Tim Drayton wrote:Anyway, it can't happen until Article 50 is invoked.
but it started already...not declaring article 50 ASAP, means the UK is out of all mechanisms within the EU while still carrying the responsibility... i.e. paying with no voice
Tim Drayton wrote:Anyway, it can't happen until Article 50 is invoked.
boomerang wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Anyway, it can't happen until Article 50 is invoked.
but it started already...not declaring article 50 ASAP, means the UK is out of all mechanisms within the EU while still carrying the responsibility... i.e. paying with no voice
Tim Drayton wrote:George Osborne has said, "It was not the responsibility of those who wanted to remain in the EU to explain what plan we would follow if we voted to quit the EU." Quite so.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:George Osborne has said, "It was not the responsibility of those who wanted to remain in the EU to explain what plan we would follow if we voted to quit the EU." Quite so.
Completely disagree! The government which took the country down the road of a referendum had FULL responsibility for having a plan for EITHER outcome! If they didn't count on losing, that's their arrogance talking and it should not be the British public that have to suffer because Cameron and Osborne couldn't be arsed to solve the mess which they got the UK into - yes, the mess which Cameron and Osborne as leaders have got the country into. Not the buffoons who were not leading the UK - they can get off Scot free.
I cannot stress enough how disgraceful I think Cameron has behaved - not just now with his diva-ish flouncing off and washing his slithery hands off all responsibility but all the time he has been in power - he has made racist remarks as I have stated before and blamed immigrants and blamed Greece etc - he blamed everybody except himself and he was the one destroying the country the whole time!
Well thank you very much for another Eton Mess!
Why Brexit could ‘kill’ London as a top financial hub
The U.K. exit from the European Union risks costing the City of London billions of pounds, thousands of workers and its spot as the world’s top financial center.
The lost status centers on one simple process that’s complex to undo: passporting.
The mechanism allows British-based financial institutions such as banks, fund managers and insurers to seamlessly sell their services across the 28 EU nations without having to get regulator approval or set up subsidiaries in each member state.
There is a lot of finger-wagging on Twitter and elsewhere about how the exit voters have just triggered economic self-destruction. House prices will fall, savings will be diminished, the pound will weaken, jobs will dry up. Well, that's all true. Except. Not everyone benefits from the insane property market. Not everyone has savings. Not everyone benefits, as the City does, from a strong pound. Manufacturing has suffered from that priority. Large parts of the country have been hemorrhaging jobs for years. "The economy" is not a neutral terrain experienced by everyone in exactly the same way. And some of the votes, coming in core Labour areas, not necessarily strongly racist areas at first glance, indicate that. So people have voted against an economy that wasn't working to their benefit. (That doesn't mean the practical alternative will not be worse. I suspect it will be a great deal worse.)
Tim Drayton wrote:Robin Hood wrote:"
...the last thing countries like France and Germany want is to find the export markets and import markets between them and the UK blocked.
Oh, so those lovely continentals are not going to grab the opportunity by the horns to drag the financial centre of Europe to the continent and deprive the UK of the one remaining sector that was propping it up. How nice. It seems all those wogs, wops, krauts, froggies, ities and others whom the toxic right-wing tabloids have been indoctrinating the poorly educated masses to hate over the years are really not so bad, then. Can we expect a change in editorial policy, now?
Perhaps not in view of the latest disgraceful froggie-bashing headline in today’s Daily Express:
“France threatens to let THOUSANDS of Calais migrants into Britain in revenge for Brexit”
Tim Drayton wrote:On the other hand, I still think the bunch of clowns and buffoons behind the exit campaign have to be put on the spot and told to sort things out.
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