Paphitis wrote:What I don't understand is why MKTV on the one hand is concerned for Britain because he feels it is a big mistake, whilst on the other hand express so much vile and negativity and even wish its demise and then say told you so.
This move by Britain is brave and it is VERY important for the sake of all EU members including Cyprus and Greece.
When they pull it off and see that things are not so bad and that in fact Britain has continued to thrive, it will give the rest of the EU hope and the knowledge that they can one day follow in Britains steps towards salvation.
This is necessary because should Greece and Cyprus fail economically once again, they can pull the plug and regain control. At the moment so many are under the thumb believing they are not big enough to stand on their own.
It will be harder for the EU to socially destroy nations, all because they won't allow them any fiscal autonomy whatsoever.
This BREXIT is very important for Europe as a whole. The worse thing that could happen is if Britain fails to pull it off seamlessly. I think they will and that is going to be a huge relief for so many.
Britain is very much the pioneer here. Credit to them!
It is Paul (
Novak) ZKTV (
ZurichKabelTeleVision) a trade name, .... he gets free advertising on here !!!!!
His anti-British views are well known and he has at least one supporter of his extreme stance! He dislikes the British intensely, especially pensioners as he sees them as useless bodies that need feeding, cost to much to treat medically and it would be better if the EU drove them all back to the UK to die in Victorian slums of disease and poverty. You won't get a shred of common sense out of any of his posts........... believe me!
Once again, I agree absolutely with every thing you have said. The UK will thrive eventually from leaving the EU and there are many other member states where the population is thinking on the same lines as the majority of the UK population, as you have stated. This is why the EU Commissioners are trying to make a '
divorce' as unpleasant as possible. They think it will act as a deterrent to others that get ideas about joining the UK and turning their back on an increasingly Federal Europe.
IMO: I think that '
punishment' attitude to the UK will have exactly the opposite effect.

The 'EU' are now looking into charging the British a fee to avoid having to apply for a visa. They are copying the US line as it will limit a stay in the EU to just 90 days. Once again, I think that is not very smart thinking! What effect will this have on tourism, which is mainly to the poorer states of the EU like Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy etc.?