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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Sep 02, 2016 4:23 pm

Tim Drayton:
Thanks for the above explanation. I just have my doubts as to whether you really understand it. If you did, you would surely realise that the right-wing media in the UK and especially the right-wing tabloids have for the past three decades been running a campaign using cherry-picked news stories that are slanted and taken out of context to vilify the EU (to quote your words "you will only ever read one side of the story"). That is why the minds of the masses in the UK have been poisoned against the EU.

You are questioning whether I understand it? :roll: Why do you think I wrote the above and gave up using these MSM so called news outlets, as a source for credible information, years ago? If they have poisoned the minds of the mass of the population against the EU, then it says very little for the level of intelligence of the UK population. I make my own mind up by looking for further details ..... I use the MSM as an index only, not a source with any great credibility.
It was this branch of the MSM, as you call it, that has engineered the rise of the far-right UKIP and brought the far right to such a state ascendancy that thugs are now murdering people in the street because they are heard speaking a foreign language. All par for the course for a rag like the Mail, which supported the fascist Nazis in Germany in the 1930's.

They are thugs, full stop! They are not a product of MSM engineered campaigns ..... I doubt that many of them read news papers! Most are too drugged up or drunk to take any interest at all in the EU. In fact I suspect many of them can’t read .... period!

They are a product of the UK’s social degradation over the last Half century. It is not the UK of my youth and the country I read about is no longer recognisable to me. Although I admit I have not lived there as a permanent resident with a ‘local’ job since the early 70’s, most of my work was in Europe until the mid/late 80’s and then I went further afield. I admit I do look at the MSM ..... just to see what a divided country the UK has become. (Nothing to do with Brexit or the EU)
Do you never stop to ask what the real agenda behind this is; what interests of which interest groups it is all serving? It is a sad fact that Rupert Murdoch, who is not even a British citizen and does not live in Britian, has through his position of control of what you call the MSM in the UK, been able to call the result of every poll in the country since the 1980's, including the EU referendum. This makes my blood boil. If you really believe that you have written above, it should make yours boil, too. Have you never stopped to ponder as to the real motive why a man who doesn't live in the country and is not a citizen wants the country to leave the bloc?

You are trying to teach your Granny how to suck eggs! Again you are off on a tangent. You are entering the realm of the conspiracy theorists ...... and the New World Order, Secret gatherings, pyramids, the Seeing Eye, Free Masons etc.etc. You are still wet behind the ears and spouting on a subject you are very unlikely to have any knowledge of. I am sure someone who didn’t know what MSM was ......... wouldn’t have a clue as to what supposedly happens at the very top of the chain of 'Global command' ! (Again - Nothing to do with Brexit or the EU)
Has it not occured to that the reason you keep coming up with quotes from such vile examples of the right wing-gutter press as the Daily Mail and the Daily Express (such as the gem about a so-called post-Brexit boom when Britian has not left the EU!) in your endeavour to cherry pick europhobic news items and post them here is that those two newspapers, prime examples of what you call the MSM, are at the forefront of a campaign to vilify the EU through distorted reporting - and how distorted can you get as using the term 'post-Brexit' to describe a situation in which the UK is still in the union. In my eyes, anybody who constantly uses quotes from the Mail and Express to support their views forfeits the moral authority to use the term 'MSM'.

I entirely agree with you but, if I were to post articles you can find outside the editorial controls of the MSM, then there are those on the forum that would immediately decry the source, never the message, either the source of the author, usually because they have managed to Google a site which questions that sites News impartiality ....... just as you have questioned with the MSM?

I agree with you and quite honestly I would never take the MSM as read, without checking an independent source but to others, that is no more than a conspiracy theory because it does not comply with their understanding .... which THEY get mainly from those very MSM news outlets.

For a change broaden your horizon and try looking at Global News, Information Clearing House, Blacklisted News, Consortium News . You could even give Sputnik International or Haaretz News a go. I won’t list any authors as there are too many but all are independents and most have credentials, provide links to sources they use for information and give detailed opinions with explanations, and of course they have no ‘editor’ chopping out the bits the ‘Owner’ doesn’t like or embellishing the bits he does. Some articles can be very lengthy. Read and make your own mind up.

Please stop trying to put me down and treat me like a naughty pupil. You will not succeed! I am bigger, older, far wiser and experienced in many fields than you are. Do I ever criticise or comment on your posts regarding Turkey/Cyprus? NO! Because I am intelligent enough to realise my limitations and do not know enough about the subjects, therefore I keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself ..... you should learn that lesson!

This thread is all hypothesis ...... nobody knows what will happen for sure but contrary to the general gloom put out by those who voted remain, there is a lot of optimism regarding the future prospects of the UK, as you yourself have noted. Upbeat news means the currency speculators don’t have the excuse to attack the pound ..... so they attack (sell) the Euro instead. We were advised ‘parity by the end of the month’ (July) but today the pound has managed to get back to just under 1.19 (1.18951) and peaked today at 1.19126, a rise of around 2c this week. It will now remain around that for the weekend ...... more good news over the weekend and it will continue to rise against the Euro, hopefully. :)
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Lordo » Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:13 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Just taking the piss out of you Robin Hood!

You've gone too far insulting everyone's intelligence by creating every Conspiracy Theory under the sun like a broken record.

Of course the USA doesn't want Britain to exit the EU. It's not the only one. Japan, Canada and Australia don't either. Why?

Well not because we want to control it. But because it suits our interests and we have our voice within the EU, to develop our own trade with EU partners, and to facilitate the free movement of our Capital and actually invest in Europe and make money out of it. Isn't that the whole point?

Nothing wrong with it since this actually is to Europe's overall benefit and creates jobs.

But don't be fooled! Not everything hinges on the UK. We have many conduits in the EU - Germany, Holland, Austria. and France. So we won't be hard up but thanks for the concern.

But nice try in actually changing the subject to Banks and the evil Capitalist system. I'm pretty sure nothing will change that much even if there is a BREXIT and the USA, Australia, Japan, and Canada will still trade and invest in the UK just like before when the EU never even existed in its current format. It is just that we will have one less voice in Brussels which is not ideal for out interests. But we will still have plenty and more than enough.

It's over Robin Hood! It's over! :lol:

You obviously haven't watched the video :roll: ...... they do a good job of explaining why the EU has the lowest growth rate of all the worlds major economies.

It is no good trying to explain why the US needs the UK in the EU it would be way over your head! Just consider it like you always do ....... another conspiracy theory ..... so you won't have missed anything not knowing! :wink:

why do we need to grow anyway, the population in the EU is stable, no growth needed. if anything we need to bring the retirement age down a bit. grow some fruit and vegetables in the garden instead.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:47 am


Russia's deputy prime minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, was interviewed on BBC's Newsnight yesterday.

Brexit has weakened Europe, says Russia's deputy PM

Brexit has weakened Europe and created uncertainties about its future, Russia's deputy prime minister has said.

Arkady Dvorkovich explained to BBC Newsnight: "For Russia it's important that Europe is strong. We need strong partners to go forward, and the British decision to leave Europe made Europe a little bit weaker at this point".

Mr Dvorkovich, who oversees economic policy for his government, argues that "the whole process [of Brexit]... creates uncertainties".

So what about the argument, oft repeated by Remainers during the referendum campaign, that President Vladimir Putin was rooting for Brexit because he wanted to undermine European unity and see the British, as a consistent voice in favour of sanctions on Russia over its policy in Ukraine, removed from the counsels of the EU?

Mr Dvorkovich answered: "That's just not true."


URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL PUTIN STOOGES AND PAID PROPAGANDISTS: The line has changed. You must make a 180° turnround immediately.
Last edited by Tim Drayton on Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Sep 03, 2016 9:23 am

Hmmm. I wonder what the main English language outlet within the Putin propaganda machine, Sputnik - a source recommended in the interests of broadening our horizons by a certain opponent of the MSM whose favourite sources for quotes appear to be the Daily Mail* and the Daily Express** - has been saying about Brexit of late:

From an article dated 02.09.2016:

Top European Judge Denies 'Brexit Means Brexit'

The comments from such a senior EU lawyer, suggesting Brexit may not even happen, echo those of lawyers in the UK who have cast doubt on even the legality of the referendum outcome. ... court.html

From an article dated 01.09.2016:

Report Slams 'Dire' Debate Over Brexit Referendum, 'Democratic Deficiencies'

Sputnik has been told that the debate during the run-up to the crucial In-Out referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union was "dire" and that there were "glaring democratic deficiencies," leaving many people ill-informed ahead of the ballot. ... cracy.html

Hmmm. Sounds like the kind of thing we remain supporters have been saying here all along.

*Quote from an anti-MSM website about the Daily Mail:

As an example, even the so-called ‘right wing press’ (which are worse than the Left wing press, at least their bias is clear) are pushing this IslamoFAUXbia narrative. Just the other day – the Daily Mail published this ridiculous story [#15]:
Horrific moment Muslim woman is mown down by grinning far-right activist who then stops to take a PICTURE during anti-Islam rally in the troubled Brussels district of Molenbeek
Well, thanks to social media and the Alternative Media – this story has been exposed [#16] as complete LIES to promote the fake narrative of: ‘Far Right backlash’, the ‘rising Neo-Nazi threat’ and increase in ‘Islamophobia’. ... r-the-cia/

**Quote from an anti-MSM website about the Daily Express:

Look what the media does – it lies whenever this ‘hot mic’ story is brought back up! Here’s one example: Daily Express stated (21.01.16):
“Last year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overheard at the UN conference questioning Facebook’s commitment to combat posts and pages which condone TERRORISM.” [#11] (emphasis added)
This is an outright lie to distort the narrative away from what is really going on (censoring dissenting political speech) and rewriting history to make it look like Merkel was actually tackling terrorism! ... n-germany/
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:16 pm

It seems that Russian president, Vladimir Putin, is a fan of the euro. From an article dated 02.09.2016:

"I don't rule out that there could be some decisions made that would consolidate a group of countries with equal levels of development and, thereby, in my opinion, strengthening the euro," Putin said in an interview in Vladivostok, on Russia's Pacific coast.

Putin pointed to Russia keeping 40 percent of its currency reserves in euros as evidence that it wasn't in his country's interest for the 19-member bloc to "collapse." He praised the leading economies for a "very pragmatic approach" to solving the bloc's problems. ... -precedent
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:52 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Hmmm. I wonder what the main English language outlet within the Putin propaganda machine, Sputnik - a source recommended in the interests of broadening our horizons by a certain opponent of the MSM whose favourite sources for quotes appear to be the Daily Mail* and the Daily Express** - has been saying about Brexit of late:

I have tried to explain why I post articles from MSM, for the benefit of people like you but you are too far up your own rectum to get the message! :roll:

From an article dated 02.09.2016:

Top European Judge Denies 'Brexit Means Brexit'

The comments from such a senior EU lawyer (An unidentified source?), suggesting Brexit may not even happen, echo those of lawyers in the UK who have cast doubt on even the legality of the referendum outcome.

So what does this prove? Only that it is a 'Suggestion' or maybe an 'opinion'! ... court.html

From an article dated 01.09.2016:

Report Slams 'Dire' Debate Over Brexit Referendum, 'Democratic Deficiencies'

Sputnik has been told that the debate during the run-up to the crucial In-Out referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union was "dire" and that there were "glaring democratic deficiencies," leaving many people ill-informed ahead of the ballot.

I don't see any suggestion this was something that was evident in one particular 'camp'. The whole campaign for both sides of the argument was an absolute mess. ... cracy.html

Hmmm. Sounds like the kind of thing we remain supporters have been saying here all along.

*Quote from an anti-MSM website about the Daily Mail:

As I said previously those that ridicule an alternative view as a 'conspiracy' always seek a site that will 'prove' their point. A perfect example? I suppose I could now search for a site that will 'prove' the site you use to 'prove' one source wrong, is also a 'conspiracy theorist site' ..... and on, and on, and on. Do you see how futile your comments are?

As an example, even the so-called ‘right wing press’ (which are worse than the Left wing press, at least their bias is clear) are pushing this IslamoFAUXbia narrative. Just the other day – the Daily Mail published this ridiculous story [#15]:
Horrific moment Muslim woman is mown down by grinning far-right activist who then stops to take a PICTURE during anti-Islam rally in the troubled Brussels district of Molenbeek

Well, thanks to social media and the Alternative Media – this story has been exposed [#16] as complete LIES to promote the fake narrative of: ‘Far Right backlash’, the ‘rising Neo-Nazi threat’ and increase in ‘Islamophobia’. ... r-the-cia/

**Quote from an anti-MSM website about the Daily Express:

Look what the media does – it lies whenever this ‘hot mic’ story is brought back up! Here’s one example: Daily Express stated (21.01.16):
“Last year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overheard at the UN conference questioning Facebook’s commitment to combat posts and pages which condone TERRORISM.” [#11] (emphasis added)
This is an outright lie to distort the narrative away from what is really going on (censoring dissenting political speech) and rewriting history to make it look like Merkel was actually tackling terrorism! ... n-germany/

Happy Googling ....... your work load must be incredibly light? :roll: :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:04 pm


Russia's deputy prime minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, was interviewed on BBC's Newsnight yesterday.

Brexit has weakened Europe, says Russia's deputy PM

Brexit has weakened Europe and created uncertainties about its future, Russia's deputy prime minister has said.

Arkady Dvorkovich explained to BBC Newsnight: "For Russia it's important that Europe is strong. We need strong partners to go forward, and the British decision to leave Europe made Europe a little bit weaker at this point".

Mr Dvorkovich, who oversees economic policy for his government, argues that "the whole process [of Brexit]... creates uncertainties".

So what about the argument, oft repeated by Remainers during the referendum campaign, that President Vladimir Putin was rooting for Brexit because he wanted to undermine European unity and see the British, as a consistent voice in favour of sanctions on Russia over its policy in Ukraine, removed from the counsels of the EU?

Mr Dvorkovich answered: "That's just not true."


URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL PUTIN STOOGES AND PAID PROPAGANDISTS: The line has changed. You must make a 180° turnround immediately.

Wasn't it the 'remain' supporters that created the story in the first place? The Clinton supporters are doing the same to demonise Trump! In both cases ..... no evidence ..... just rhetoric from 'Presstitue journalists' that toe the editorial line and the masses soak it up like blotting paper! Well ..... some of them and then convince themselves every body else will fall for it. I wonder ..... if Trump wins will the Clinton camp cry foul and demand a second election? :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:34 pm

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:05 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:my last ´word´ ....

"Last word" ..... for ever? ..... promise ? ...... honestly? .......a 'cross your heart and hope to die' promise?

There is a God after all!!!! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:47 pm

nope ...

jpm.jpg ... SKCN11A0LU

wait for the ´dont trust the yellow b*****´ comments ....
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