I am not sure if you come to this forum any more, but I just wanted to pass on the following sad news if you do. Perhaps you recall that you housed a six-week old black and white kitten with me in the summer of 2005. That kitten, who I called Micky, grew into a small but robust cat, pictured below when aged about five. The sad news is that Micky passed away in the morning of Sunday 17 April, at the relatively young age of 10 years and 10 months. I am broken hearted at this loss, but the only consolation is that he was fully healthy and in command of all his faculties when he appears to have been hit by a sudden fatal heart attack on the way from the daytime den where he used to sleep to the food and water area. After his arrival here, he lived for the rest of his life in the same home, which he appeared to love dearly, and only left once a year for the hated annual routine trip to the vet. I took his body to a place in the hills where eleven months ago I buried his housemate Lucky, who also succumbed to a sudden unexpected death at an even younger age, and buried him there in a decent sized grave.