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Brexit ..... The Movie

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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:54 pm

Robin Hood wrote:English law has been chosen for the Banking system

where the hell did you get that from ?????
the fact that people speak OFFICAL OXFORD ENGLISH dont mean its got anything to do with ENGLISH LAW .
When i meet people who travel around the international TENNIS circuit they all speak OSE ,no one speaks
anything else ,but none of them can understand me because im was brought up in south london . SPEAKING ENGLISH
DONT MEAN THESE PEOPLE WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE UK ...back in the USSR everyone sounded like a yank
coz it was yanks who taught em english ..

thats just another daft idea you got in your head

for someone who deals with the euro and the dollar day in and day out ,they is nothing in the SINGLE EUROPEAN PAYMENT AREA that lead me to think its based on ENGLISH
law . The banking system in EUROPA has moved on a very long way since 2000 ,and dealing with the pound is as much as a pain as dealing with any other non euro area.
it cost me 60c and 1min to pay or transfer euros around SEPA ,it cost a lot to shift it into pounds ...i have a very old halifax account and brits outside the euro zone ie north cyprus can pay into that ,converting our euro rate at the time of payment . im not going to bigger around moving money from pounds into euros,we just use the account to
pay service that we buy inside the UK.

Robin Hood wrote: the UK could just send a team to each National Government of the EU and work out a mutually advantageous trade deal and then comply with article 50
another case if you not understanding basics .it is ILLEGAL for the UK to conduct trade talks with anyone while in the EU .you have to leave first
ARTICLE 50 is NOT ABOUT FUTURE RELATIONS WITH THE EU . it is just a two year period to LEAVE ..

There is no european standard ,its ISO ,as there is no european banking standard ,its IBAN ...
maybe the new uk stadard could be called BIN ..
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:29 am

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:English law has been chosen for the Banking system

where the hell did you get that from ?????
the fact that people speak OFFICAL OXFORD ENGLISH dont mean its got anything to do with ENGLISH LAW .
When i meet people who travel around the international TENNIS circuit they all speak OSE ,no one speaks
anything else ,but none of them can understand me because im was brought up in south london . SPEAKING ENGLISH
DONT MEAN THESE PEOPLE WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE UK ...back in the USSR everyone sounded like a yank
coz it was yanks who taught em english ..

thats just another daft idea you got in your head

for someone who deals with the euro and the dollar day in and day out ,they is nothing in the SINGLE EUROPEAN PAYMENT AREA that lead me to think its based on ENGLISH
law . The banking system in EUROPA has moved on a very long way since 2000 ,and dealing with the pound is as much as a pain as dealing with any other non euro area.
it cost me 60c and 1min to pay or transfer euros around SEPA ,it cost a lot to shift it into pounds ...i have a very old halifax account and brits outside the euro zone ie north cyprus can pay into that ,converting our euro rate at the time of payment . im not going to bigger around moving money from pounds into euros,we just use the account to
pay service that we buy inside the UK.

Robin Hood wrote: Let’s face it, if it were not for all these legal requirements,the UK could just send a team to each National Government of the EU and work out a mutually advantageous trade deal and then comply with article 50
another case if you not understanding basics .it is ILLEGAL for the UK to conduct trade talks with anyone while in the EU .you have to leave first
ARTICLE 50 is NOT ABOUT FUTURE RELATIONS WITH THE EU . it is just a two year period to LEAVE ..

There is no european standard ,its ISO ,as there is no european banking standard ,its IBAN ...
maybe the new uk stadard could be called BIN ..

Your arrogance is exceeded only by your ignorance! I have no doubt nobody understands you as you generally talk ill-informed rubbish anyway! :roll:

BTW: IBAN is your International banking address ....... which is only a standard in its format. It has sod-all to do with banking law or regulation! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Aug 21, 2016 7:53 am

Clarification for PaulZKTV.

I really don’t know why I bother to explain anything to you but .....

Who owns the Fed ......... unfortunately it will need translating, it is written to make the truth rather vague.

Ron Paul explains at a Congressional hearing:

A brief translation of the FED explanation .....

European Central Bank capital ?....... as per any other Central Bank, including the FED, it is shareholders capital. Each Central bank is ‘owned’ by its shareholders, thus the Central Bank is also privately owned by ...... private commercial banks.

The ECB is governed by European law directly, but its set-up resembles that of a corporation in the sense that the ECB has shareholders and stock capital. Its capital is €11 billion held by the national central banks of the member states as shareholders. Shares in the ECB are not transferable and cannot be used as collateral.”

Can Eurozone countries go bankrupt ........ YES ..... even according to Merkel herself.

Production of banknotes ...... they are printed with the prior approval of the ECB....... to do otherwise would be not only illegal but stupid. Thus the ECB is the ultimate Authority not the National Central Bank or its Government. This applies to all members of the Eurozone.

Quote: (Greece)

1. Production of banknotes

The main task within this line of business is the production of euro banknotes issued following approval by the European Central Bank (ECB) and according to the designs, specifications and security features established by the ECB. The quantities and denominations allocated to the Bank of Greece (and to the IETA on its behalf) form part of the total volume of euro banknotes produced annually to cover the needs of the Eurosystem. According to the banknote production framework established by the ECB, each printing works may produce up to three different euro banknote denominations.

Before you try to insult me and accuse me of being stupid, maybe you should try to understand what you read, do a bit of checking up and then apply some common sense, before opening your mouth and proving that you ain’t too bright! :roll:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:48 am

Robin Hood wrote:I didn’t question where you could or not receive BBC World News. I pointed out that there was no way in Cyprus that you could use a service provided by any of the regular licensed TV suppliers, (such as Cytanet) to watch on demand, previously transmitted programmes seen on BBC World. The only option is to purchase the sort of boxes ZKTV, or a host of other such providers can supply.

Just to higlight your lack of basic thinking ...this took me 1 min google to find out this info ..... on Cytavision services

Just to highlight your inability to understand what you are reading ... it took me 1 min to find out this info you provided was all bollox!

It applies to Cypriot programmes only ... and who with more than two brain cells watches that rubbish? You need to subscribe to Cytavision to apply it; it is only available for three days; it does not apply to BBC World news or other non-Cypriot programmes and, even if it did, there is no way to post this as a link on a forum.

So all-in-all I obviously have a greater ability to think things through than you do. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Paul ZKTV » Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:17 pm

Robin Hood wrote:It applies to Cypriot programmes only ... and who with more than two brain cells watches that rubbish?

Hates jews ,wants gas chambers back and now anti - local greek TV .
maybe you should move to sunderland coz its 99.9% white ,(maybe coz no sun) ,and you get free healthcare ..

anyway im glad you followed my link and looked into it further then my 10seconds
and yes you do need to pay for it .... but if you want BBC WORLD here is my
fantazy companies link to it - pity you cant have our 14 day catchup ,but you would have to
pay for it ...maybe spend that 350,000 a year income on a bit of TV ,mind you we dont take any old riff raff ... index.m3u8
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Aug 21, 2016 1:02 pm

Paul ZKTV wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:It applies to Cypriot programmes only ... and who with more than two brain cells watches that rubbish?

Hates jews ,wants gas chambers back and now anti - local greek TV .
maybe you should move to sunderland coz its 99.9% white ,(maybe coz no sun) ,and you get free healthcare ..

anyway im glad you followed my link and looked into it further then my 10seconds
and yes you do need to pay for it .... but if you want BBC WORLD here is my
fantazy companies link to it - pity you cant have our 14 day catchup ,but you would have to
pay for it ...maybe spend that 350,000 a year income on a bit of TV ,mind you we dont take any old riff raff ... index.m3u8

I think you should seek psychiatric help! You have so many self created illusions about me, without us ever having met, it is beyond comprehension where you get all theses strange impressions from. :roll:

We have had CytaVision for some 15 years and I also have a MINIX box which gets me anything you can provide, including KODI and all for free!

Your link does not work.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby CBBB » Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:24 am

Robin Hood wrote:It applies to Cypriot programmes only ... and who with more than two brain cells watches that rubbish?

So you speak Greek and can understand local television! Congratulations!

Yeah, right!!!!!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:37 am

CBBB wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:It applies to Cypriot programmes only ... and who with more than two brain cells watches that rubbish?

So you speak Greek and can understand local television! Congratulations!

Yeah, right!!!!!

From the man who complains about immigrants to the UK speaking bad English!
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:46 am

Robin Hood wrote:
You have to admit his arguments are pretty well thought out and based on his knowledge of economics.

I said no such thing, actually. I didn't find his arguments to be well thought out at all. He himself admits that the UK has already taken quite a hit, but he was arguing that this hit would have come sooner or later, anyway. I do not really subscribe to this reasoning. The UK has taken this hit at a very bad time. The UK and US economies have been moving in tandem over the past few years. The US economy is showing definite signs of improvement this year, and I have no doubt that the same improvement would be happening here were it not for the disastrous referendum result. While not as indebted as some other European countries, the UK has serious debt and really needs to be paying some of it back. Instead, the Bank of England has had to lower interest rates to a pathologically low quarter percent and is embarking on a bond buy back programme with printed money (essentially running up extra debt). This is the last thing the UK currently needs. The UK will suffer serious harm from this. Unlike Keen, I am not prepared to shrug my shoulders and say it was going to happen sooner or later. Maybe it is because Keen is not a British citizen and knows he can go back to Australia anytime he wants that he can observe these events with such cool detachment.
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Re: Brexit ..... The Movie

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:50 am

Robin Hood wrote:
English law has been chosen for the Banking system and it is transposing English Law into EU Law that will be difficult and a very long process.

What a load of rubbish. You really know nothing, I am sorry to say. Oh ... Don't tell me. You were dining with Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, at the weekend, and he told you so.
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