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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:04 pm

Paul ZKTV:
im lost what he is going on about - all my assets are dollers or euros

Of course your lost ..... you think you know all about money but you actually know as much about that subject as you do about quantum physics. (BTW:it's Dollars not dollers)

No ..... all your assets are IOU's from your bank. It's not your money it belongs to the bank. Your accounts are a liability for the banks because they have a liability to repay you on demand (Unless you live in Cyprus) anything you owe as a debt is an asset to the bank. i.e. the banks assets are debts, the banks liabilities are their customers deposits. The banks have no liability to balance their assets because they created it from nothing in the first place as DEBT.

The problem is you just do not know how the monetary and banking system works at the fundamental level, But then nor do 99.9%+ of the population, so you are not alone. Neither are you stupid, you have just never bothered to find out about it. Go and have a chat with a senior banker, he/she will answer you if you ask the right question. "Where do the banks get their money from? " Don't ask counter staff they know no more than you do. You could visit the Bank of England web site; they have a good explanation 'Bulletin 2014 'Currency in the modern economy' although it may take you a while before the penny drops.

i think this says a lot
GOLD in metric tonnes
´EUtotal ´ 8,767
germany 3,381
IMF 2,814
france 2,451
italy 2,431
ECB 504
UK 310
leabnon 286

Gold is an asset, not a currency or money (although it can be used as either). It says nothing, but that it is a store of wealth over a long period of time. It will never devalue or deteriorate. 1 oz. of gold will always be worth 1 oz. of gold but the currency you use to buy it constantly devalues, i.e. currency is not a store of wealth, it only has a face value. It's purchasing power diminishes over time ..... gold has a constant value. This is why of the thousands of fiat currency there have been in history not one has survived . The £,$,€ will go the same way.

so if the EURO is a lot of rubbish why has it not dropped like the pound ?

It will! Mark my words. The more the banks create, the less the value (purchasing power) The fluctuating nominal value is set by traders in currency, they make billions out of the system where they decide the value of it ...... or do you never read financial news papers/web sites. :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:45 pm

sorry i cant spell - but i can count and i have no idea what you are talkin about - every point or fact that is put to you ,you just post more wild things

The £,$,€ will go the same way

This is why of the thousands of fiat currency there have been in history not one has survived .
is that the car co FIAT ??

Don't ask counter staff they know no more than you do.
- would that apply to you asking someone at your health centre -who told you your covered for free ??

do you never read financial news papers/web sites
Nope - im afraid i just sell a product and people pay me for it
if i got to much money i buy a house and rent it out

I buy UKTV in CH from liberty media (virgin in uk+ire) and put thru servers in CH to make it confirm with CH cable regs and resell
around the world adding 14 day catchup and also VOD from CHINA (offical state outlet) and the gray market in DUBAI .
The wife looks after the paperwork but its very simple .
Got entire series of MARCO POLO on today - also Independence day (CAM) and Me before you ...(china subs)
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:43 pm

sorry i cant spell - but i can count and i have no idea what you are talkin about - every point or fact that is put to you ,you just post more wild things

I have no problem with your spelling, I have no right to criticise you as I only speak English. I am also married to a foreigner and her spelling can be entertaining sometimes!
The £,$,€ will go the same way

It is a fact and is explained in a way that is understandable in a series of videos ‘The Hidden Secrets of Money’ it is not 100% but it will explain to you about Fiat currencies and how the monetary/banking system works. 'Positive Money' will aso give you an understandable explanation with a library of videos.
This is why of the thousands of fiat currency there have been in history not one has survived .
is that the car co FIAT ??

Smart answer but shows you don’t know much about money/banking: :roll:
What is 'Fiat Money'

Fiat money is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but is not backed by a physical commodity. The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand rather than the value of the material that the money is made of. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith. Fiat is the Latin word for "it shall be".
A video as well:

Don't ask counter staff they know no more than you do.
- would that apply to you asking someone at your health centre -who told you your covered for free ??

Yes .... that is why I get my information from a credible source ..... not even the receptionist at the Ministry, I am polite but persistent and have the ability to get past the counter staff and get directly to those who make the decisions and should know what they are talking about.
do you never read financial news papers/web sites
Nope - im afraid i just sell a product and people pay me for it
if i got to much money i buy a house and rent it out

I am pleased you have made it. I just worked in sh*t holes all over the world where they paid the right money. Never wanted to be my own boss, Then the banks stole much of what I worked for and they didn’t, hence I was determined they wouldn’t do it again so I leaned the monetary system in as much detail as I knew my own trade. Hence, I have an advantage over you I know what I am talking about on the subject. :wink:
I buy UKTV in CH from liberty media (virgin in uk+ire) and put thru servers in CH to make it confirm with CH cable regs and resell around the world adding 14 day catchup and also VOD from CHINA (offical state outlet) and the gray market in DUBAI . The wife looks after the paperwork but its very simple . Got entire series of MARCO POLO on today - also Independence day (CAM) and Me before you ...(china subs)

I use ‘Watch 32’ or ‘KODI’ for videos, or use YouTube for finding info on specific subjects. I read MSM news sheets but also about a dozen independent news gathering web sites ........they are just platforms for various independent authors that don’t work for the MSM but know what they are talking about. I find you get more accurate and linked detail from them.

I bought a MINIX box for the wife ..... she said it was too complicated ..... and went back to CytaVision. I rarely watch TV at all .... maybe some of the news ‘interview/discussion’ type programmes.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:00 pm ... xperts-wa/

we carry these news channels in english
BBC News
BBC World News
Al Jazeera News
CNN News
Bloomberg News
ABC News
CBS News
Fox Radio News
France News
Russia News
China News
India News
South Africa News
Korea News
Computer Tech News

well i dont know anything about banks - customers put their money in and i take it out - take all out twice a week,either in dollers locally or euros in CH , i just buy houses with it and rent them
out ..
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:07 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:

well i dont know anything about banks - customers put their money in and i take it out - take all out twice a week,either in dollers locally or euros in CH , i just buy houses with it and rent them
out ..

You should learn ......... especially if you keep large amounts of money in the bank or borrow from them. I know it sounds about as entertaining as watching paint dry ...... but it gets you hooked! Start with asking 'Google' "Where does money come from ?" .... and take it from there. :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:12 am

Robin, now you are being ridiculous, If I ask my bank for a loan the bank gives me MONEY, not credit. I can take all of my loan in hard cash and buy as much wine as I would like.

I agree it sounds ridiculous but it is actually true and provably so ..... from the very top .... The Bank of England among many other authoritative sources including the FED and the ECB ..... but very few people take the trouble to read their papers! :roll:

For small amount's your wine example is true ... well, at least for the time being! But try getting a loan for €10k and asking for it in currency notes ... it becomes a different story. I know I have tried it and with just trying to withdraw €3k in cash, I had to justify the cash withdrawal to the Manager and I have been with the same BoC for over 20 years .... they know me ! Unless you are a known customer that normally in your line of business, deposits large amounts of cash (i.e. a Kiosk or Supermarket) the banks will also refuse to take a large cash deposit without an investigation. Money laundering rules.

You are thinking simply on the lines of the way you have understood how banks work for all of your life! You no doubt believe that banks use your money and lend it to others customers at interest, and that the numbers you see under 'balance' in your account is your money. Neither is true but it took me 12-13 years to work out how the system works and a lot more besides. All is not as it seems!

The banking system is in reality, the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the human race. It is a Ponzi scheme of unbelievably gigantic proportions. If you don't believe that look up the Bank of England web site under 'Bulletin: 2014 " Money creation in the modern economy".' De-clutter your mind forget everything you think you know about banking and start again!

This is in practice how a bank creates a loan to you when you ask for it. (It is all provable but I will keep it simple):

He agrees to your request as you tick all his boxes; he opens a credit account; it has a zero balance; you now spend up to your loan/credit limit as agreed; you transfer a number (currency - a means of transfer)to the recipient; he puts it into his account; some days later it is cleared and he now has it as new money .... new in as ‘for the very first time’; before it appeared in his account it did not exist.

Your ‘cheque’ returns to the bank for clearance; the computer sees it as a debit; it also sees the account is at zero but also that you have a credit available that is equal to or greater than the debit amount; the computer deducts this value from the account balance ..... which is zero; you now have a negative figure in the account ..... you have a debt.

Not once in that transaction did any money/currency change hands ........ it was only a series of book keeping entries. It was your ‘loan’ that created both the new money and the debt. When the new money was created as a deposit in the recipients account, a corresponding debit created a debt in your new credit account.

The BoE puts this in a one liner ‘Every time a bank makes a loan, it creates a debt and a corresponding amount of new money.’ It goes on to say ‘Every time a loan is repaid it destroys that amount of new money.’ i.e. what was created as new money by your ‘loan’ is then destroyed; it is written off the books. :o

Again, sounds crazy but it is true ..... they really do write off the money you used to repay your capital debt. Only the interest is a profit to the bank, the capital is of no value to them as it is destroyed.

Think about it ...... you will find it makes sense. If you understand this, you are at the starting point of a very long journey! :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:12 am

As for plunging and soaring markets ..... as I said previously: :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:27 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paul ZKTV wrote:

well i dont know anything about banks - customers put their money in and i take it out - take all out twice a week,either in dollers locally or euros in CH , i just buy houses with it and rent them
out ..

You should learn ......... especially if you keep large amounts of money in the bank or borrow from them. I know it sounds about as entertaining as watching paint dry ...... but it gets you hooked! Start with asking 'Google' "Where does money come from ?" .... and take it from there. :wink:

eh im worth 8.4 dollars or is it dollers ..??
i never keep money in banks,dont think i have more then 50k in at a time
i just buy another house and rent it out --
i get worried when they run out of jacob cream crackers
or heinz beans ,but nothing else ...
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:25 am

Robin, way back in mid seventies, following a few years article ship with PW as it was then known, Price Waterhouse, I qualified as an accountant. Did about a year as a qualified accountant but found it extremely boring and gave it up choosing to be my own boss.

I understand fully how the banking systems work, I also understand that money is the vehicle of carrying out transactions be it wine, food or other commodities. It appears to me that you are inferring that money does not exist when in fact money does not only exist but it screams at you on a daily basis.

The bank can lend you money and once credited to your account you may do as you please with it, Issue cheques to pay creditors, salaries etc. You may also draw out from Cash Machines up to your daily limit or walk into a bank and take out, in the case of the UK, up to £10,000 in Cash. You may also transfer money to another account on your on-line banking or to any other account that you nominate as the recipient , ie if you are purchasing a car or any other goods.

In ancient times of course bartering was the method used , it is still used today ie PE on a vehicle purchase, the end story boils down to money.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:44 am

banks seem to charge youto keep your own money in .like someone eating your lunch and then giving you the bill ..

pre-franco the system was you had to have a lump sum to cover you if you had a medical or other problem .
so you went to the bank ,borrowed against you house ,left the money in the bank ,but paid the intrest .maybe thats a good idea for brits outside the eu ??
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