The road you choose in life depends on you.
I found this video particularly profound.
Cap wrote:The road you choose in life depends on you.
I found this video particularly profound.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:For me, it reinforces the nature-nurture debate.
That man was clearly of a good nature. But the divisive society has turned him into a criminal.
The white woman has had a life of relative privilege, I suspect, and hence has done better for herself.
Thanks for sharing.
I believe in equality and feel for those who are downtrodden by imperialists.
One day Africans will be given the 'equality' recognition they deserve.
supporttheunderdog wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:For me, it reinforces the nature-nurture debate.
That man was clearly of a good nature. But the divisive society has turned him into a criminal.
The white woman has had a life of relative privilege, I suspect, and hence has done better for herself.
Thanks for sharing.
I believe in equality and feel for those who are downtrodden by imperialists.
One day Africans will be given the 'equality' recognition they deserve.
Yes, you seem to think that Belgium deserved to be attacked by a terrorists because Belgium was critical of Greece. Perhaps Belgium had some justification for its criticism when it is now reported that the terrorists exploited the serious deficiencies identified in the management by Greece of its external eu border to slip in to Schengen. Against that your sympathy for the criminal and superficial comments about the judge , containg as they do sterotypical assertions, come across to me as being full of your racist psuedo egalitarian bile.
(Belgium extremely sorry for what happened to you yesterday but think back to how derogatory you were about Greece's troubles and change your ways. Those innocent people did not deserve Belgium's lack of moral fibre and selfishness in not helping stem the flow of migrants into the EU's external borders. Even if the bombers were home-grown Belgians, these terrorists are getting more confident because of the sheer increase in number of people/migrants that are prepared to support them and hide them whilst they plot.)
supporttheunderdog wrote:Yes when whther you like it or not as a mater of eu law EU regulation EC2007/2004 with our without ammendment (paragraph 4 ) it was Greece's responsibility to control its external borders and where whther yiu like it or not responsibility for day to management will remsin with Greece even when the new eu birder force comes in to effect and where whether you like it or not Greece has been found by the people who matter, that is the Eu commission and council, not Erolz nor me, in serious deficiency in respect of its managagement of its external eu borders and where whethrr you like or not the people who matter, that is the EU commission and Council, not Erolz nor Me, are taking action to require Greece to deal with those deficiencies, where whether you like it or not the plan produced by Greece on 12 April had to be refered back as it was not in some respects clear or correct, and where whther you like it or neither Frontex nor Belgium were deficient iin someway to blame for the terrorists sneaking back in through Greece, as whether you like it or not that is and will remain Greeces's responsibility, and where your efforts to absolve Greece of blame are im my view sick, particularly when some of those who sneaked in to do these evil deeds did so through through Greece.
Apologies Cap for trolling your thread about the touching reunion but to me little of what Gig says has any credibility. The fact is we do not know what the circumstances were of the two people and what lead to one becoming a judge and the other an alleged and gig is as usual peddling her dubious world view to explain it.
supporttheunderdog wrote:Yes when whther you like it or not as a mater of eu law EU regulation EC2007/2004 with our without ammendment (paragraph 4 ) it was Greece's responsibility to control its external borders and where whther yiu like it or not responsibility for day to management will remsin with Greece even when the new eu birder force comes in to effect and where whether you like it or not Greece has been found by the people who matter, that is the Eu commission and council, not Erolz nor me, in serious deficiency in respect of its managagement of its external eu borders and where whethrr you like or not the people who matter, that is the EU commission and Council, not Erolz nor Me, are taking action to require Greece to deal with those deficiencies, where whether you like it or not the plan produced by Greece on 12 April had to be refered back as it was not in some respects clear or correct, and where whther you like it or neither Frontex nor Belgium were deficient iin someway to blame for the terrorists sneaking back in through Greece, as whether you like it or not that is and will remain Greeces's responsibility, and where your efforts to absolve Greece of blame are im my view sick, particularly when some of those who sneaked in to do these evil deeds did so through through Greece.
Apologies Cap for trolling your thread about the touching reunion but to me little of what Gig says has any credibility. The fact is we do not know what the circumstances were of the two people and what lead to one becoming a judge and the other an alleged and gig is as usual peddling her dubious world view to explain it.
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