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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:07 pm

The irony is that the UK may well still be an EU member at the time the Australia-EU trade deal is struck and will begin trading with Australia under its terms. It will then walk away and end up with a worse deal!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Lordo » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:18 pm

They still have no clue what it means or how they are going to do it but they were able to convince people to vote for it.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:27 pm

Robin Hood wrote:... Already German workers in the car industry have seen their hours cut simply on speculation. ...

Half truths and distortion. This is at two plants only of one German car manufacturer only (Opel), short-time working is planned for later this year, and the reason cited is the weaker pound not speculation - essentially the British are now poorer in euro terms and can't afford their cars. ... 96029.html

Incidentally, the poorer the UK becomes, the less attractive it will be as a trade partner.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:13 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Look at how much Germany sells to the UK ..... do you really think they would risk damaging that trade just to teach us a lesson?

Impressive, yes.

In 2015, Germany's exports to United Kingdom amounted to $98.7 billion or 7.4% of its overall exports. ... ports.html

On the other hand, let's not forget the following:

“The UK's financial services and insurance industries ran respective trade surpluses with EU countries of £16.1bn and £3.85bn.” ... ticle.html

These are part of the UK's invisible earnings that keep the country afloat (the UK was only able to export goods worth $46.4 billion to Germany in 2015 ... ports.html ). Should the UK risk damaging that trade, either?
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:21 pm

Imports from Germany to Australia 1239988 AUD
imports from United Kingdom to Australia 617493 aud
IMPORTS TO OZ FROM SINGAPORE area less then RUTLAND - 513477 aud
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:23 pm

Lordo wrote:They still have no clue what it means or how they are going to do it but they were able to convince people to vote for it.

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:05 pm

Tim Drayton:
Half truths and distortion.

A fact!
This is at two plants only of one German car manufacturer only (Opel), short-time working is planned for later this year, and the reason cited is the weaker pound not speculation - essentially the British are now poorer in euro terms and can't afford their cars.

So you think it will only apply to this one manufacturer? What makes you think Opel (Vauxhall in the UK) are special? You don’t know too much about economics do you? The weaker pound makes our exports cheaper for those buying them in Euros’s or other foreign currencies, i.e. they become more attractive! If the EU Commission pile tariffs on our exports to them, as a reprisal for the UK daring to pull out of their ever increasingly Federal State of Europe, we will obviously reciprocate which will make their exports even more expensive. So they lose out but we can go and buy German goods made in China cheaper. They will have to look for new markets in competition in world markets against UK produced goods bought and sold in GBP.
Incidentally, the poorer the UK becomes, the less attractive it will be as a trade partner.

That is what happened when the big corporations moved their production to China and put millions of workers in the western world out of a job. They chose a lower labour cost economy to increase their profits and the Chinese got rich (Well some of them!). Then the Chinese copied all the expertise and industrial knowledge these corporations gave them and turned it to their own advantage. They are now building their own airliners, jet engines , cars ... even the high tech stuff like satellites. The only industry the US did not move to China was its Military Industrial Complex.

I think that alone proves your hypothesis that a poorer country is not attractive as a trade partner, is not true? :roll:

The EU cannot afford to start pushing the UK around, it would serve no purpose for the EU or the UK. Look what happened with the sanctions the US got Europe to impose on Russia. Who suffered the most .... try asking the Poles! The Russians said fair enough, pulled down the shutters and did their deals with China, India, Iran and a whole host of other countries. The effect on the US ...... virtually zero as they exported very little to Russia anyway. Who were the mugs? The same damage will occur if the Federalists try to enforce a settlement that causes grief to other EU member countries in an attempt to 'punish' the UK. It could well split the EU asunder!

Quite the contrary to your rational; The ‘poorer’ the UK becomes, which you seem to think is inevitable (I don’t), the greater the attraction for companies to move there manufacturing here from Europe, because our labour rates will be lower than theirs and the cheaper our ‘goods and services’ will become.

As for the financial sector, which I regard as a parasite on the Global economy, that is sucking it dry .......

Explain to me ........ apart from selling their expertise and paying tax on their salaries how do financial institutions like the speculators, Markets and banking contribute to a nations wealth? They don’t make anything, they are merely a service to wealth creation ... or should be! They don’t even lend money to industry any more, it all goes back into the financial services as bonds, shares and assets. Services like this are a straw house! :x
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:36 pm

dont know much about cars do you
“We build cars for Europe in the UK.” Chief Planning Officer, Nissan
78% of respondents said the UK leaving the EU would have a negative or very negative impact on ability
to access EU automotive markets to sel and source products and services.
“We see Europe as a Single Market and we spread our capabilities across the region.”
Ford ... Report.pdf


if your standing in BERLIN all you want is .... the The European Union will move its London-based bank regulator to Paris or Frankfurt following Britain's decision to leave the bloc, while the European Central Bank will insist [u][b]euro clearing occurs in the euro zone
, a senior EU official said on Tuesday.

While the decisions must still be agreed, the choice of France and Germany for the European Banking Authority would dash Italy's hopes of hosting the regulator in Milan.

Upholding ECB policy on clearing houses, a policy Britain has already successfully challenged at the European Union's second-highest court, could diminish the influence of London's financial sector.

So they lose out but we can go and buy German goods made in China cheaper. :lol:

this is the EBA yesterday ..
In the longer term, political and legal uncertainties may contribute to weaker long term growth prospects.
Moreover, political uncertainties may lead to postponement of investments. Some legal and regulatory
uncertainties concerning the treatment of the UK as a potential future non-EEA jurisdiction in the context of
various key EU Directives and Regulations may also affect banks, insurers, investment firms, market
etc. and would need to be resolved.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Londonrake » Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:09 pm

Just popped in to see how the campaign for a remain vote is going. :D

It's a bit of a mystery to me. What do you guys want? No, seriously. They've had the referendum and the outcome of Brexit, if/when it actually occurs and the related consequences, be they good, bad or indifferent, are years away. Why keep posting all this stuff? The daily doom 'n' gloom illustrated (although of course any hint of a silver lining is dismissed as "Haven't left yet". :roll: ) What result from all your posting are you looking for? It just comes across as trolling to me. Perhaps it makes you feel better or something?

Paul. I guess your "final word" wasn't then? :? You have an appalling attitude and manner. Civilised discourse seems alien to you and there's another mystery. You've emphasised on many occasions the lack of consequences to you personally of the referendum outcome, yet you post the most passionate and contemptuous stuff on the subject. I don't think it an exaggeration to say that it's frothing at the mouth in places. Again - why? WTF do you care? :?

Tim. Your posts strike me as sensible and balanced generally and yet:

"the UK is a dirty rundown ignorant unhealthy victorian dump,but it has one thing stopping it being a basket case
THE CITY OF LONDON - german can flog cars to any where in the world ,but to get hold of the CITY is beyond the dreams of anyone in DE
you aint going to get free trade ,they dont care ,they dont want the UK they have had enough ,without it they can move forward to a de facto GERMANIA ."

This sort of stuff you regard Tim as "welcome solidarity and support"? In that case it strikes me as barrel scraping. Don't you think that it's just hateful ranting? IMHO it's crystal clear that Mr ZKTV has some mental issues. Just sayin' :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:13 pm

Things are going to get truly gruesome for the UK.

Was lunching with the wife of numero uno bigwig from one of Britain's major Banks. His instructions to her are to learn French, organise decorators for the UK house and sell it so that they can move all their assets out of the UK in the next year or so before the fallout when Brexit is set in motion.

Earlier, I also heard Theresa May had said that the British public should not expect a running commentary on proceedings once Brexit has been initiated.

This of course is to keep us dullards uninformed so that the wealthy can quietly get their money out before we realise what has happened.
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