Londonrake wrote:Kikapu:
What an appallingly filth-strew and fatuous rant, which nevertheless serves well to demonstrate the sort of mouth-foaming threats being issued by the likes of Junker at present. Although it seems Merkel has been whispering into his ear recently, as German industry has in hers. Juncker you see can strut and bellow but he couldn't care less whether I bought a Mercedes or new Deutsche machine-tools. It's not a consideration for him, there in his - testament to EU profligacy- ivory tower. .
Clearly, you have absolutely no appreciation of the dynamics involved in such a move. Succinctly - the recent referendum in the UK is a major blow to the EU, most particularly the rabid integrationalists. If you think that it'll be business as usual - a relentless march forward to greater-and-greater integration - you are living in cloud cuckoo land. Then again if it's Brussels
you will be.
The whole game has changed. There's further trouble brewing in France, Italy, Austria and the Netherlands, whilst anti-EU movements also continue to grown exponentially in the southern countries. Contrary to what I imagine is your view the EU is not a much beloved entity. The frequently lauded Schengen is in abeyance (temporarily of course

) for many members, after Frau Angela's generous offer to accommodate over a million "refugees" from the ME in 2015 alone. Now hastily packaged up for equal distribution around the continent. The Mediterranean states are in - and set to stay in - the economic doldrums brought about by their membership of the €. Trapped in a burning edifice with no means of escape. Spend a couple of minutes taking a good look at what's happened to the Italian economy as an example. All is very far from well and this latest blow will be something not recovered from in a hurry, if ever. Especially if Brussels adopts your uncompromisingly rancid views.
Furthermore if you think the EU can turn it's back on the UK with a petulant huff and let the country go down economically then perhaps you should have a closer look at the figures involved. If that did happen then, make no mistake about it my foul-mouthed friend, so will the rest of the federation, along with its unelected, arrogant cabal of bureaucrats.
It isn't up to Junker to posture and threaten about invoking A50, it's up to HMG. Go fish!
My apologies for not littering this with expletives. I do hope you can understand it without.

Sorry my friend, but I did not write any filth at all, thank you very much. Perhaps you may have read filth, buy I most certainly did not write any.
Now lets get to the beef of your post. If the UK wants to leave the EU so desperately, why don't they set the wheels in motion?
Why should the EU give any break to UK? It will ONLY increase the chances of others getting the same idea that they can also blackmail the EU to cherry pick only what they want. This reason alone is justifiable by the EU to fcuk the UK as hard as it can, and should the UK suffer economically, then the UK should bear all the responsibility for gambling with it's future by trying to blackmail the EU.
I can guarantee you, that for Germany, it is more important to keep the EU intact that selling German cars to the UK. Those in the UK will buy German cars if they want one regardless the cost. Not all Brits want to drive Japanese or Korean cars. They mostly like to drive German, French and Italian cars, so I can't see the downside for the EU. On the other hand, the UK cars are not in big demand in the EU, and if the were, most UK car companies are owned by EU countries anyway, so you see, UK needs the EU more that other way around. The EU with 500 million can take care of it self with trade agreements with other major markets around the world, like the US and Asia. UK on the other hand with population of only 50 million once N.Ireland and Scotland frees themselves from the shackles of little England, can try to throw their imaginary weight around all they want. They will not succeed. They can team up with Turkey and form their own Union of 130 million. What an economic power house they would make......not!
My the way, the million refugees the Germans took in from Syria are to become part of much needed extra workforce in Germany. Trust me, it was not a humanitarian reaching out to bring these people in. Germans are not that generous. The Germans just didn't want to bring any more Turks from Turkey to Germany, that's all.
As for free movement in the Schengen, it is great, but if the EU stops it, so be. All I need to to is shown an ID when crossing borders, that's all. What is the UK going to do outside the EU when most refugees and immigrants mostly want to go to the UK, which France will only be happy to put them on the ferries and trains and send them to the UK, for the Brits to deal with them in the land of little England by then.
I'm also British by the way, but looking in becoming Scottish if Scotland is forced to seceded from the UK.
In any case, all this is just academic as no British PM at 10 Downing street will have the balls to invoke article 50, even if it's a woman PM!