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Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:02 pm

This so called anti-Semitism has become a bit of a joke. It is only necessary to criticise in any way shape of form, the actions of Israel and it is regarded as anti-Semitic. This could be a very interesting thread!

A good example (these 'mendacious' maps have been around for years but never in the MSM) this just demonstrates the power of the Zionist Lobby!
Israel - Map Censorship By Lawrence Davidson

What is the difference between a textbook publisher giving into pressure from Christian fundamentalists seeking to censor the teaching of evolution, and a publisher giving in to Zionists seeking to censor awareness of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine? Neither phenomenon is a matter of opinion or perspective. One act of censorship denies facts established by scientific research. The other denies the documented violation of international law (for instance, the Fourth Geneva Convention) and multiple UN resolutions. So the answer to the question just asked is – there is no difference.

In early March 2016 executives at McGraw-Hill took the extreme step of withdrawing from the market a published text, Global Politics: Engaging a Complex World, and then proceeded to destroy all the remaining books held in inventory. (Did they burn them?) Global Politics, which had been on the market since 2012, was a text designed by its authors to “offer students a number of lenses through which to view the world around them.” Why did McGraw-Hill do this?

Apparently the book was obliterated (this seems to be an accurate description of the publisher’s actions) because, like a biology text that describes the established facts of evolution, Global Politics offered a “lens to view the world” that was judged blasphemous by a powerful, influential and ideologically driven element of the community. Of course, that is not how McGraw-Hill rationalized its action. Instead, the publisher claimed that a serious inaccuracy in the text was belatedly discovered. This took the form of a series of four maps that show “Palestinian loss of land from 1946 to 2000.” The maps are the first set which can be seen at the following link: ( ([i]The last map was dated 2000, since then the Palestinians have lost a lot more land.)

The full article from ICH:

There are those that deny that Judaism and Zionism are different. :x

Judaism is a religion ..... Zionism is a political movement and their aims are every bit as frightening as those of ISIS!

Those Zionists that claim that God gave Israel to the Jews as his chosen people, may well be right BUT ...... you will find no descendant's of the original 13 tribes of Israel living in Israel .... in fact maybe not living at all. The present occupiers of Israel are Ashkenazi Jews who adopted the religion a hundred years or so after Mohamed! They were a war like nation that came from south-eastern Europe ..... so the ME is not their land ..... does Netanyahu look like an Arab? :roll:

Tim Drayton:
Well, surely when Balfour supported Zionism in the famous Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917 he, too, did so because he thought this would be a solution to the so-called 'Jewish Problem' based on the premise that Jews and non-Jews cannot live together, which is a racist and anti-Semitic viewpoint.

Read the Balfour Declaration ..... had the Zionists stuck to the main paragraph, we would not have the problems we have today. Just like now ..... Zionists respect no barriers that prevent them achieving their aims!

Balfour Declaration, main paragraph:

“His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 29, 2016 7:36 pm

Robin wrote: had the Zionists stuck to the main paragraph, we would not have the problems we have today. "

Robin, are the Zionists, in your opinion, at all responsible for the continued killings and mass exodus of Syrians ?

If the Israelis were not where they are now do you think that the region would be living in peace. I doubt it very much .
Last edited by miltiades on Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:17 pm

Tim wrote: had the Zionists stuck to the main paragraph, we would not have the problems we have today. "

Tim, are the Zionists, in your opinion, at all responsible for the continued killings and mass exodus of Syrians ?

If the Israelis were not where they are now do you think that the region would be living in peace. I doubt it very much .

Those were my words not Tims!

How do you manage to translate the content of the Balfour Declaration to current events in Syria? I don’t think the part the Israeli's play directly in the conflict in Syria is significant but they hold a lot of power in the US. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes? :roll:

Like many stories I have heard about how TC and GC families lived quite peacefully together through history the same applied to the Palestinians and Jews. The problem was, and still is, the Zionists. It is a very long and complex story going back thousands of years. There can never be peace until there is a just solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. IMO: The Zionists are the biggest obstacle to that peace process.

If the subject interests you this site is worth a visit as it covers the whole history up to the present day.

An honest site, run by ex-journalist Alison Weir, who was sent by a US newspaper to cover a story in the West Bank and Gaza. What she saw so upset her that she quit her job and started this web site in 2001(?) to inform the American people about the conflict and history and to spread the truth. She has been attacked by Zionist interests almost continuously, trying to shut her down and disrupting lecture tours she gives in the US.

A history of the conflict ........ :

‘If Americans Knew’ .........
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:25 pm

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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:27 pm

Sorry for my error which has now been corrected.

I believe that if and when the Arab countries as well as other ME countries accept the right of Israel to exist then peace will return to the region. For as long as the destruction of Israel remains high on the agenda of most of these nations peace will be achieved.

May I also state that I don't buy these Zionist views and ancient historical facts or hearsay, I firmly believe that peace can be achieved if only Israel was recognized as having the right to exist.
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby Sotos » Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:23 pm

If I dislike bananas does that make me anti-fruit? The Semitic people are not just the Jews and Jews are not just the Israelis. Therefore those comments are "anti-Israel" not "anti-Semitic".

I don't see why that view is anti-Semitic. It is clear to me that there will never be peace in the Levant until that arrogant fascist killing machine that calls itself Israel, which is not satisfied with the territory gifted to it after the legitimate residents were ethnically cleansed from it and continues to expand and ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their own land using a variety of policies including systematic extrajudicial killings, is removed from the map. Anti-Zionisn is NOT anti-Semitism. On the other hand, there is a genuine problem in that people have been born in that territory and given citizenship of this state that the great powers of the day saw fit to create and they cannot be held to account for the accident of having been born in territory that was ethnically cleansed of Palestinians, and so a solution must be found for them. Resettling these people, if they do not want to remain and learn to live in peace and harmony with Palestinians, to the USA seems like a reasonable idea to discuss. After all, the USA is not such a bad place to live and the USA bears a lot of responsibility for backing Israel to the hilt in its crimes against humanity.

I agree... but Palestine was under British rule when lots of Jews moved there and the UK possibly has a greater responsibility for the creation of Israel than USA. What should have been done is that after WWII a part of GERMANY should have been given to the Jews. That would be fair.

Tim, here we differ as I do not subscribe to your views on multicultural UK or anywhere else for that matter. Each nation has its unique " home made" culture evolved over hundreds of years, I see no reason why alien cultures have to be embraced and nurtured in the same manner as local native cultures. The immigrants who came to the UK, as I did, have a choice. Either blend in or blend out.

I agree with that too with one exception: Imperialists. Those that went around screwing up the homelands of others have no moral right to bitch about multiculturalism.
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:37 pm

I believe that if and when the Arab countries as well as other ME countries accept the right of Israel to exist then peace will return to the region. For as long as the destruction of Israel remains high on the agenda of most of these nations peace will be achieved.

This idea that these countries want to destroy Israel is what you describe as “.....I also state that I don't buy these Zionist views and ancient historical facts or hearsay” other words, a fallacy. The statement attributed to Khomenie (Later repeated by Ahmadinejad) that he wanted to ‘..........wipe Israel off the map’ was proved to be incorrect within about 24 hours of it being reported in a US Newspaper. But it has suited the Zionist propaganda apparatus to keep the myth alive. Read what he actually said ..... it is different from the version the Zionists push.

As a Cypriot would you be happy if your Government just shook hands with the Turkish leaders, gave them all they wanted to make peace and then just walked away from the conflict ....... would the British ..... would the Americans ..... I somehow doubt it!

The threat is from Israel and they demonstrate it regularly. The Israeli’s have attacked every one of the neighbouring countries. (Egypt/Lebanon/Syria/Yemen/Sudan/Somalia and even Tunisia) No Arab country has ever invaded or occupied Israeli declared lands since they declared UDI in 1948. The threat to peace is not the Arabs or the Iranians.

It seems to me that the Israeli’s have the right to self defence but no other country has that right against Israel. Even a contrary view of Israeli action is treated as an attack on the Jews......... as the OP shows ...... no matter how small the indiscretion it is blown out of all proportion to paint Israel every time as the victim ......... but never the aggressor! You won’t see this in the MSM ....... tells the wrong story!
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby Get Real! » Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:41 pm

miltiades wrote:I believe that if and when the Arab countries as well as other ME countries accept the right of Israel to exist then peace will return to the region. For as long as the destruction of Israel remains high on the agenda of most of these nations peace will be achieved.

May I also state that I don't buy these Zionist views and ancient historical facts or hearsay, I firmly believe that peace can be achieved if only Israel was recognized as having the right to exist.

I took a massive risk clicking "Display this post" to see if you've wisened up after about a year but alas... it seems you're doomed to live in perpetual stupidity! :lol:

NB: Ah well, you'll get another chance in about 12 months when I check on you again.
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby kurupetos » Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:58 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:


:shock: Frightening...
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Re: Anti-Semitic comments by leading Labour party members

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:10 am

Tim Drayton wrote:I wonder if anybody can help me. A furore is currently being whipped up about supposedly anti-Semitic comments made by leading members of the British Labour party. However, I have been trawling through the net in search of even one such comment, and to no avail. Can anybody please give me an example of such an anti-Semitic comment? I vote for the Labour party in the UK and certainly would not do so if I thought there was anything racist about them, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

the BBC being the mouth pice of israel, every time israek is critisised in any way the person saying it is accused of being anti-symetic by israel, the worrying trend is that the bbc acutally does the same. there is also evidence that jews prior to world war two had a deal with hitler and hitler promised them palestine as a home land once he took over the middle east. which is why our ken said that hitler liked jews and jews like hitler before the war.

this makes interesting reading.

and of course israel was compared to the nazis regarding how they treat the palastenians. it may not be the same but it ceertainly comparable.
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