I am an Australia girl who is going to Cyprus in June and am a little worried about crossing the border.
My flight comes into the ercan airport. Firstly is this airport safe as I've heard it's off the airline radar?
Also if I land is north Cyprus will it be possible to cross the border to south Cyprus easily?
I am an Australia citizen and I am a little worried this would be a problem, As I heard if you come in from the north side of Cyprus you may get arrested if you go to the south as your came an "illegal" way by the north.
So should I change my flights to come into Cyprus in the south? Would that be safer?
Or should I be safe flying into the north.
I am 19 years old and travelling by myself and with all the political unrest these months I am curious to know how I should plan..
Really need honest and real response, so if you know certainly that would be great!
Thank you for your help!!