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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:57 am

Robin Hood wrote:As the house of cards, which is what the EU is, begins to fall apart more and more countries will have referendums and the vote will be to leave the existing EU.

That's just your prediction based on the meanderings of your deranged mind and not supported by any objective evidence. Surveys have shown increased support for the EU elsewhere in Europe following the UK referendum.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:18 am

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:21 am

Thugs beat up and killed a Polish man in Harlow, Essex after they heard him speaking in Polish: ... k-in-essex

Some of us here appear to prefer the right-wing gutter press, and I see even they are reporting this: ... death.html

If this doesn't stop, we are heading back to the days of the Brixton riots of 1981 and decades of work to build a peaceful, tolerant, multicultural society will have been in vain. The far right fanned up the flames of racism to engineer a victory in the referendum, virtually turning it into a referendum on immigration. It's time they put out those flames and took their thugs off the streets.

There was a report not long ago of a bona-fide French tourist travelling on a train in London being accosted by an intellectually challenged individual who was obviously incapable of even understanding what they were supposed to be voting for in the referendum and said, "We voted for the foreigners to leave. Why are you still here?" Well, as countries get poorer and their currencies weaken - which is what will happen to the UK if it leaves the trading block on which it is dependent - they become more reliant on tourism as a source of foreign currency. I suggest that if UKIP really cares about the country it includes in its name and not just the tax cheats who bankroll it, it had better do something to quell the racism is has whipped up, otherwise tourists will not want to come here.

As to the racist, welfare-dependent white trash who want all the foreigners out, if that's what they really want, they could get off their backsides, come off welfare and do all the jobs that Eastern Europeans are currently doing here. That will probably be far a more effective strategy than going around murdering every Eastern European they see.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Lordo » Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:28 am

boris gove and farage are responsible for this. Never mind ministerial jobs they should be locked up for inciting these thugs.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:15 pm

Lordo wrote:boris gove and farage are responsible for this. Never mind ministerial jobs they should be locked up for inciting these thugs.

It's curious to see even the Daily Mail in the above article referring to these murderers as thugs rather than herioc patriotic brownshirt defenders of all that is English!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:38 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
But you were very quick, along with others, to blame the fall in the value of the pound on Brexit.

Of course anybody who talks about a 'post-Brexit fall in the value of the pound' or, indeed, a 'post-Brexit' anything is talking nonsense because it hasn't happened yet. When did I, or anybody else, ever say such a thing? Sterling fell in response to the referendum result in which there was a narrow majority in favour of leaving the EU. Financial markets are moved by expectations about the future far more than past events, and the currency markets duly priced in the liklihood that the UK was heading for economic disaster when the fatal day came. The reason, in my view, that the markets have since perked up a bit is because it is looking more likely that the UK will never actually leave the EU and they are now pricing in this positive (in terms of market sentiment) news. Consumer spending is a different matter, and is not really related to expectations about the future. Employment levels are currently high in the UK, so people have money in their pockets, and they are spending some of it. Does this serve as any kind of indicator that if the UK leaves the EU there won't be a severe slump? No. For any publication to describe anything happening at the moment as 'post-Brexit' when the UK has not yet left the EU can scarcely call itself a newspaper in my eyes. Anybody who has to resort to quoting such garbage must be desperate.

Just to clarify, could you specify what you mean by 'MSM', a term you appear to be fond of? Thanks.

I apologise if you did not know what MSM refers to, I thought it was commonly known as being ..... Main Stream Media. The handful of news outlets run by huge corporations that have a monopoly of TV, Newspaper and popular news stories, that is widely available without having to go look for it.

They are often fed the by Reuters or Associated Press and a few other news agencies, who collect from 'sources' around the world and the MSM then runs with the story with there angle added. If that is the only source you use to collect information on anything ..... from Syria to Gaza ....... from Finance to Politics ..... you will only ever read one side of the story. If the MSM prints a load of rubbish, which the independents show to be so a few days later, the Media never apologies for their errors or reprints the article with corrections, but to the mindless hoards that use that as there single source .... it is set in stone for ever. Anything that then gives an alternative and detailed story that refutes the original MSM version gets shouted down ........... as you often do!

You should also look at independent news outlets that are run as non-profit organisations and are not part of the MSM. Often run as one-man-bands and are used to carry the same news story. These are very frequently well know journalists who do not/will not fall into line and follow the MSM's editorial guide lines as their detailed stories often clash with their editorial policies. The articles provide many links to there sources from Govt. papers to UN Reports.

Post Brexit I think you will find, or though incorrect in terminology, refers to after the vote for a Brexit. As I pointed out and you have repeated, there is no 'Post-Brexit' yet, it's all speculation ..... so everything else you have said above is just that, speculation because it can only be your opinion. Just your views as to what YOU think ..... and I note you don't link to any credible source either. If you do not look at other sources for information and make your own assessment of the credibility of an argument and the degree of probability of it being 'true' will never know the full story. :wink:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:45 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
You can't quote any MSM reports that can demonstrate that ANY of the remain campaign was even remotely true.

Typical man of straw fallacy. The remainers supposedly said that, if the vote was for leave, there would be an instant apocalypse and the sky would fall in the next day. Well, the sky didn't fall in the next day so they were wrong! What intellectual dishonesty. Nobody made such claims. The claims that were made were based on the premise that article 50 would be triggered the day after and the UK would rapidly leave the union. In fact, as each day passes, it becomes clearer that we are in a 'Hotel California' situation and may never even get round to leaving. At the moment the UK remains an EU member and life carries on as before. Even so, there are plenty of negative auguries. The pound is weaker. Interest rates have been reduced to a pathological quarter percent and business confidence levels are low. To demonstrate empirically that the 'remain campaign was true', as you put it, the UK will first of all need to leave the EU, because the claims of the remain campaign were that 'If the UK leaves the EU, the consequences of this will be ...". The remain campaign did not say that these things would happen just because the vote was for leave.

Again ..... that is your opinion only! Not a single link to a credible source to support your opinion. :roll:

What about the claims that there would be an income tax rise, the mortgage rates would rocket and house prices would tumble ......... surely if that had been a credible reason to remain, to avoid just that, then we should be seeing some evidence? But it seems not!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:54 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:As the house of cards, which is what the EU is, begins to fall apart more and more countries will have referendums and the vote will be to leave the existing EU.

That's just your prediction based on the meanderings of your deranged mind and not supported by any objective evidence. Surveys have shown increased support for the EU elsewhere in Europe following the UK referendum.

If you go and look for articles on the subject of The Euro and Europe you will find a lot of evidence that indicates that The Euro will inevitably fail and that the result of that will be the collapse of the European Union as a Federal State concept. It is just my opinion but based on a broader base than yours.

Please? ...... a link to these surveys would prove useful!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:00 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Thugs beat up and killed a Polish man in Harlow, Essex after they heard him speaking in Polish: ... k-in-essex

Some of us here appear to prefer the right-wing gutter press, and I see even they are reporting this: ... death.html

If this doesn't stop, we are heading back to the days of the Brixton riots of 1981 and decades of work to build a peaceful, tolerant, multicultural society will have been in vain. The far right fanned up the flames of racism to engineer a victory in the referendum, virtually turning it into a referendum on immigration. It's time they put out those flames and took their thugs off the streets.

There was a report not long ago of a bona-fide French tourist travelling on a train in London being accosted by an intellectually challenged individual who was obviously incapable of even understanding what they were supposed to be voting for in the referendum and said, "We voted for the foreigners to leave. Why are you still here?" Well, as countries get poorer and their currencies weaken - which is what will happen to the UK if it leaves the trading block on which it is dependent - they become more reliant on tourism as a source of foreign currency. I suggest that if UKIP really cares about the country it includes in its name and not just the tax cheats who bankroll it, it had better do something to quell the racism is has whipped up, otherwise tourists will not want to come here.

As to the racist, welfare-dependent white trash who want all the foreigners out, if that's what they really want, they could get off their backsides, come off welfare and do all the jobs that Eastern Europeans are currently doing here. That will probably be far a more effective strategy than going around murdering every Eastern European they see.

I agree with your view. These people do not represent the attitudes of the majority of UK residents. It has to be stamped out ..... and ruthlessly. Maybe we should seek some advice from the new President of the Philipines ? His actions against the thugs and hoodlums that drive the drugs trade, is having a great effect ....... over 50,000 of them have surrendered ..... or they would die at the hands on the police and the people. :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:03 pm

Lordo wrote:boris gove and farage are responsible for this. Never mind ministerial jobs they should be locked up for inciting these thugs.

I don't think you can blame them! They did not advocate violence just the idea that the UK should be able to chose who they want to come and live/work in the UK. To me, that does not seem to be an unreasonable expectation.
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