If you leave a club then you lose all the benefits that you enjoyed as a member.
I beg to differ!
If you join a club under one set of rules and a self appointed ‘
Committee’, unelected by the lay members (
The People of Europe), decide to change or add to the rules, to suit their own Grand Plan, then you should have every right to reject the directives of ‘
The Committee’ and continue your membership under the same agreed terms you joined under. You just don’t sit at the top table anymore.
The UK has tried for years to influence the direction of the EU away from being a Federal State, acting from inside as a member, all to no avail. Federalism plain does not work. The Federal Jugger-naught powers of Germany and France plough on, riding rough shod over the wishes of the people of other member States, by destroying their Sovereignty bit-by-bit and taking away their right to make decisions within the framework of a Union of States to suit their own specific needs. One size does not fit all!
If a Federation does not work in the US, why should it work in Europe. You cannot have a Federation of States where they use a single currency, when they have such diversified economies and incomes, without the wealthier states subsidising the poorer states. In the US you have wealthy states and poor states, some States have even filed for bankruptcy I believe? Is that not what is coming to the fore in their current presidential elections, the very obvious divisions between rich and poor states, rich and poor people? Even Texas has a large percentage of the population that want to break from the ‘
United’ concept.
It will be the spite, the arrogance and the nastiness of the
‘EU’s Committee’, not the other members, that will make this an unpleasant divorce process
(if they can) not the UK. This will do them no good at all in the long run as the other member states will look at the bullying and spite and say to themselves ‘
This is what these bastards will do to us if we dare to cross them ..... time to start looking after our own interests.’
From little acorns, mighty oaks grow .......... maybe out of the UK’s exit from the Federalism that the EU Commission is intent upon, a new EEC of ex-EU member states will immerge that will be based on mutually beneficial trade agreements not a political agenda for the benefit of the few?
IMO: Those that trumpet ’EUROPA’ and ridicule the UK at every opportunity ........the One State, One Parliament, One Constitution and One Currency proponents, are in for a bit of a shock!