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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:23 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Things are going to get truly gruesome for the UK.

Was lunching with the wife of numero uno bigwig from one of Britain's major Banks. His instructions to her are to learn French, organise decorators for the UK house and sell it so that they can move all their assets out of the UK in the next year or so before the fallout when Brexit is set in motion.

Earlier, I also heard Theresa May had said that the British public should not expect a running commentary on proceedings once Brexit has been initiated.

This of course is to keep us dullards uninformed so that the wealthy can quietly get their money out before we realise what has happened.

You would be surprised just how many people around the forums seem to know an associate of a "numero uno bigwig". :wink: In another the members were assured that "people I know in the banking world" had effectively been told to pack their bags in readiness for an imminent move to the continent. This within less than 48 hours of the referendum result. Patent rubbish (though I do not suggest you are misleading) The poster is silent on the issue now because of course nothing like it has actually happened yet.

Much of the evidence (none of which appears here of course) suggest quite the contrary. I mention that reluctantly because IMHO it will be years before the fog of war clears on this issue. There are so many variables. Nevertheless, it seems that some feel the need to trawl for daily Armageddon stories to post. Such is life I suppose.

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:43 pm

the real effects will be felt after we have exited when prices start rising and the drop in the pound has affected imports and the ax applied to exports increase export prices. then people will realise their mistake i guess there is no harm holding another referendum in 10 years and get back in again. these things go round in swings and rounabouts.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:36 pm

Lordo wrote:the real effects will be felt after we have exited when prices start rising and the drop in the pound has affected imports and the ax applied to exports increase export prices. then people will realise their mistake i guess there is no harm holding another referendum in 10 years and get back in again. these things go round in swings and rounabouts.

That may well be so. Does it mean though that we have to be subjected to almost daily posts of (in some cases) ranting bile about the perceived negative effects of the so far non-existent Brexit for the next umpteen years? I say this with regard to both sides, the abyss "See, I told you. We are all doomed!" stuff and also on the other side the news that some of the economic indicators are showing up as very positive. Although it seems to me that they are rarely mentioned here and, unlike the negative aspects - which of course are of immediate impact - tend to elicit a reply of "Well, they're irrelevant because of course we haven't actually left yet."

I ask again - what do the Brexit doom and gloom posters want?
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:42 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:the real effects will be felt after we have exited when prices start rising and the drop in the pound has affected imports and the ax applied to exports increase export prices. then people will realise their mistake i guess there is no harm holding another referendum in 10 years and get back in again. these things go round in swings and rounabouts.

That may well be so. Does it mean though that we have to be subjected to almost daily posts of (in some cases) ranting bile about the perceived negative effects of the so far non-existent Brexit for the next umpteen years? I say this with regard to both sides, the abyss "See, I told you. We are all doomed!" stuff and also on the other side the news that some of the economic indicators are showing up as very positive. Although it seems to me that they are rarely mentioned here and, unlike the negative aspects - which of course are of immediate impact - tend to elicit a reply of "Well, they're irrelevant because of course we haven't actually left yet."

I ask again - what do the Brexit doom and gloom posters want?

sorry more of those FACTS again ....
Australia will begin formal talks with the EU in early 2017, following an agreement to work towards an FTA last November. Ciobo said that these “more advanced” talks will come first and a scoping study will report back in the New Year . Thus while Britain manoeuvres its exit, Ciobo expects to be “well and truly engrossed in negotiations” with Europe.

Trade is currently conducted under the 2008 EU-Australia Partnership Framework. Total trade in goods and services last year between Britain and Australia was only £13 billion – compared with £513 billion trade between Britain and the rest of the EU.

This trade between the UK and Australia would be boosted by the planned comprehensive Australia-EU FTA – designed to remove barriers to trade in goods and services and expand investment – if Britain stayed in the EU. But it now looks as though Britain will quit the EU around the time that Brussels concludes its Australian FTA and we will then have to wait for our own deal. This is hardly the victory many have crowed about.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:46 pm

I see the 'keep them optimistic' strategy is working on people like Londonrake who are happy to believe all is well because there is ......................... "silence".

Meanwhile, those in the know are quietly packing their bags and exiting ....
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:43 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:the real effects will be felt after we have exited when prices start rising and the drop in the pound has affected imports and the ax applied to exports increase export prices. then people will realise their mistake i guess there is no harm holding another referendum in 10 years and get back in again. these things go round in swings and rounabouts.

That may well be so. Does it mean though that we have to be subjected to almost daily posts of (in some cases) ranting bile about the perceived negative effects of the so far non-existent Brexit for the next umpteen years? I say this with regard to both sides, the abyss "See, I told you. We are all doomed!" stuff and also on the other side the news that some of the economic indicators are showing up as very positive. Although it seems to me that they are rarely mentioned here and, unlike the negative aspects - which of course are of immediate impact - tend to elicit a reply of "Well, they're irrelevant because of course we haven't actually left yet."

I ask again - what do the Brexit doom and gloom posters want?

sorry more of those FACTS again ....
Australia will begin formal talks with the EU in early 2017, following an agreement to work towards an FTA last November. Ciobo said that these “more advanced” talks will come first and a scoping study will report back in the New Year . Thus while Britain manoeuvres its exit, Ciobo expects to be “well and truly engrossed in negotiations” with Europe.

Trade is currently conducted under the 2008 EU-Australia Partnership Framework. Total trade in goods and services last year between Britain and Australia was only £13 billion – compared with £513 billion trade between Britain and the rest of the EU.

This trade between the UK and Australia would be boosted by the planned comprehensive Australia-EU FTA – designed to remove barriers to trade in goods and services and expand investment – if Britain stayed in the EU. But it now looks as though Britain will quit the EU around the time that Brussels concludes its Australian FTA and we will then have to wait for our own deal. This is hardly the victory many have crowed about.

the australians know they cannot negotiate with individual eu members while they are still a member and will not risk their deal with the eu.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:31 am

Some of us think that there is still everything to play for. Article 50 has not been triggered yet, and we hope it never will. The debate goes on and perceptions shift all the time. Unless somebody can convince me otherwise, I will remain a committed supporter of European union and integration, and, unless in the meantime my views change, if the fateful day comes and the UK is propelled into the abyss and leaves the EU, I will start campainging for us to rejoin, and if leaving results in the disaster I believe it will, I think that campaign will start to attract a lot of support very quickly.
Had the referendum result gone the other way, would UKIP have disbanded and Farage have put up the white flag? I don't think so. They would have continued to believe that the UK should leave the EU and would have continued to campaign for this. And this would have been their democratic right. Democracy is not just about majorities - this is only one aspect - it is also about pluralism. This means that those on the losing side have the right to continue to argue their case and also to hold the winning side to account. At prime-minister's question time, I don't expect the PM just to make a rude sign at the opposition and say, "You lost so shut up." That is not how democracy works.
All I have ever heard from anybody on the leave side is, ad nauseum, the playground bully mantra of "We won, you lost. STFU. Get over it. Stop being such sore losers," thinking they are giving us a lesson in what democracy means, when this is actually the tyranny of the majority. I have yet to hear anybody on the leave side explain where we go from now, or counter any of our objections, let alone try to persuade us that their arguments are correct. I can't help feeling that all this immature bully boy banter is simply a cover for their intellectual bankruptcy in that they haven't got a clue how to get us out of this mess.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:36 am

Londonrake wrote:...

This sort of stuff you regard Tim as "welcome solidarity and support"? In that case it strikes me as barrel scraping. Don't you think that it's just hateful ranting? IMHO it's crystal clear that Mr ZKTV has some mental issues. Just sayin' :wink:

And you think the posts of the lunatic of Vouni do not point to somebody with mental issues? I mean, would you not agree that having an obsessive conviction that the fact that banks can lend out more money than they take in deposits is the root of all evil is a sign of being somewhat deranged? Yet, you are perfectly happy to align yourself with him here.
Last edited by Tim Drayton on Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:41 am

Robin Hood wrote:
That is what happened when the big corporations moved their production to China and put millions of workers in the western world out of a job. They chose a lower labour cost economy to increase their profits and the Chinese got rich (Well some of them!). Then the Chinese copied all the expertise and industrial knowledge these corporations gave them and turned it to their own advantage. They are now building their own airliners, jet engines , cars ... even the high tech stuff like satellites. The only industry the US did not move to China was its Military Industrial Complex.

I think that alone proves your hypothesis that a poorer country is not attractive as a trade partner, is not true? :roll:

The above demonstrates that you don't know what a 'trade partner' is. The points you make about China refer to foreign investment, not trade. Foreign trade means one country selling goods and services to another.

Yet, you accuse me of not understanding economics. You have an odd habit of accusing others of things that apply to you.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:01 am

A pro-leave Conservative MP has suggested that the process of leaving may take twenty years:

The Conservative MP Stephen Phillips, who voted to leave the EU, said: "Rather than being the work of two years, I fear it may actually be the work of two decades unless we devote considerably more resources than the government appears to be doing at the moment to the task."

Twenty years is a long time. Plenty of time for perceptions to shift. There is every reason for we remain supporters to continue campaigning and to try to win over public opinion in that time period.
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