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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:57 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:In a few months, the UK will be begging to speed up invoking/completing Article 50 and being set free from obligations or it will be begging to re-unite with the EU and promising to stop this nonsense of supporting Turkey.

The UK has to grow up and realise everybody is on to their reasons for supporting Turkey and it is not on!

They’re pretty stupid getting their citizens to vote over something (brexit) they knew absolutely nothing about!

What an irresponsible government and the expats here have the gall to criticize ours! :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:07 am

I think the brexiters will be caught by surprise.

In the time it will take the UK to negotiate their exit from the EU (2 years), the pound will be trading at parity against the euro.

Any preferential trade agreement the UK tries to negotiate with the EU will be swallowed up by the exchange rate. I am betting on it.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:27 am

Maximus wrote:I think the brexiters will be caught by surprise.

In the time it will take the UK to negotiate their exit from the EU (2 years), the pound will be trading at parity against the euro.

Any preferential trade agreement the UK tries to negotiate with the EU will be swallowed up by the exchange rate. I am betting on it.

the EU has 574 full time people to negotiate who have been doing the job for 60 years - the uk has ZERO and has 700 days to do it in ..

This is what the USA is laughing at
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:47 am

"It’s not over yet. A law that passed last year to set up the EU referendum said nothing about the result being binding or having any legal force. “Sovereignty” – a much misunderstood word in the campaign – resides in Britain with the “Queen in parliament”, that is with MPs alone who can make or break laws and peers who can block them. Before Brexit can be triggered, parliament must repeal the 1972 European Communities Act by which it voted to take us into the European Union – and MPs have every right, and indeed a duty if they think it best for Britain, to vote to stay."

It is being said that the government can trigger Brexit under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, merely by sending a note to Brussels. This is wrong. Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” The UK’s most fundamental constitutional requirement is that there must first be the approval of its parliament." ... act-europe"

Given that Sterling has had an almost 10% " devaluation" against both the US $ and the Euro since the referendum results one wonders if 2-3 months down the road , if Stg continues its downward trend , if recession shows its ugly head, if multi national companies begin to withdraw from the UK in large numbers, if immigration remains at present levels, if our NHS does not .....benefit to the tune of 350 million per WEEK, will parliament be inclined to " respect" the non legally binding referendum result or vote against repealing the 1972 accession act supported by a large majority of MPs.
Its by no means over yet!! Interesting times ahead indeed..
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:38 am

miltiades wrote:"It’s not over yet. A law that passed last year to set up the EU referendum said nothing about the result being binding or having any legal force. “Sovereignty” – a much misunderstood word in the campaign – resides in Britain with the “Queen in parliament”, that is with MPs alone who can make or break laws and peers who can block them. Before Brexit can be triggered, parliament must repeal the 1972 European Communities Act by which it voted to take us into the European Union – and MPs have every right, and indeed a duty if they think it best for Britain, to vote to stay."

It is being said that the government can trigger Brexit under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, merely by sending a note to Brussels. This is wrong. Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” The UK’s most fundamental constitutional requirement is that there must first be the approval of its parliament." ... act-europe"

Given that Sterling has had an almost 10% " devaluation" against both the US $ and the Euro since the referendum results one wonders if 2-3 months down the road , if Stg continues its downward trend , if recession shows its ugly head, if multi national companies begin to withdraw from the UK in large numbers, if immigration remains at present levels, if our NHS does not .....benefit to the tune of 350 million per WEEK, will parliament be inclined to " respect" the non legally binding referendum result or vote against repealing the 1972 accession act supported by a large majority of MPs.
Its by no means over yet!! Interesting times ahead indeed..

A sound level headed assessment. I think the pound will recover and the chance of these multinationals leaving in their droves is just another bout of scare mongering. All the turbulence since Brexit has been in financial markets and the fall in the currency is due to speculators. One trader in London made £110m by betting the £ would drop ...... multiply that up and how much did these speculators make and just what did it contribute to the economy. The markets are not the REAL economy ..... they are a pseudo economy that benefits traders and the system .... they contribute nothing to the economy of the country or its people.

If anyone made their decision just by listening to the two camps for and against argument ..... they must be pretty thick. Both sides led with disinformation, you needed to look much deeper to find out the benefits or not, of each argument.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:18 am

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:"It’s not over yet. A law that passed last year to set up the EU referendum said nothing about the result being binding or having any legal force. “Sovereignty” – a much misunderstood word in the campaign – resides in Britain with the “Queen in parliament”, that is with MPs alone who can make or break laws and peers who can block them. Before Brexit can be triggered, parliament must repeal the 1972 European Communities Act by which it voted to take us into the European Union – and MPs have every right, and indeed a duty if they think it best for Britain, to vote to stay."

It is being said that the government can trigger Brexit under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, merely by sending a note to Brussels. This is wrong. Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” The UK’s most fundamental constitutional requirement is that there must first be the approval of its parliament." ... act-europe"

Given that Sterling has had an almost 10% " devaluation" against both the US $ and the Euro since the referendum results one wonders if 2-3 months down the road , if Stg continues its downward trend , if recession shows its ugly head, if multi national companies begin to withdraw from the UK in large numbers, if immigration remains at present levels, if our NHS does not .....benefit to the tune of 350 million per WEEK, will parliament be inclined to " respect" the non legally binding referendum result or vote against repealing the 1972 accession act supported by a large majority of MPs.
Its by no means over yet!! Interesting times ahead indeed..

A sound level headed assessment. I think the pound will recover and the chance of these multinationals leaving in their droves is just another bout of scare mongering. All the turbulence since Brexit has been in financial markets and the fall in the currency is due to speculators. One trader in London made £110m by betting the £ would drop ...... multiply that up and how much did these speculators make and just what did it contribute to the economy. The markets are not the REAL economy ..... they are a pseudo economy that benefits traders and the system .... they contribute nothing to the economy of the country or its people.

If anyone made their decision just by listening to the two camps for and against argument ..... they must be pretty thick. Both sides led with disinformation, you needed to look much deeper to find out the benefits or not, of each argument.

Robin whether you consider it immoral, wrong or plain stupid the entire world revolves around money. A nations prosperity is measured by its financial strengths or weakness. Through out the world people are affected not by any other force than the financial elements. Strikes are on the whole carried out because workers want more money. The world would come to a complete standstill devoid of finances, Greece for instance and Cyprus.

The pound will NOT RECOVER any time soon. You may quote me a month or so down the line when the pound sinks further.

The decision by those wanting exit from the EU was based on pseudo nationalistic propaganda, clichés as such as "WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK" " WE WANT TO MAKE OUR OWN LAWS AND NOT DICTATED BY NON ELECTED EUROPEANS" as well as the blatant lies concerning the 350 million by which our NHS would benefit, this slogan was widely and incessantly used and the geriatrics fell for it.

The economic severities of leaving the EU will soon emerge, and they have just begun.

Do also consider that Europe has had 2 catastrophic wars, who is to say that in a few years time such a scenario could not occur.

I believe not only in a united Europe but in a Europe with its own military, its own identity.

Britain will live to regret this ludicrously catastrophic decision and then of course blame the EU !!

I still believe that Britain will remain in the EU and be supported by the overwhelming majority of voters as they watch the disastrous consequences that will be exacerbated by inflation, recession, high un employment and dire economic events.

The likely next PM is the front runner Theresa May. In a vote, as required, to invoke article 50 , the vast majority of pro EU MPs will stick two fingers up to the referendum , influenced by the severe consequences that, be sure they will emerge .
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:43 am

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:"It’s not over yet. A law that passed last year to set up the EU referendum said nothing about the result being binding or having any legal force. “Sovereignty” – a much misunderstood word in the campaign – resides in Britain with the “Queen in parliament”, that is with MPs alone who can make or break laws and peers who can block them. Before Brexit can be triggered, parliament must repeal the 1972 European Communities Act by which it voted to take us into the European Union – and MPs have every right, and indeed a duty if they think it best for Britain, to vote to stay."

It is being said that the government can trigger Brexit under article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, merely by sending a note to Brussels. This is wrong. Article 50 says: “Any member state may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.” The UK’s most fundamental constitutional requirement is that there must first be the approval of its parliament." ... act-europe"

Given that Sterling has had an almost 10% " devaluation" against both the US $ and the Euro since the referendum results one wonders if 2-3 months down the road , if Stg continues its downward trend , if recession shows its ugly head, if multi national companies begin to withdraw from the UK in large numbers, if immigration remains at present levels, if our NHS does not .....benefit to the tune of 350 million per WEEK, will parliament be inclined to " respect" the non legally binding referendum result or vote against repealing the 1972 accession act supported by a large majority of MPs.
Its by no means over yet!! Interesting times ahead indeed..

A sound level headed assessment. I think the pound will recover and the chance of these multinationals leaving in their droves is just another bout of scare mongering. All the turbulence since Brexit has been in financial markets and the fall in the currency is due to speculators. One trader in London made £110m by betting the £ would drop ...... multiply that up and how much did these speculators make and just what did it contribute to the economy. The markets are not the REAL economy ..... they are a pseudo economy that benefits traders and the system .... they contribute nothing to the economy of the country or its people.

If anyone made their decision just by listening to the two camps for and against argument ..... they must be pretty thick. Both sides led with disinformation, you needed to look much deeper to find out the benefits or not, of each argument.

i am giving up talking to you as you just want to run and run over the cliff ...
its very simple - dont like the colour of the wall paper in your bedroom - burn your house down ..dont talk to the other members of the household and get something done about it ..
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Maximus » Sun Jul 03, 2016 3:22 pm

Robin Hood wrote: One trader in London made £110m by betting the £ would drop ...... multiply that up and how much did these speculators make and just what did it contribute to the economy. The markets are not the REAL economy ..... they are a pseudo economy that benefits traders and the system .... they contribute nothing to the economy of the country or its people.

I made some money too.

Dont forget that for every seller of pound there has to be a buyer too. It works both ways, when the the pound appreciates in value it benefits the people and the real economy on an international level. lets take your typical expat who has retired abroad and receives a pension in pounds. When the pound is strong they get more bang for their buck when they exchange. Which directly benefits them through their purchasing power in the foreign country.

Another example, lets say for instance part of peoples pension funds are in the stock market. When speculators or traders push the value of these stocks up ( which they cant do all by themselves in most cases), it benefits the people. It generates wealth for them if they decide to cash in. Then, If these traders or market makers were not there, the markets would be less liquid and less competative. Meaning, that you could get a worse price for your investments on either the buy or the sell side.

So they do contribute something, they are there to buy or sell from you whenever you want and add much needed liquidity. Furthermore, their capital is available to business's so they can expand their operations. Which can generate growth and benefit the real economy.
Last edited by Maximus on Sun Jul 03, 2016 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Jul 03, 2016 3:23 pm

So all indications is that nothing is going to happen, the UK will never invoke article 50 and the whole thing will soon be forgotten.
On the other hand the referendum was a clear result of direct democracy.
Is there any chance the EU could call article 7 to force the UK to invoke article 50? For this to happen the Brexit supporters in the UK have to file an official complain to the EU on the first place, don't they?
And what can the EU do when in much more serious cases in the past, that clearly violated EU's values, it did nothing? Let aside the most recent violation of EU values when some member states where closing their borders.

Article 7 link: ... A12012M007
Relevant cases link: ... le-of-law/
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby miltiades » Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:29 pm

A recent poll over on the North Cyprus Free Press showed the majority of geriatric cheapskates, 55.7% voted for the Brexit camp.

The Turkish lira on June 22nd stood at 4.25 to the pound, it is now 3.85 , serves these senile old fools right since they are all pensioners and all out of pocket. It conclusively proves that the geriatrics voted to take the UK out of the EU using not their brains but their arses!

On average the UK pension is around £7500 per annum, on this figure the cheapskates are,.... losing currently over 3000 TL pa. or about 750 pound sterling per annum. Still they have their back the silly sods!

Their life in the occupied parts will become somewhat more expensive, These senile old fools surely would have known that an exit result would affect their pensions.
Talking of pensions, my personal state and private pension amounts to around £16000 per annum, prior to the referendum at MMR this would amount to about 20800 euros, at todays MMR this now has been reduced to 19000 euros, a drop of 1800 euros per annum or just under 5 euros per day, or a bottle or two of Othello per day : :twisted: :twisted: Bastards, how dare they affect my wine consumption :lol: :lol:
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