Yes, and in the same way, a UK bank operating in Cyprus will be governed by Cyprus banking law. Thus, the assertion "English law has been chosen for the Banking system" holds no water. A UK bank that operates in Germany will fall under German banking law and regulations, yes.
You have misunderstood what I said! Purely an assumption on my part, because if it were not so, I can’t see the purpose of the ‘
passport’. With a ‘
passport’ a Cypriot bank can operate in the UK
under its own banking regulations and visa-versa for the UK bank operating in Cyprus. So, as you say, moving permanently from the UK to Germany
WILL require a change in the laws those companies operate under.
Steve Keen isn't a lawyer, either, but I see you have no problem about him spouting off about the law. I think I know more about international private law than he does, actually.
A bit of a silly remark isn’t it? The guy has credibility. He has been an economist for 40+ years, is regarded as an authority on the subject he teaches (
whether you agree with him or not) and has more knowledge on the subject of financial markets, their operation and function, than you or I will ever have. Unless you can tell me what your legal and economic qualifications/experience is on the subject, I could have no way of deciding whether you or Keen are the more credible.
You disagree with Keen but do not give your reason ...... you just see it differently. He can give reasons/explanations for what he says, for his proposals and as far as I am concerned he has said nothing which is obviously way out of the ball park, to my knowledge. He also concurs with Richard Werner (
another respected economist) which he details in the papers I linked to previously. Both their arguments make sense to me, are logical and are backed by research, experience and, in the case of Werner, a detailed empirical test of the theory ..... that is completely supported by the evidence from that experiment.
I am afraid the Law is far too big a subject for me to comprehend. But, what I have come to realise over the years, is that for every law that goes onto the statute books, there is another that can be used to countermand it. That’s why Barristers get paid so much...... they know these laws in detail and have almost instant recall.