LR and myself have a history going way back where we disagree on just about every subject under the Sun. Brexit seems to be the only occasion where there has, in the main, been agreement. The thread, if you look at the OP (The Video), was intended to try and explain what each camp on the referendum seemed unable to supply ..... some factual information. The vote has been cast, the result is known and the losers now seem to have high-jacked the thread to take every opportunity to cast the views for the future of the UK in a bad light, to support their doom and gloom scenario.
IMO: Brexit will be good for the UK in the long run ..............
The industrial revolution started in England, which was also militarily powerful. Their manufacturing ability created an Empire and enhanced their military power. All Empires are relatively short lived and the British Empire declined drastically after WWII, to be replaced by the newly expanding American Empire which has peaked and is now also in decline, hence all the wars. A new Empire is now rising to face off the dying ones, an Empire from the East..... Asia!
Even after WWII the UK still had a manufacturing base to greatly support the economy with our exports. In the mid 70’s Mrs. Thatcher decided to place the emphasis of her economic policies on the City and allowed the manufacturing centres to go into a steep decline. We had as a result some of the highest out of work figures in recent times. I think she made a very fundamental mistake. Instead of exporting goods we now exported manufacturing job’s, our technology and skills, taught others how to use them and then imported what we needed from them. But, the multinational corporations made greatly increased profits using this pool of cheap labour.
The City and the financial institutions that blossomed from Thatcher’s preference for the pseudo economy of
unbridled (
little control) capitalism in preference to a wealth creating industrial base, has left the UK today with very little wealth creating industry but a greedy and bloated financial system that produces nothing! The REAL economy is fragile, a shadow of what it was in the heyday of Empire but the pseudo economy primarily based on debt, speculation and assets, is now dominant. The banking system is parasitic upon the real wealth creating economy as it sucks the life out of it because the bankers have realised that it is easier to make ‘
money’ out of ‘
money’ than it is to create real wealth. If created money does not go into the real economy it cannot be included in a Nations GDP .......... it is effectively dead money wrapped up in static '
financial' assets, the value of which can change dramatically in the space of a few hours of trading.
The financial economy is no more than a house of cards and is heading for a Global collapse of monumental proportion’s that will be enough to take down those economies that are within its dominance. This is a simple fact! This situation was within hours of becoming reality in late 2008 but was prevented by an unprecedented banking bail-out by the FED. The Global economy has never really recovered from that and there has been virtually no changes within the system that created the 2008 disaster! The financial and banking system is a money making Ponzi scheme and, never in history, has a Ponzi scheme survived. The UK’s reliance on it is the biggest threat to the UK’s future.
IMO: Withdrawing from the EU will hopefully see the investment banking and markets financial sector leave the UK and establish itself in Europe. (
A very simple operation I am led to believe?) This will then force the UK to re-establish its manufacturing industries to create much needed jobs and supply the manufactured goods we need. The only country in the EU that has a manufacturing base to largely support its economy is Germany and it is the EU’s wealthiest country as a result.
More than 40% of the EU budget goes on the Common Agricultural Policy and the major beneficiary is France followed by Spain/Germany (The UK is fifth in the ranking). The UK contributes to those subsidies and without the subsidies French and German farmers cannot survive. The other EU Members will have to fork out more to replace the subsidies that the UK previously contributed. Although the UK benefits from farm subsidies it is infinitely more efficient than the French farmers and will survive.
This is why I do not believe that the countries of the EU will let the Commissioners create a situation where their economies will be affected just to 'punish' the UK .......... the ideal solution would be to carry on as now but without the Federal implications.
If the financial crash comes before the UK has established a wealth creating economy, then the UK will go down the pan ...... but it will not be alone. The EU, the US and most economies in the Western Sphere of influence will go down the pan too. If the UK has a solid and growing industrial base it will be able to ride out the storm and gain from a re-structured financial/banking system that will put the banks back into line as service sector providers acting as an intermediary between State and borrowers.
If you want some confirmation of this scenario don’t bother trying to find any details in the MSM, you will have to delve much deeper than that!
There is no doubt it will be a rough ride, and on the evidence so far, the EU Commission will make every attempt to see to it that the UK suffers, which will in turn hasten their own demise and the Federal Europe Plan will evaporate in favour of a European Economic Community.
Fasten your seat belts!