilst they SLOWLY buy up cheap Sterling so as not to trigger the market. When someone gets greedy and starts buying too much, the price will rise again. As the UK real economy will by then have shown it is still strong compared with economies in the EU.
You will lose more in weeks and months to come on your pension. What have you or the other Brexit voters have thus far achieved. Our country back, end of immigration? NOTHING ! Just uncertainty over the future and prosperity of our country, tangible loses that we shall all feel, I'm feeling it already, another payment today that a few days back would have cost me £236 less that what I will have to pay today ! Its a disastrous result not only for the nations economy but for the future of our young generation, all because Brexit voters were told lies and more lies and they fell for it. Nigel Farage has now gone, tail between his legs, and so has the clown. Abandon ship when its beginning to sink!

I think you are being unrealistically pessimistic! Both sides told lies .... it’s called politics! :roll:

You didn’t really believe all the sh*t both sides were spewing out, did you? For the first time that I can remember in UK politics, they both adopted the US model and started using scare tactics. They miscalculated as we are far better informed than the Americans. You may not go much on all us geriatrics but we have experience and pragmatism on our side and saw through the smoke and mirrors from the start of this campaign. The young are shallow and are far more interested it what would suit them now rather than a long term view. The young live for the here and now , they are not interested in the future.

How can Farage be leaving with his tail between his legs? As he said 17 years ago he set up UKIP to get the UK out of the UK ..... mission accomplished ...... he leaves as there is no longer a need to leave the EU ..... we’ve left! It is only the ‘remainers’ that seem to think we haven’t. Can Cameron make any such claims? If anyone is leaving with their tail between their legs it is Cameron and the Conservative party ...... but you don't see much about him in the press .... only Farage. Cameron and the Conservatives have achieved none of the promises they made when they were elected. In fact the UK has now become a worse place to live BECAUSE of all their failures. :(

From the ashes ...... The Pheonix will rise. Then watch the EU grovel ...... that is if there is still an EU. :roll: :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:38 am

NO Robin. Mission is far from being accomplished! The UK is still in the EU and subject to the continuing uncertainty who knows how Parliament will vote 2- 3 months down the line.

By the way, your friend will be proven wrong. The pound will continue to fall, your pension received in Cyprus will continue to erode, like it or not the UK has gained nothing and lost a great deal by the decision taken at the the non legal binding referendum.

I'm and always have been an optimist, and indeed I'm optimistic that Parliament will not trigger A.50 any time soon when the nation is faced with severe economic climate over the next few months. The Brexit voters will be demonstrating en mass in support of Parliament's reluctance to press the self destruct button.

The future both economically but most importantly politically is with a united Europe, a Europe that our future young generation can live without the fear of another war. Britain out of Europe does present in reality a possibility of a conflict developing. We know that Germany is not the flavour of present times, who is to say that if Britain did come out of Europe and faced with unprecedented financial hardship that a conflict would not erupt.

United we stand divided we ....
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:45 am

Austrian finance minister Hans Jörg Schelling has predicted the following in German newspaper Handelsblatt:

"Britain will remain a member of the EU in the future. In five years, there will still be 28 member states."
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